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The word nah is in the Wiktionary

30 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • nah interj. (Informal) No.
  • nah interj. (Manglish) here! (when giving something).
  • NAH phr. (Internet slang) Initialism of no assholes here; used as a response to AITA (“am I the asshole?”) to…
  • Nah. prop.n. Abbreviation of Nahum.
— International convention —
  • nah sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-5 language code for Nahuan languages.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Big nambas
  • Chichicapan zapotec
    • naꞌh pron. I (first-person singular pronoun).
  • Indonesian
    • nah conj. Used in a narrative or an argument. It appears at the beginning of a sentence and suggests that the…
    • nah interj. I told you so! See?! (at long last the penny’s dropped).
  • Malay
    • nah interj. Here! (when giving something).
  • Maltese
    • naħ v. (Obsolete) to whimper, to wail.
  • Munsee
    • nah part. There.
  • Old high german
    • nah prep. Towards.
    • nah prep. After (time).
  • Old high german - Old saxon
  • Old saxon
    • nah prep. To, towards.
  • Turkish
    • nah interj. (Informal) lo!, there it is!
    • nah interj. (Vulgar) Makes the following word negative.
    • nah interj. (Vulgar) accompanies the figsign (compare Russian кукиш).
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • nah tuss. Welnee, nee hoor, ach kom toch, ben je mal.
— English word, defined in French —
  • nah adv. (Populaire) Non.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • nah adv. No variante de no.
— In German —
  • nah Adj. Räumlich wenig entfernt.
  • nah Adj. Zeitlich wenig entfernt.
  • nah Adj. Abstrakt: wenig entfernt.
  • nah V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs nahen.
  • Nah Abk. Bibel: Buch Nahum.
  • näh V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs nähen.
72 English words from 21 English definitions

Abbreviation accompanies After AITA amp and appears argument asshole assholes at␣long␣last beginning Close code compare dropped Face first first␣person first-person␣singular following for Front giving here Informal Initialism International Internet ISO I␣told␣you I␣told␣you␣so language language␣code languages last long Makes Manglish Nahuan Nahum narrative Near negative Obsolete of␣a penny person pronoun response Russian See sentence singular slang something standards suggests that the there time told told␣you␣so towards used Vulgar wail when whimper word you

10 English words from 9 foreign definitions

ach ben des mal Nahum nee Non Person Singular Verbs

17 foreign words from 9 foreign definitions

Abstrakt Aktiv Bibel Buch entfernt hoor Imperativ kom nähen Populaire Präsens Räumlich toch variante Welnee wenig Zeitlich

54 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Naha nahal Nahar Nahla nahor Nahua Nahum nahals Nahane Nahani Nahars nahiya nahiye nahual Nahuan Nahuas Nahuel Nahanni NAHASDA nahiyah nahiyas nahiyes nahuals Nahuatl Nahunta Nahavand Nahigian Nahikian nahiyahs nahpoite Nahuatls Naharvali nahcolite Nahigians Nahikians nahualism Nahuatlan nahuelito Nahapetian Nahapetyan nahcolites Nahuatlaca Nahuatlans nahuatlato Nahuatlato Nahuatlism Nahuatlist Nahanarvali Nahapetians Nahapetyans +4 words

216 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Anahi Anahit Danahy Donaho Jonahs minahs mynahs ownahs tanahs agunahs anaheim Anaheim Anahita Anahuac Danaher Danahys Donaher Donahey Donahoe Donahoo Donahos Donahue guvnahs Hannahs hudnahs in␣a␣huff Lanahan Lenahan Mainahs Manahan Minahan Monahan numnahs onahole rumnahs sunnahs tannahs Teonaht thanahs alannahs anaheims Anaheims Carnahan Cavanahs Danahers Donaheys Donahoes Donahoos Donahues Granahan +166 words

90 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Atnah Danah Dinah Jonah ḳinah minah mynah ownah qinah tanah agunah Alanah Aminah beenah bennah fitnah Gienah Gurnah guvnah Hannah hudnah Jannah Jinnah kinnah labnah Mainah numnah Poonah Quanah rumnah sunnah Sunnah tannah thanah Zannah alannah Alannah Aljanah Altonah Cavanah Elkanah Haganah kavanah Leannah Luannah Mishnah Neginah Peninah Stannah takanah +40 words

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

han Han

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

ahn han Han HNA

80 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Ahan ahun ankh -anth anth. Banh Cahn chan Chan -chan Ch*na dahn Dahn Danh Ghan haan Haan Haen Hahn hain Hana Haná hand Hand HAND Hane hang Hang hank Hank Hann Hano Hans HANS hant ha'nt han't ha'n't Hany Haun Hawn hDNA H-DNA hean HNAs Hnat HSAN Huna hwan Kahn +30 words

28 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ah Ah AH A"H an An AN -an an' an- A/N a(n) ha Ha HA h@ ha' HN Hn. na Na NA n/a N/A n.a. N.A. NH N.H.

90 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aah AAH bah Bah BAH Bah. cah CAH dah fah gah GAH hah Jah KAH lah LAH mah Mah naa nab NAB -nab nab- -nab- NAC nad NAD NAE NAF nag nai nak NAK nal- Nam NAM 'nam 'Nam N.␣Am. nan Nan NaN NAN nao Nao NAO nap NAP -nap Nar NAs NAS nat Nat NAT Nat. nau Nau nav NAV naw nay Nay NAY NBH NEH Neh. NIH NNH noh Noh NOH NPH NSH nth nuh NVH pah PAH rah sah šâh šāh vah Váh wah Wah yah Yah

13 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ah Ah AH A"H na Na NA n/a N/A n.a. N.A. NH N.H.

9 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

NADH Nakh NaOH nash Nash NASH Nath Noah nyah

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