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There are 83 eleven-letter words containing TARSacrotarsial acrotarsium action␣stars afrotarsiid almacantars almucantars altar␣screen altar␣server altarstones altar-stones altar␣stones apicotarsus Argead␣stars barium␣stars basketstars basket␣stars bass␣guitars binary␣stars carbon␣stars carpotarsal crurotarsal crurotarsan difetarsone distitarsus double␣stars exotic␣stars extratarsal gender␣stars guitarscape harpguitars harp-guitars harp␣guitars helium␣stars infratarsal intertarsal intratarsal juniper␣tars Kleene␣stars lead␣guitars life␣mortars lime␣mortars longitarsal lute-guitars lute␣guitars mediotarsal mehtarships metatarsals metatarsian moon␣guitars orphan␣stars philotarsid Planck␣stars pseudostars retrotarsal rising␣stars seeing␣stars star␣schemas star-showers star␣showers star␣streams starstudded star-studded star␣systems superaltars supratarsal tarsal␣bones tarsal␣gland tarsiiforms tarsipedids tarsocrural tarsonemids tarsorraphy tarsotarsal tarsotibial tarsotomies tartar␣sauce Tatarstanis tibiotarsal tibiotarsus triple␣stars T␣Tauri␣stars venous␣stars wanderstars
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