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The word model is in the Wiktionary

76 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • model n. A person who serves as a subject for artwork or fashion, usually in the medium of photography but also…
  • model n. A person, usually an attractive male or female that is hired to show items or goods to the public, such…
  • model n. A representation of a physical object, usually in miniature.
  • model n. A simplified representation used to explain the workings of a real world system or event.
  • model n. A style, type, or design.
  • model n. The structural design of a complex system.
  • model n. A successful example to be copied, with or without modifications.
  • model n. (Logic) An interpretation function which assigns a truth value to each atomic proposition.
  • model n. (Logic) An interpretation which makes a set of sentences true, in which case that interpretation is…
  • model n. (Medicine) An animal that is used to study a human disease or pathology.
  • model n. Any copy, or resemblance, more or less exact.
  • model n. (Software architecture) In software applications using the model-view-controller design pattern, the…
  • model adj. Worthy of being a model; exemplary.
  • model v. (Transitive) to display for others to see, especially in regard to wearing clothing while performing…
  • model v. (Transitive) to use as an object in the creation of a forecast or model.
  • model v. (Transitive) to make a miniature model of.
  • model v. (Transitive) to create from a substance such as clay.
  • model v. (Intransitive) to make a model or models.
  • model v. (Intransitive) to be a model of any kind.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Albanian
  • Albanian - Cebuano
  • Catalan
  • Catalan - Crimean tatar - Czech - Welsh
  • Cebuano
    • model n. Fashion model.
    • model n. Model, poser; someone who poses for a photograph or painting.
    • model n. Framework.
    • model v. To model.
    • model v. To become or work as a fashion model.
    • model v. To pose.
    • model n. (Colloquial, humorous) a funeral home worker; a funeral director or funeral attendant See usage notes.
  • Czech
    • model n. Genitive plural of modla.
  • Icelandic
    • módel n. Model (person).
    • módel n. Model (object).
    • módel n. The year a car was made; a car’s model.
    • módel n. (Colloquial) the year a person was born in.
  • Indonesian
    • model n. Model…
    • model n. (Psychology) role model, a person who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by others.
  • Polish
    • model n. Model (miniature).
    • model n. Model (simplified representation).
    • model n. Model (style).
    • model n. Model (structural design).
    • model n. Model (person who serves as a subject for artwork).
    • model n. Model (person who serves as a subject for fashion).
    • modeł n. Genitive plural of modła.
  • Romanian
  • Serbo-croatian - Turkish
    • model n. Model (clarification of this definition is needed).
  • Venetian
— English word, defined in German —
  • model S. Abbild, Form, Modell, Vorbild.
— English words, defined in French —
  • model n. Modèle, maquette.
  • model n. Mannequin (personne présentant des articles de mode sur des photographies ou dans les défilés de mode).
  • model adj. Exemplaire, modèle, type.
  • model v. Modeler.
  • model v. Modéliser.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • model s. Modelo.
  • model v. Modelar.
  • model v. Hacer un modelo.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • model adj. Que serve como modelo.
  • model s. Modelo.
  • model v. Modelar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • model s. (Rappresentazione in scala) modello, modellino.
  • model s. (Versione di auto, apparecchio, indumento) modello.
  • model s. (Moda) modello, modella, indossatore, indossatrice.
  • model s. Modellare.
  • model s. Indossare.
  • model s. Impostare.
— In German —
  • model V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs modeln.
  • model V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs modeln.
  • Model S. Kurz für: Fotomodell, Person, die für Werbezwecke abgebildet wird.
  • Model S. Person, die bei Modeschauen Kleidung vorführt.
  • Model S. Negativform, Hohlform für Backwaren (Bildgebäck wie Spekulatius…
— In Dutch —
  • model n. Voorbeeld, afbeelding of beeld in drie dimensies. (maquette)
  • model n. (Beroep) persoon die mode presenteert of zich laat afbeelden (mannequin).
  • model n. (Statistiek) : wiskundige uitdrukking die met behulp van…
  • model n. (Wiskunde) (systeemkunde) systeem dat de werkelijkheid zo…
  • model n. Een standaard, toonbeeld of voorbeeld van hoe iets zou moeten zijn.
  • model n. Een specifieke uitvoering van een bepaald product.
160 English words from 47 English definitions

