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The word major is in the Wiktionary

82 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • major adj. (Attributive)…
  • major adj. Of full legal age, having attained majority.
  • major adj. (Education) Of or relating to a subject of academic study chosen as a field of specialization.
  • major adj. (Music)…
  • major adj. (UK, dated) Indicating the elder of two brothers, appended to a surname in public schools.
  • major adj. (Logic).
  • major n. (Military) A rank of officer in the army and the US air force, between captain and lieutenant colonel.
  • major n. A person of legal age.
  • major n. (Music)…
  • major n. A large, commercially successful company, especially a record label that is bigger than an indie.
  • major n. (Education, North America, Australia, New Zealand) The principal subject or course of a student working…
  • major n. (Logic)…
  • major n. (Bridge) Ellipsis of major suit..
  • major n. (Canadian football) A touchdown, or major score.
  • major n. (Australian rules football) A goal.
  • major n. (British slang, dated) An elder brother (especially at a public school).
  • major n. (Entomology) A large leaf-cutter ant that acts as a soldier, defending the nest.
  • major n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of mayor and mair.
  • major v. (Intransitive) Used in a phrasal verb: major in.
  • Major prop.n. A surname.
  • Major prop.n. An unincorporated community in Kentucky.
  • Major prop.n. A village in Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Major n. (Military) Title for an army officer with the rank of major.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
    • major adj. Larger (superlative: el major / la major—largest).
    • major adj. Older (superlative: el major / la major—oldest).
    • major adj. Main, principal.
    • major adj. (Music) major.
    • major n. (Military) major.
    • major n. Of age, adult.
  • Czech
    • major n. Major (military).
  • Estonian
  • Friulian
    • majôr adj. Alternative form of maiôr.
  • Hungarian
  • Icelandic
    • majór n. Major (military rank).
  • Interlingua
    • major adj. (Comparative degree of grande) bigger.
  • Polish
    • major n. Major (military rank).
  • Romanian
    • major adj. Major (significant).
  • Serbo-croatian
    • major n. (Military, Serbo-Croatian, Serbo-Croatian) major (rank).
  • Swedish
    • major n. A major.
    • major n. A Squadron Leader (in the British Royal Air Force).
  • Turkish
— English words, defined in German —
  • major Adj. Bedeutend, wichtig.
  • major Adj. Musik, von der Tonart: Dur.
  • major Adj. Britisch, veraltet, nach Personennamen: „der Ältere“ („sen.“).
  • major S. Militär, Offiziersrang: Major.
  • major S. Schule/Universität, amerikanisch und australisch: Hauptfach (Kernfach).
  • major V. Schule/Universität: als Hauptfach gewählt haben / studieren.
— English words, defined in French —
  • major adj. Majeur.
  • major adj. (Familier) Qualifie un frère aîné ou une sœur aînée (terme usé dans les lycées).
  • major n. (Militaire) Grade militaire équivalent à celui de commandant en France.
  • major n. (Éducation) Spécialité dans les études supérieures.
  • major n. (Droit) Majeur, personne ayant atteint la majorité.
  • major n. (Musique) Major.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • major s. Milicia. Mayor (rango militar).
  • major s. Mayor de edad.
  • major s. En la universidad Especialidad.
  • major adj. Mayor.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • major s. Major.
  • major s. Acima da idade legal, maior.
  • major adj. Considerável, maior: de grande importância.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • major agg. Maggiore.
  • major s. (Militare) maggiore.
— In German —
  • Major S. Heer, Luftwaffe: Stabsoffiziersdienstgrad zwischen dem Stabshauptmann…
  • Major S. Offizier, der den Dienstgrad eines Majors innehat.
— In Dutch —
  • major n. De oudere (achter namen om verschillende mensen met dezelfde…
  • major n. (Onderwijs) hoofdvak waarin iemand afstudeert.
  • major n. (Bedrijfskunde) bedrijf dat door zijn omvang binnen een bedrijfstak…
— In French —
  • major n. (Militaire) (France) Grade le plus élevé des sous-officiers…
  • major n. (Militaire) (France) (Désuet) Officier chargé de diriger…
  • major n. (Militaire) (Armées étrangères) Commandant (Officier du grade…
  • major n. (Désuet) (France) Médecin militaire.
  • major n. (Éducation) Premier d’une promotion.
  • major n. (Économie) Plus importante entreprise dans les secteurs du…
  • major n. (Musique) Maison de disque parmi les leaders du marché de la musique.
  • major n. (Histoire) (Suisse) Variante de mayor.
  • major n. (Militaire) (Canada) Grade d’officier des Forces armées canadiennes.
  • major n.f. Grand groupe international de la musique ou du cinéma.
  • Major n.prop. Nom de famille.
— In Portuguese —
  • major s. Patente das forças armadas.
  • major s. (Nordeste do Brasil e Política) proprietário de terras com…
  • major s. (Estrangeirismo) (Indústria fonográfica) ver maior.
144 English words from 42 English definitions

