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The word male is in the Wiktionary

113 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • male adj. Belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or to the gender which is typically associated with it.
  • male adj. Characteristic of this sex/gender. (Compare masculine, manly.)
  • male adj. Tending to lead to or regulate the development of sexual characteristics typical of this sex.
  • male adj. (Grammar, less common than ’masculine’) Masculine; of the masculine grammatical gender.
  • male adj. (Of bacteria) Having the F factor; able to impart DNA into another bacterium which does not have the…
  • male adj. (Figuratively) Of instruments, tools, or connectors: designed to fit into or penetrate a female counterpart…
  • male n. One of the male (masculine) sex or gender.
  • male n. A bacterium which has the F factor.
  • male n. A male connector, pipe fitting, etc.
  • Male prop.n. A surname.
  • Malé prop.n. The capital city of the Maldives.
  • male- pref. (Rare, derogatory) Variant of mal-; used to associate men with negative things.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afar
    • male part. Alternative form of maléey.
  • Albanian
    • malë n. Tip (tip), summit, top (tree).
    • malë n. Forest, woodland.
  • Czech
    • malé adj. Feminine genitive/dative/locative singular of malý, neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular of…
  • Danish
  • Danish - Norwegian bokmål
  • Esperanto
    • male adv. On the contrary.
    • male adv. Opposingly; in opposition.
  • Estonian
    • male n. (Board games) chess.
  • Hungarian
    • málé adj. Lumpish, loutish, clumsy.
    • málé adj. Doltish, dull, stupid.
    • málé n. (Regional) maize.
    • málé n. (Regional) polenta.
    • málé n. (Informal, derogatory) dolt (a weak-willed, helpless, simple-minded person).
  • Limburgish
  • Lower sorbian
    • małe adj. Neuter nominative/accusative singular of mały, nominative/accusative plural of mały.
  • Mandarin
    • mǎlè rom. Hanyu Pinyin reading of 馬勒.
  • Middle english
    • male n. A man; a male human or animal.
    • male n. (Rare) A "male" gem or plant.
    • male n. (Rare) Manhood; the state of being male.
    • male adj. Male (of masculine sex or gender).
    • male adj. Used in extended reference to supposedly "male" gems, plants, or astrological portents.
    • male n. A bag, pack, or wallet.
    • male n. The belly or one of its contents; a gut.
    • male n. (Chiefly Late ME, uncommon) The appletree (Malus domestica) or its fruit.
    • male n. Alternative form of mayle.
    • male n. (Northern ME) Alternative form of mel.
  • Norwegian bokmål
    • male v. To grind or mill (to make smaller by breaking with a device).
    • male v. To purr (of a cat, to make a vibrating sound in its throat when contented).
  • Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • male v. Alternative form of mala.
    • male v. (Pre-2012) alternative form of måle, to paint.
    • måle v. To paint.
  • Old french
  • Pali
    • male n. Locative singular of mala (“dirt”).
  • Polish
    • małe adj. Neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular of mały, nonvirile nominative/accusative/vocative plural of mały.
  • Sardinian
  • Serbo-croatian
    • male adj. Masculine accusative plural of mal, feminine genitive singular of mal, feminine nominative/accusative/vocative…
  • Slovak
    • malé adj. Neuter nominative/accusative singular of malý, inanimate masculine nominative/accusative plural of malý…
  • Swedish
    • mäle n. (Archaic) speech, manner of speaking.
  • Toba batak
  • Vietnamese
    • Ma-lê prop.n. Malé (the capital city of the Maldives).
  • Walloon
    • Male prop.n. Malta (a country in Europe).
— English words, defined in German —
  • male Adj. Männlich.
  • male S. Männliches Lebewesen.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • male n. Een mannelijk persoon of dier.
— English words, defined in French —
  • male adj. (Biologie, Médecine) Mâle. Note d’usage : Utilisé pour les animaux et aussi pour les êtres humains.
  • male n. Mâle.
  • Malé n.prop. (Géographie) Malé (capitale des Maldives).
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • male adj. Masculino, macho.
  • male s. Macho, varón.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • male adj. Macho.
  • male adj. Masculino.
  • male adj. Viril.
  • male s. Animal macho.
  • male s. Homem.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • male agg. (Sessualità) (biologia) uno dei generi di una specie: maschile.
  • male agg. (Linguistica) maschile.
  • male agg. (Senso figurato) che ha una spina esterna: maschio.
  • male s. Di genere maschile: maschio.
  • male s. (Linguistica) maschile.
  • male s. (Senso figurato) un tipo di connettore: maschio, spina.
— In German —
  • male V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs malen.
  • male V. 1. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs malen.
  • male V. 3. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs malen.
  • male V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs malen.
  • Male S. Nicht amtlich: Malé.
  • Male S. Hauptstadt der Malediven.
  • Male S. Weiblicher Vorname.
  • Male V. Variante für den Dativ Singular des Substantivs Mal.
  • Male V. Nominativ Plural des Substantivs Mal.
  • Male V. Genitiv Plural des Substantivs Mal.
  • Male V. Akkusativ Plural des Substantivs Mal.
  • Malé S. Male.
  • Malé S. Hauptstadt der Malediven.
  • Malé S. Insel, auf der Malé[1] liegt.
— In Dutch —
  • male n. Datief onzijdig van maal, archaïsche vorm die in enkele staande…
— In Latin —
  • male adv. Malo modo.
— In French —
  • male adj. Féminin singulier de mal, dans le sens de mauvaise.
  • mâle adj. De sexe masculin.
  • mâle adj. (Botanique) Qui n’a que des étamines, et est dépourvu de pistil.
  • mâle adj. (Par extension) Qui a l’apparence de la force qui conviendrait…
  • mâle adj. (Sens figuré) Qui est propre à l’homme.
  • mâle adj. (Technique) Qui pénètre dans une chose en parlant de prise…
  • mâle n.m. Homme dans l’espèce humaine.
  • mâle n.m. Animal de sexe masculin dans toutes les autres espèces.
  • mâle n.m. (Charentes) (Poitou) Ponne de 200 litres.
  • Malé n.prop.f. (Géographie) Capitale des Maldives.
  • Malè n.prop. (Géographie) Commune d’Italie de la province de Trente…
  • Mâle n.prop. (Géographie) Ancienne commune française, située dans…
— In Spanish —
  • Malé s. Es la capital de las Islas Maldivas.
— In Italian —
  • male adv. In modo brutto.
  • male s. (Filosofia) ciò che contrasta il bene.
  • male s. Opposto al bene.
  • male s. (Per estensione) (senso figurato) corruzione del bene.
  • male s. (Raro) (gergale) dolore fisico.
  • male s. (Filosofia), (religione) è causa ed effetto dell’immoralità…
  • male s. (Per estensione) danno subito oppure causato.
  • male s. Mi hai fatto male.
  • Male n.prop. (Toponimo) (geografia) capitale delle Maldive.
186 English words from 56 English definitions

