The word is in the Wiktionary20 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)— English words —
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50 English words from 14 English definitionsAbbreviation alpha also assigned capacitance ccTLD code country country␣code Danish electrical Electronics equal farads Folketing for forte frequency Friday IANA Initialism International ISO loud Martin Medicine medium megafarad Member Metrology mezzo mezzo␣forte millifarad Monday motherfucker motherfucking Music myelofibrosis Politics quite Saint Saint␣Martin since slang standards Symbol the through unit Vulgar 11 English words from 6 foreign definitionsFils Frequency interjection mec media Medium modulation Note Pas Radiodiffusion Type 12 foreign words from 6 foreign definitionsafkorting comme Fils␣de␣pute Fisica fréquence frequenza Initiaalwoord modulation␣de␣fréquence pute Sigle utilisé Vulgaire 46 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)MFA MFC mfd MFD mfg. Mfg. MFH MFI MFL MFM MFN MFP mfr MFR Mfr. mfs MFs MFS MFT mfw MFW MFAs MFCC MFCs mfds MFDs MFer MFHA MFHs MFMs MFNs MFPR MFPs mfrs MFRs MFers mfger MFPRs mfVSG MFWIC MFWTK Mfengu mfgers mfVSGs MFWICs Mfecane 880 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)AMFs CMFB EMFs MMFs omfg OMFG pmfs WMFs AAMFT BAMFs comfy DAMFs DTMFA FTMFW HMFIC humfs IAMFI lmfao LMFAO LMFBR PMFJI REMFs samfu ZOMFG AICMFP aimful armful BOMFOG bumfit comfit damfoo femfan femfen fumfer GM-free Gyamfi hamfat HMFICs humfed I'm␣fine I'm␣full jamful komfyt LMFBRs oomfie OOMFie samfie samfoo samfus smFRET +830 words 29 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)AMF DMF Dmf. emf EMF FMF GMF HMF IMF LMF MMF pmf PMF SMF WMF AUMF bamf BAMF bumf comf DAMF DTMF hmmf humf oomf OOMF REMF SEMF TRDMF 3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)101 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)AFM AMF BFM CFM DFM DMF Dmf. EFM emf EMF fam Fam Fam. FCM FDM fem FEM fem- fem. FFM FGM FIM FMA FMC FMD FMF FMG FMJ fml FML FMN FMQ fmr fmr. FMs FMS fmt FMT FMV FMX fmz FOM fpm Frm. FSM FtM FTM fum FYM GMF +51 words 171 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)af AF bf BF BF% B.F. cf CF cf. c.f. df DF d.f. d.␣f. ef EF ff FF ff. gf GF hf HF if IF KF lf LF ma Ma MA M&A M+A -ma- M.A. mb Mb MB M.B. mc Mc MC Mc- M/C M.C. Md MD m/d Md. m.d. M.D. M.␣D. me Me ME /me Me. M&E -me- MG M&G m.g. mh MH mh+ mh- mi MI mi. MJ mk Mk MK Mk. M/K ML mm mM MM m/m M&M MM. m.m. mn Mn MN mo Mo MO -mo m/o mo' Mo. m.o. M.O. mp Mp MP M.P. MQ (+71 words) 18 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)MAF mcf MCF MDF MEF mgf MGF MIF MMF MoF MOF MPF MRF MSF MtF MTF MUF Myf
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