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There are 28 nineteen-letter words containing TOMYabdominohysterotomy choledocholithotomy chromoblastomycosis cystopericystectomy dihydrostreptomycin duodenoduodenostomy ectomycorrhizations esophagoenterostomy esophagogastrectomy esophagogastrostomy esophagojejunostomy frontoethmoidectomy hemilabyrinthectomy hepaticojejunostomy intercricothyrotomy ovariosalpingectomy pancreaduodenectomy phacotrabeculectomy pleuropneumonectomy polydermatomyositis postcholecystectomy proctosigmoidectomy protomyofibroblasts radical␣hysterectomy salpingoophorectomy salpingoovariectomy ureterocutaneostomy ureteroureterostomy
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