also animal any applications architecture artwork assigns atomic attendant attractive become behavior being born but car case clarification clay clothing Colloquial complex controller copied copy create creation definition design design␣pattern director disease display each emulated especially event exact example exemplary explain fashion fashion␣model female for forecast Framework from function funeral funeral␣director funeral␣home Genitive goods hired home human humorous in␣miniature in␣regard in␣regard␣to interpretation Intransitive is␣used␣to items kind less Logic made make makes male Medicine medium miniature model models model-view-controller modifications more more␣or␣less needed notes object of␣a others painting pathology pattern performing person photograph photography physical plural pose poser poses proposition Psychology public real real␣world regard representation resemblance role role␣model see sentences serves set show simplified software Software␣architecture someone structural study style subject substance successful such such␣as system template that that␣is the this to␣the Transitive true truth truth␣value type usage use used used␣to using usually value view was was␣born wearing which while who whose with without work worker workings world Worthy year

29 English words from 29 foreign definitions

articles auto dans dat des die drie een Form hoe Kurz les mannequin maquette met mode Modeler Modell modello Person photographies product Que scala serve Singular type van Verbs

70 foreign words from 29 foreign definitions

Abbild abgebildet afbeelden afbeelding Aktiv apparecchio Backwaren beeld beeld␣in behulp bei bepaald Beroep como dans␣les défilés défilés␣de␣mode de␣mode dimensies Exemplaire Fotomodell für Hacer iets Imperativ Impostare Indikativ indossatore indossatrice indumento Kleidung laat met␣behulp␣van Moda Modelar modèle Modéliser modella modellino modeln modelo Modeschauen moeten personne persoon Präsens présentant presenteert Rappresentazione Spekulatius standaard Statistiek sur systeem systeemkunde toonbeeld uitdrukking uitvoering Versione voorbeeld Vorbild vorführt werkelijkheid wie wird Wiskunde wiskundige zich zijn zou

88 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

modell models Model␣T modeled modeler modelli modello modells modelly modeldom modelers modeless modeling modelish modelist modelize modelled modeller modellos modelome modelable modelhood modelings modelists modelized modelizer modelizes modellers modelless modelling modellist modelomes modelomic model␣shop model␣dairy modelesque modelessly modelizers modelizing modellable modellings modellists modelmaker model␣maker modelocked mode-locked modelomics model␣shops modelicious modellistic +38 words

143 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

remodels biomodels box␣models CPK␣models mismodels newmodels new-models nonmodels plamodels remodeled remodeler submodels unmodeled aeromodels antimodels data␣models hand␣models megamodels metamodels meta-models meta␣models mismodeled newmodeled new-modeled nonmodeled remodelers remodeling remodelled remodeller role␣models rôle␣models ubermodels unmodelled view␣models aeromodeler biomodeling biomodeller blockmodels block␣models floor␣models geomodeling macromodels micromodels mismodeling mismodelled newmodeling new-modeling new␣modelize newmodelled new-modelled +93 words

115 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

remodel biomodel box␣model CPK␣model mismodel newmodel new-model nonmodel off-model OSI␣model plamodel submodel sub-model toy␣model aeromodel antimodel data␣model hand␣model late␣model megamodel metamodel meta-model meta␣model Nice␣model role␣model rôle␣model ubermodel view␣model blockmodel block␣model floor␣model intermodel intramodel Ising␣model Lewis␣model macromodel micromodel multimodel paleomodel quark␣model Rasch␣model scale␣model supermodel cobweb␣model Duluth␣model glamor␣model Kripke␣model Markov␣model mark-to-model mark␣to␣model +65 words

13 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

del Del del. Del. mod MoD MOD mod. mode ode Ode ODE -ode

12 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

dom Dom DOM -dom dom. Dom. Edo EDO Edom led LED Ledo

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

LModE molde

50 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AMOLED clomed demold doilem dolime dolmeh dolmen elfdom Elkdom glomed hold'em Hold␣'em Leedom Lemond lesdom lezdom loamed loomed Madole McDole Mcleod McLeod melado Meldon melody Melody meloid mobled modell models Model␣T module moiled molded molden Molden molder Molder molted moodle Moodle moyled oldmen old-men old␣men Olmeda Olmedo remold seldom somdel

35 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Delo demo demo- Deol Doel dole Dole DOLE dome Dome E.D.␣Mo. Edom elmo Elmo Ledo leod LMDO lode Lomé Medo- meld melo Melo melo- mode moel mold Mold Mold. mole Mole molé Odle olde OLED

21 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

codel Godel Hodel jodel Medel modal moded modem moder Moder modes Mode␣X mohel Mohel Monel morel Morel Mosel motel Mozel yodel

2 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

mode moel

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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