List of 13-letter words containing Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a third letter
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There are 120 thirteen-letter words containing YFacademy␣figure affinity␣fraud Airy␣functions baptism␣by␣fire Barnsley␣ferns beauty␣factory belly␣floppers bellyflopping belly␣flopping binary␣fission boundary␣fours boyfriendable boyfriendhood boyfriendless boyfriendship Broadway␣flats Broughty␣Ferry buffy␣fish␣owls butterflyfish butterfly␣fish candyflipping candy␣flipping carryforwards chutney␣ferret company␣fronts courtesy␣flags courtesy␣flush crayfisheries crayfisherman crayfishermen crayfish␣snake Cromarty␣Firth deityforsaken dietary␣fibres donkey␣fringes donkeyfuckers eighty-fourths empty␣function family␣friends feels␣sorry␣for friendly␣fraud fuzzyfication gallery␣forest gay␣for␣the␣stay geography␣fair ghostly␣father grey␣francolin Gryffindorish happy␣families Hayflick␣limit heavy␣frigates Helly␣families honeyfuggling island␣gray␣fox it's␣not␣my␣fault Jack␣Nasty-Face jellyfish␣baby jellyfishlike jellyfish␣tree kiddy␣fiddlers laboratoryful locally␣finite lunar␣hay␣fever mahogany␣flats marry␣fuck␣kill military␣forks monkeyface␣eel monkey␣flipped monkeyflowers monkey-flowers monthly␣friend Moreton␣Bay␣fig ninety-fourths nurseryfishes Oriskany␣Falls Ormsby␣filters penny-farthing penny␣farthing pentoxyfiline peroxyflavins pianny-forties pianny␣forties play␣favorites playfulnesses polyfactorial polyflavonoid polyfluorenes polyfructosan proximity␣fuse proximity␣fuze pussyfication rugby␣football safety␣factors seventy-fifths seventy-firsts seventy-fourth shied␣away␣from shies␣away␣from sissyfication smelly␣freckle sticky-fingers sticky␣fingers stringy␣floppy taken␣away␣from takes␣away␣from thirty-fourths three-day␣fever thryfallowing touchy-feelers toy␣fox␣terrier turkeyfurters twenty-firstly twentyfourmos twenty-fourmos twenty-fourths uncockneyfied unplayfulness wayfaring-tree wayfaring␣tree whiskey␣fungus
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 7 words
- French Wiktionary: 54 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 10 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 6 words
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