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There are 74 words containing SEDIMbiosediment biosedimentary bio-sedimentary biosedimentation biosediments cosediment cosedimentation cosedimentations cosedimented cosedimenting cosediments hydrosedimentary metasediment metasedimentaries metasedimentary metasediments morphosedimentary nonsedimentable nonsedimentary organosedimentary palaeosediment paleosediment paleosedimentation pedosediment pedosedimentary pedosediments postsedimentary resediment resedimentation resedimented resedimenting resediments sediment sedimentable sedimentaceous sedimental sedimentaries sedimentarily sedimentary sedimentary␣basin sedimentary␣rock sedimentary␣rocks sedimentate sedimentated sedimentates sedimentating sedimentation sedimentational sedimentations sedimentator sedimentators sedimented sedimenting sedimentitious sedimentize sedimentized sedimentizes sedimentizing sedimentologic sedimentological sedimentologically sedimentologies sedimentologist sedimentologists sedimentology sedimentous sediments subsediment synsedimentarily synsedimentary tectosedimentary ultrasedimentation unsedimented volcanosedimentary
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