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There are 17 eight-letter words containing SEQUcorseque obsequie sequaela sequalae Sequeira sequelae sequelæ sequella sequence sequency sequents sequevar sequined sequitur sequoian sequoias Sequoyah 20 definitions found- corseque — n. A pole weapon with a spike and two lateral blades on a shaft.
- obsequie — n. Obsolete form of obsequy.
- sequaela — n. Misspelling of sequela.
- sequalae — n. Misspelling of sequelae.
- Sequeira — prop.n. A surname.
- sequelae — n. Plural of sequela.
- sequelæ — n. Plural of sequela.
- sequella — n. Misspelling of sequela.
- sequence — n. A set of things next to each other in a set order; a series. — n. (Uncountable) The state of being sequent or following; order of succession. — n. A series of musical phrases where a theme or melody is repeated…
- sequency — n. (Mathematics) Half the number of zero crossings in the time… — n. A pattern or order of sequential items in a series.
- sequents — n. Plural of sequent.
- sequevar — n. A group of genetic strains characterised by a specific DNA sequence.
- sequined — adj. Decorated with sequins.
- sequitur — n. A logical conclusion or consequence of facts.
- sequoian — adj. Of, pertaining to, or reminiscent of sequoia trees.
- sequoias — n. Plural of sequoia.
- Sequoyah — prop.n. Inventor of the syllabary for writing the Cherokee language…
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