able accusative alternative animal another appletree Archaic associate associated astrological bacteria bacterium Badly bag being belly Belonging Board Board␣games breaking breaking␣with capital capital␣city cat Characteristic characteristics chess Chiefly city clumsy common Compare connector connectors contented contents contrary counterpart country dative derogatory designed development device dirt DNA does dolt Doltish dull etc Europe extended factor female feminine Figuratively fit fit␣into fitting Forest form fruit games gem gems gender genitive Grammar grammatical grammatical␣gender grind gut Hanyu Hanyu␣Pinyin has have Having helpless human Hungry impart inanimate Informal instruments into its Late lead less locative loutish Lumpish maize make mal- mala Maldives male Malta Malus man Manhood manly manner masculine measure mel men mill minded negative neuter nominative nonvirile Northern not of␣a one On␣the On␣the␣contrary Opposingly opposition pack paint penetrate person Pinyin pipe plant plants plural polenta portents Pre- produces purr Rare reading reference Regional regulate sex sexual simple simple-minded singular smaller sound speaking speech sperm state state␣of␣being stupid summit supposedly surname Tending than the things this throat tip tools top to␣the tree typical typically uncommon used used␣to Variant vibrating vocative wallet weak weak-willed when which willed with with␣it woodland

55 English words from 57 foreign definitions

Animal apparence auf bene capital che chose commune dans del dell den der des die dier Een est extension force hai Homme Islas las les litres macho mal Maldives male Malo masculin Note Par Per Person pistil Plural Poitou pour prise propre province que Raro sens sexe Singular specie spina subito Technique usage van Verbs

