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There are 207 eleven-letter words containing TAPacataphasia akataphasia ascitic␣taps attapulgite audiotaping autapomorph autapotypic Baird's␣tapir bejutapauts beta-peptide betaprodine bibliotaphs bike␣staples buddy␣taping cataphonics cataphracts cataplectic catapleiite cataplexies catapulters catapultian catapultier catapulting cenotaphies cinitapride crotaphites crotaphitic crotaphytid dictaphones dirlotapide doolally␣tap endostapler epitaphical epitaphists epitaphized epitaphizes epitaphless extrastapes fashion␣tape florbetapir foot-tapping gaffer␣tapes gait␣apraxia Gestapolike golden␣staph guttapercha gutta-percha gutta␣percha heeltapping heptaphanes heptaploids heptaploidy heptapodies heptaprenyl heptapterid Instapoetry juxtaposers juxtaposing juxtaposits kataplectic lysostaphin masking␣tape metapackage metaparable metapattern metapelites metapeptone metaphonize metaphoreme metaphorick metaphorics metaphoring metaphorise metaphorist metaphorize metaphragma metaphrased metaphrases metaphrasis metaphrasts metaphyseal metaphysial metaphysick metaphysics metaphytons metaplasias metaplasmic metaplastic metaplectic metapleural metapleuron metapodiale metapodials metapotamal metaproblem metaprocess metaprogram metaprotein metapsychic metapurpose metapuzzles mitratapide multitapers not␣a␣patch␣on notaphilist octapartite octapeptide octaperfect otapostasis packing␣tape pantaphobia parcel␣tapes pataphysics 'pataphysics Patapoutian pavement␣ape pentaphenes pentaphenyl pentaphilia pentaphonic pentaphyrin pentaploids pentaploidy pentapodies pentapoleis pentaprismo- pentaprisms pentaptotes pentaptychs pipe-staples pitapatting pit-a-patting pleural␣taps prêt-à-porter punched␣tape radiata␣pine rataplanned retapamulin Santaphobes Santaphobia screwtaping self-tapping sellotaping Sitātapatrā spent␣a␣penny splice␣tapes sports␣tapes stapedotomy staphopains staphylinid staphylomas Staplefield Staplehurst sticky-taped sticky-tapes sticky␣tapes syntaphilin Tapachultec Tapanatepec tapejarines tapejaroids tape␣library tape␣machine tape␣measure tape␣players taper␣candle tape-records tapersticks tapescripts tapestrying tapetosomes taphephobia taphofacies taphofloras taphologist taphonomies taphonomist taphophiles taphophilia taphophilic taphophobia tapiromorph tapotements tappigraphy taproot␣text tap-tackling thetaprobes three-tapped ticker␣tapes till-tappers trimetaphan Turing␣tapes unepitaphed untappicing videotapers videotaping voltaplasts went␣apeshit wheeltapper wheel-tapper wiretappers wiretapping wire-tapping wire␣tapping wool␣stapler yottaparsec zeta␣pinches
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