List of 9-letter words containing Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a fifth letter
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There are 129 nine-letter words containing THORacanthors allthorns anthorism Armthorpe athoracic Austhorpe authordom authoress authorial authoring authorise authorish authorism authority authorize Bagthorpe bathorses boathorse boxthorns buckthorn Calthorpe carthorse Cawthorne Cawthorns Caythorpe coauthors co-authors Crathorne Craythorn dithorium ecthoreum Fasthorse firethorn Garthorpe Gawthorpe gift␣horse Goldthorp grunt-horn Hanthorpe Hawthorne hawthorns Hawthorns hawthorny Henthorne Henthorns Hexthorpe Highthorn hookthorn Jim␣Thorpe knobthorn lanthorns Leathorns Longthorn Lowthorpe Lowthorps Manthorpe maythorns midthorax nonauthor Northorpe Nunthorpe Oakthorpe octothorn octothorp outhorror plethorae plethoral plethoras plethoric posthorns post-horns post␣horns posthorse post-horse post␣horse prothorax pyothorax reauthors Rowthorne salt␣horse sandthorn Saxthorpe shorthorn Sibthorpe synthorax thoracick thoracics Thorburns Thoreauan Thoresens Thoresons thoriated thoriates thornback thornbill thornbird Thornburg Thornbury thornbush Thorndike Thorndyke Thornells Thorneloe thornfish Thornford thornhead Thornhill thornhogs thorniest thornless thornlets Thornleys thornlike Thornocks thorntail thorn-tree thorn␣tree thornveld thorofare Thorogood thoroughs Thorp␣Arch Thorpe␣Bay Thorstads thorutite thorybism Towthorpe trithorax xanthorin
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 36 words
- French Wiktionary: 68 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 20 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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