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There are 8 words containing UNDERTRIAundertrial under-trial —— undertriage undertrials under-trials —— undertriaged undertriages —— undertriaging 10 definitions found- undertrial — n. (India, law) One who is currently on trial or who is imprisoned…
- under-trial — n. (India, law) Alternative spelling of undertrial.
- undertriage — n. The diagnosis of an injury as being less traumatic than it actually is. — v. To make such a diagnosis.
- undertrials — n. Plural of undertrial.
- under-trials — n. Plural of under-trial.
- undertriaged — v. Simple past tense and past participle of undertriage.
- undertriages — n. Plural of undertriage. — v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undertriage.
- undertriaging — v. Present participle of undertriage.
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