1 foreign word from 56 English definitions


123 foreign words from 57 foreign definitions

Akkusativ Aktiv amtlich Ancienne animaux aussi autres biologia Biologie Botanique brutto capitale causa causato Charentes ciò connettore contrasta conviendrait corruzione danno Datief Dativ dei de␣la delle de␣mal dépourvu de␣sexe␣masculin dolore d’usage effetto enkele espèce espèce␣humaine espèces estensione esterna étamines êtres êtres␣humains fatto Féminin figurato figuré Filosofia fisico française für genere generi Genitiv geografia Géographie gergale Hauptstadt Homem homme humaine humains immoralità Imperativ Indikativ Insel Islas␣Maldivas Italie Konjunktiv Konjunktiv␣I Lebewesen liegt Linguistica maal Maldivas Maldive Mâle Malediven malen mannelijk Männlich Männliches maschile maschio Masculino mauvaise Médecine modo Nicht Nominativ onzijdig Opposto oppure Par␣extension parlant pénètre Per␣estensione persoon Ponne Präsens propre␣à qui religione Sens␣figuré senso senso␣figurato Sessualità singulier située staande Substantivs tipo Toponimo toutes Trente una une uno Utilisé Variante varón Viril vorm Vorname Weiblicher

223 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Malec Malek maleo maler Maler males Males Maley Maleah Malean Malecs maleic Maleks maleos malest maleyl Maleys Maleans maleate malebot male-bot male␣bot Malecha Malecki maledom malefic malefit Malenko Maleses Malesia Maleski malesub Maletta maleamic maleates malebots male-bots male␣bots Malechas malecide Malecite Maleckis malectin maledict maledoms male-fail male␣fern malefice malefics malefits +173 words

218 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Amalec Amalek Smales Emmalee femaler females nu-males Ramales Remaley tamales Tomales Zamalek biomales bio-males bio␣males boomaler cismales cis-males cis␣males dismaler femalely femalest Himmaleh marmalet neomales nonmales normaler normales Plymales primaled Remaleys romaleid sarmales Schmales shemales she-males tamalera Zamaleks alta-males Amalekite aromaless beta␣males boomalers camalexin commaless cream␣ales decimaled dimaleate dismalest dramaless +168 words

76 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Smale female nu-male tamale Tamale Wemale biomale bio-male bio␣male cismale cis-male cis␣male neomale nonmale normale Plymale sarmale Schmale shemale she-male alta-male antimale anti-male beta␣male cream␣ale hefemale ktiv␣male metamale unfemale alpha␣male big␣tamale biofemale bio-female bio␣female cisfemale cis-female cis␣female delta␣male gamma␣male hot␣tamale Hovermale intermale isofemale multimale neofemale nonfemale omega␣male sigma␣male supermale transmale trans-male trans␣male +24 words

6 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ale Ale mal Mal mal- Mal.

8 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Ela ELA E-la Elam lam Lam LAM Lam.

14 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

alme amel Elam Elma lame lamé leam Leam lema Lema meal -meal mela mela-

119 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Aleem Alemu almeh Almer almes amble Amble Amele ameli Amell amelo- amels ammel amole ample Armel belam blame calme camel Camel damel delam Delma Elham Elman email e-mail EMALS Embla femal flame fleam Gamel gleam hamel Hamel hemal Kemal Lambe lamed lamel lamen lameo lame-o lamer Lamer lames lamés Lamey +69 words

47 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ael AEM ale Ale alm ALM AmE AME AML EAL eam EAM Ela ELA E-la elm Elm ema EMA EML Lae LAE LαE lam Lam LAM Lam. lea Lea LEA Lem LEM L.E.M. Mae MAE mal Mal mal- Mal. MEA mel Mel MEL -mel- MLA M.L.A. MLE

77 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bale Bale cale dale Dale eale gale Gale hale Hale kale Kale mabe Mabe mace Mace Mače made mafe mage Mahé make mala Malc mald mali Mali mall malm Malm malo Malo mals malt MALT malu Maly mane Mane -mane mare Maré mase mate maté -mate maye Maye maze Maze mele mile Mile Mlle Mlle. mole Mole mo mule Mule nale Nale pale Pale pale- rale sale Sale Salé tale vale Vale wale yale Yale zale Zale

9 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ale Ale Mae MAE mal Mal mal- Mal. MLE

13 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Mable macle maile malae malle maple Maple marle maule Maule mawle Mayle meale

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