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The word nep is in the Wiktionary

33 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • nep n. Catmint, catnip; Nepeta cataria.
  • nep n. (UK, dialect) A knot in a fibre of cotton.
  • nep n. (US, slang, derogatory) One who engages in nepotism, usually referring to the one who benefits from it.
  • Nep n. (Informal, ethnic slur, derogatory, offensive) Nepali.
  • NEP prop.n. Initialism of New Economic Policy.
  • NEP prop.n. Initialism of National Energy Program.
  • NEP prop.n. Initialism of National Election Pool.
  • NEP n. Initialism of noise-equivalent power.
  • NEP n. Initialism of nanosatellite engineering professional.
  • NEP n. (US, government) Initialism of non-English proficient.
— International convention —
  • nep sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Nepali.
  • NEP prop.n. (Sports) Abbreviation of Nepal.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Ainu
    • nep pron. (Interrogative) what.
  • Breton
  • Hungarian
    • nép n. People, folks (as a large group).
    • nép n. People (all the persons forming the State).
  • Middle english
    • nep n. Alternative form of nap (“drinking bowl”).
  • Vietnamese
— In Dutch —
  • nep bijv. (Jiddisch-Hebreeuws) onecht, vals.
  • nep bijv. (Straattaal) met weinig vaardigheid, slecht.
  • nep n. (Jiddisch-Hebreeuws) bedrog, onechtheid.
  • nep n. (West-Fries) uitjes die alleen nog geschikt zijn om in te maken.
  • nep w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van neppen.
  • nep w. Gebiedende wijs van neppen.
  • nep w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van neppen.
— In French —
  • NEP n.f. (Histoire) « Nouvelle politique économique », voulue par…
— In Italian —
  • NEP acro. (Forestierismo) (storia) (agricoltura) (economia) nuova…
86 English words from 24 English definitions

Abbreviation against all Alternative amp benefits bowl Catmint catnip code cotton crease derogatory dialect drinking Economic Election Energy engages engineering English equivalent ethnic fibre Fold folks for form forming from Glutinous Glutinous␣rice government group Habit Hem Informal Initialism International Interrogative ISO knot language language␣code large Medicine nanosatellite nap National Nepal Nepali Nepeta nepotism New Nobody noise non non-English offensive one oneself People persons plait Policy Pool power press professional proficient Program referring rice Rim slang slur splint Sports standards State the the␣one to␣the usually what who

10 English words from 9 foreign definitions

die Fries maken met nog par politique vals van West

1 foreign word from 24 English definitions


37 foreign words from 9 foreign definitions

agricoltura alleen bedrog Bij economia économique Eerste Eerste␣persoon enkelvoud Forestierismo Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs geschikt Hebreeuws Histoire inversie Jiddisch neppen Nouvelle nuova onecht onechtheid persoon slecht storia Straattaal tegenwoordige␣tijd tijd tweede tweede␣persoon uitjes vaardigheid voulue weinig West-Fries wijs zijn

378 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

NEPA neph nepo neps Neps Nepal neper Nephi nepho- nephr- nephs nepid nepit Nepali Nepaul Nepean nepers nepeta nephew Nephew nephro- -nephry nepids nepits Nepman Nepalis nepenth nepetas Nephele nephesh nephews Nephews Nephite nephric nephrin nephroi nephron nephros nepotal nepotic Neptune Nepalese Nepalian nepaline nepantla nepenthe nepenths Neperian nephewly nephilid +328 words

633 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Dnepr inept Kneph Knepp sneps Canepa Knepps one-pot one␣pot unepic Canepas catneps gnepine guineps inepter ineptly isoneph kinepox kine-pox Knepper madneps monepic ninepin nonepic one␣pair one␣pots quenepa Schnepf Schnepp tonepad turneps winepot yenneps anephric canephor cineplex conepate conepatl genepool gene␣pool gnepines gone␣past gone␣poof hanepoot Hennepin ineptest isonephs June␣plum kinepock kneppars +583 words

14 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

knep snep UNEP catnep Gennep guinep madnep turnep yennep Zeynep parsnep punchnep creatine-P flatch-yennep

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

pen Pen PEN

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

pen Pen PEN PNe

57 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ENFP ENTP EPNS EPON ESPN J␣pen knep nape NAPE NDPE neap neep NEPA neph nepo neps Neps nope Nope Nupe open pane pa pean peen pein Pena pend pene pene- peng Peng PEng P.Eng P.Eng. penk Penk Penn peno- pens pent Pent pent- peon pern PETN phen- pine Pine -pine +7 words

25 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

en En EN -en en- ep EP ep. ne NE né nê ne. Ne. -ne- np NP n.p. pe Pe PE Pe. pn PN P/N

108 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

BEP cep CEP dep DEP dép dep. eep FEP hep IEP lep LEP MEP nap NAP -nap NBP NCP NDP NEA neb NEB Neb. NEC n.e.c. ned Ned NED nee Neee nef neg neg. NEH Neh. NEI nek NEK NEM nen Nen neo Neo NEO neo- ner NER -ner- NES net Net NET .NET neu Neu NEU neV Nev NEV Nev. new New new- nex NEX nex' ney Ney NFP NGP Nhp. nip Nip NIP NJP NLP NNP nop Nop NOP NPP NTP Ntp. nup N-up NVP pep PEP rep Rep REP Rep. sep Sep SEP Sep. Tep VEP (+8 words)

13 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ep EP ep. ne NE né nê ne. Ne. -ne- np NP n.p.

2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

neap neep

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