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There are 115 eight-letter words containing URLbecurled bihourly bi-hourly blurless Bourland bourlaws burlecue Burleigh burlesks Burleson burletta burlette burlicue burliest Burlings Burlison burlwood churlish Courland courlans curlable curlbars curl␣bars curled␣up curlered curliate curlicue curliest curlings curlless curlsome curlycue curly␣cuh curly␣fry curly␣top Durlands Durlings four-leaf fourling furlable furlanas furlined furlings furlongs Furlongs furlough Furlough Gourleys hourless hourlies hourlong hurlbats Hurlbert Hurlburt Hurlbuts Hurlford hurlings hurlwind kiss-curl kiss␣curl knurlers knurlier knurling leaf␣curl leg␣curls lipcurls love␣curl McCurley noncurly O'Hurleys outcurls outhurls Perrurle pourlieu pur␣laine Purleigh purlicue purlieus purlieux purlines purlings purloins purlwise Ranfurly recurled refurled savourly Scurlock Shurleys Shurlock spit␣curl spurless spurlets spurlike spurline spurling Spurling Spurlins Spurlock surliest surlings surloins thurling Thurlows Turlocks turlough Turlupin uncurled unfurled unhurled unpurled upcurled upfurled uphurled wurliest
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