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The word maca is in the Wiktionary

49 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
  • maca n. The Andean medicinal herb Lepidium meyenii, or an extract of the root of this plant.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afar
    • maca pron. What? (inanimate).
  • Arabela
  • Aromanian
  • Bulgarian
    • маса n. Mass, aggregation.
    • маса n. A mass of, masses of, a lot of, lots of, heaps of.
    • маса n. (In plural) the masses, the multitude, the millions.
  • Bulgarian - Macedonian
  • Catalan
    • maca adj. Feminine singular of maco.
    • maça n. Mace (weapon).
    • maça n. Mallet.
  • Central nahuatl
  • Chechen
  • Classical nahuatl
  • Drehu
    • maca n. Right (direction).
  • Finnish
    • maca n. Maca, Peruvian ginseng, Lepidium meyenii.
  • Friulian
    • maçâ v. (Transitive) to kill, slaughter.
  • Irish
    • maca n. Vocative plural of mac.
  • Javanese
  • Kazakh
  • Lombard
  • Macedonian - Serbo-croatian
  • Paiwan
  • Polish
    • maca v. Third-person singular present of macać.
    • mącą v. Third-person plural present of mącić.
  • Romanian
    • maca n. Mau Mau (card game).
    • mâcă n. Obsolete form of moacă.
  • Serbo-croatian
    • maca n. (Hypocoristic) cat, kitty.
  • Taino
  • Tundra nenets
  • Turkish
    • maça n. ♠, spades in card- and boardgames.
  • Venetian
  • Vietnamese
— In French —
  • maca n.m. (Vocabulaire des TAAF) (Ornithologie) Gorfou macaroni.
  • maca n.m. (Régionalisme) (Ichtyologie) Chabot commun, poisson des…
  • maca n.f. (Botanique) Plante herbacée bisannuelle à racine pivotante…
  • maça v. Troisième personne du singulier du passé simple de macer.
— In Spanish —
  • macá s. Zoología. Ave acuática palmípeda (con dedos unidos por una…
— In Portuguese —
  • maca s. Cama longa e suspensa em que dormem os marinheiros a bordo.
  • maca s. Espécie de padiola para transportar doentes ou feridos.
  • maca s. (Brasil) saco de couro para levar roupa em viagem amarrado…
  • maca s. (Angola) problema, conflito.
  • maça s. Arma branca que se compõe de um pau e na ponta uma bola espinhosa…
  • maça s. (Trás-os-Montes) utensílio para maçar o linho.
  • maçã s. O fruto comestível da macieira.
  • Maçã s. Empresa chamada em inglês de Apple.
75 English words from 36 English definitions

aggregation a␣lot and Andean bargain boardgames bruise Bruised card card␣game cat dent Dented direction extract Eye Feminine form game ginseng give heaps herb How How␣many Hypocoristic inanimate kill kitty lot lots mac Maca Mace maco Mallet many mass masses Mau Mau␣Mau medicinal millions Mosquito multitude Obsolete participle Past Past␣participle person Peruvian Peruvian␣ginseng plant plural present read Right root singular slaughter spades Stick Table the Third Third␣person Third-person␣plural Third-person␣singular this Transitive Tree Vocative wash weapon What

21 English words from 13 foreign definitions

Angola Apple Ave bola Brasil Cama Chabot con des longa macaroni macer Montes para passé pau Plante problema que saco simple

1 foreign word from 36 English definitions


57 foreign words from 13 foreign definitions

acuática amarrado Arma Arma␣branca bisannuelle bordo Botanique branca Chabot␣commun chamada comestível commun conflito couro dedos du␣passé Empresa Espécie feridos fruto Gorfou Gorfou␣macaroni herbacée Ichtyologie inglês levar linho maçar macieira marinheiros Ornithologie padiola palmípeda passé␣simple personne pivotante poisson ponta por racine Régionalisme roupa singulier suspensa TAAF transportar Trás Trás-os-Montes Troisième Troisième␣personne uma una unidos utensílio viagem Vocabulaire Zoología

168 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Macao macas Macau macaw macabo macaca macaco macana Maca macaws macabre macacas macacos macadam Macadam MacAdam Macafee MacAfee Macaist macanas macaque Macaria macaron macauba macauco MacAvoy macaasim macacine macacoes macadams MacAdams MacAfees macahuba Macaists macajuel MacAlley Macallum macaloid Macaluso Macanese Macaoese macapuno macaques macarena Macarena Macarian macariid macarise macarism Macarius +118 words

108 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Amacao Bamacas camacas caimacam caimacan kaimacam Obamacan Obama-can sumacade balmacaan caimacams caimacans edumacate gum␣acacia homacanth kaimacams Obamacans Obama-cans Obamacare ObamaCare Obama-care Obama␣Care permacath pharmacal regmacarp almacantar balmacaans cinemacast edumacated edumacates gum␣acacias lumacaftor permacaths pharmacare regmacarps tarmacadam almacantars amma␣canteen edumacating edumacation eremacausis gammacamera gamma␣camera I'm␣a␣Catholic moor␣macaque Panama␣Canal pomacanthid tarmacadams amma␣canteens antimacassar +58 words

5 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

DMACA Bamaca camaca Pitomača alexipharmaca

6 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ACA mac Mac MAC Mac- Mac.

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ACA cam Cam CAM

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


32 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AACMs AACOM AACSM Acoma CADAM Calma Camaj caman camas Camas Cà␣Mau Camba camia Campa CAMRA cam'ra Can-Am cauma Čazma chama DMACA Maack Macao macas Macau macaw Macca Macha macra manca McAra McGaa

23 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

AAC AA-C aam AAM ACA ACM ama Ama AMA AMC CAA cam Cam CAM CMA C.M.A. maa mac Mac MAC Mac- Mac. MCA

56 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AACA Baca caca Caca DACA Jaca Maba Macc. mace Mace Mače Mach MACH mach. Mach. Maci mack Mack maco macr- macs Macs MACs MACS Macy maga Maga MAGA maha Maha MAHA mahā Maia maka Maka mala mama ma␣ma mana mara Mara masa Masa Mawa maya Maya maza Maza MBCA mica mrca MRCA NACA paca vaca Vaca

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ACA maa mac Mac MAC Mac- Mac. MCA

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Macca Macha macra manca

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