academic acts adult age air air␣force Alternative A␣major America and ant appended army attained Attributive Australia Australian Australian␣rules between big bigger Bridge British brother brothers Canada Canadian Canadian␣football captain chosen colonel commercially community company Comparative Comparative␣degree course Croatian cutter dated defending degree Education elder Ellipsis Entomology especially Farm field football for force form full goal grande having important Indicating indie in␣public Intransitive Kentucky label large Larger largest Leader leaf leaf␣cutter leaf-cutter␣ant legal legal␣age lieutenant lieutenant␣colonel Logic Main mair major major␣in majority major␣score major␣suit mayor military military␣rank Music nest New New␣Zealand North North␣America Obsolete of␣a Of␣age officer Older oldest person phrasal phrasal␣verb principal public public␣school public␣schools rank record record␣label relating Royal Royal␣Air␣Force rules Saskatchewan school schools score Serbo-Croatian significant slang soldier specialization Squadron Squadron␣Leader student study subject successful suit superlative surname than that that␣is the Title touchdown two unincorporated Used verb village with working Zealand

52 English words from 40 foreign definitions

als armadas atteint Brasil Canada com commandant dans das dat dem den der des door Droit Dur een entreprise études Forces France grade Grand grande groupe Heer international leaders legal les Luftwaffe lycées maggiore Maison Major Majors mayor met militar musique Nom plus Premier promotion rango Schule sen sous terras und ver

2 foreign words from 42 English definitions

maio Serbo

105 foreign words from 40 foreign definitions

achter Acima afstudeert aîné aînée Ältere amerikanisch armées australisch ayant Bedeutend bedrijf Bedrijfskunde bedrijfstak binnen Britisch canadiennes celui chargé cinéma Considerável dans␣les de␣la Désuet dezelfde Dienstgrad diriger disque Économie edad Éducation eines élevé équivalent Especialidad Estrangeirismo étrangères études␣supérieures Familier famille fonográfica forças frère gewählt haben Hauptfach Histoire hoofdvak idade iemand importância importante Indústria innehat maior Maison␣de␣disque Majeur majorité marché Médecin mensen Milicia militaire Militär Militare Musik nach namen Nom␣de␣famille Nordeste officier officiers Offizier omvang Onderwijs oudere parmi Patente Personennamen personne Política proprietário Qualifie secteurs sœur sous-officiers Spécialité Stabshauptmann studieren Suisse supérieures terme Tonart une universidad Universität usé Variante veraltet verschillende von waarin wichtig zijn zwischen

150 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

majors Majors majorat Majorca majored major␣in majorly majoron majorant majorate majorats Majorcan majoress majoring majorise Majorism majorite Majorite majority majorize major␣key majorons majors␣in majorally majorants majorated majorates major␣axes major␣axis Majorcans majordomo major-domo major␣domo majored␣in majoresse majorette majorised majorises majorites Majorites majoritic majorized majorizer majorizes major␣keys major␣mode majorship major␣suit major␣term majorating +100 words

83 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

comajors Kamajors aid-majors comajored midmajors nonmajors premajors submajors comajoring Dii␣Majores drum␣majors fife␣majors minimajors in␣a␣major␣key labia␣majora nonmajority submajority supermajors antimajority double-majors double␣majors overmajority vast␣majority wurdee␣majors age␣of␣majority brigade␣majors double-majored hypermajority Moral␣Majority nonmajorities regalia␣majora semimajor␣axes semimajor␣axis semi-major␣axis submajorities supermajority super-majority trumpet␣majors woordie␣majors ages␣of␣majority double-majoring double␣majority overmajorities sergeant-majors sergeant␣majors sexual␣majority silent␣majority simple␣majority hypermajorities join␣the␣majority +33 words

55 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

A␣major B␣major C␣major D␣major E␣major F␣major G␣major comajor Kamajor aid-major midmajor nonmajor premajor submajor vis␣major drum␣major état␣major fife␣major minimajor semimajor semi-major Ursa␣Major A-flat␣major B-flat␣major Canis␣Major C-flat␣major D-flat␣major e-flat␣major E-flat␣major E␣flat␣major états␣major G-flat␣major labia␣major psoas␣major supermajor A-sharp␣major C-sharp␣major double-major double␣major F-sharp␣major wurdee␣major brigade␣major surgeon␣major trumpet␣major woordie␣major Caucasus␣Major Llantwit␣Major sergeant-major sergeant␣major sergeants-major sergeants␣major +4 words

6 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

jor Jor. maj Maj maj. Maj.

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

jam JAM Jam.

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Jarmo joram

22 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

A␣major Armijo B␣major C␣major D␣major E␣major F␣major G␣major Jahrom Jarmon jorams majors Majors majour Majuro mojari Morija romaja romaji Romaji rōmaji Rōmaji

16 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

amor Amor jamo jarm Jaro Maor Marj moar mora Mora Omar Oram Ramo roam roma Roma

8 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Magor Majur manor Manor maror Mator mayor Mayor

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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