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The word neutro is in the Wiktionary

24 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
  • Galician
  • Neapolitan
— In Spanish —
  • neutro adj. Que es indiferente o no toma partido en algún respecto.
  • neutro adj. Química. Que tiene un pH igual a 7, es decir, no es ácido ni básico.
  • neutro adj. Física., En Electricidad Que tiene una carga eléctrica…
  • neutro adj. Zoología. Que carece de aparato sexual o no lo tiene desarrollado.
  • neutro adj. Lingüística. De género ni masculino ni femenino, sino diferente…
— In Portuguese —
  • neutro adj. Que não toma partido.
  • neutro adj. (Química) não carregado eletricamente.
  • neutro adj. Imparcial.
  • neutro adj. (Linguística) diz-se de um dos gêneros de palavras em certas…
— In Italian —
  • neutro agg. Chi non si dichiara di parte.
  • neutro agg. (Per estensione) senza qualità particolari.
  • neutro agg. (Fisica) privo di cariche elettriche.
  • neutro agg. (Chimica) né acido né alcalino.
  • neutro agg. (Psichiatria), (psicologia), (psicanalisi) oggettivo e/o…
  • neutro agg. (Raro) che concerne un metodo secondo generalizzazione.
  • neutro agg. (Per estensione) che, in un’analisi intellettiva o in un’attività…
  • neutro agg. (Sport) (obsoleto) neutrale nel guardare o assistere ad…
  • neutro s. (Grammatica) genere grammaticale differente dal maschile e dal femminile.
  • neutro s. (Raro) (familiare) persona che riesce ad esprimere un giudizio…
5 English words from 5 English definitions

Grammar neuter Neutral neutron Physics

17 English words from 19 foreign definitions

carga che Chi dal diz dos non parte partido Per persona Que Raro secondo sexual Sport toma

67 foreign words from 19 foreign definitions

ácido alcalino algún analisi aparato attività básico carece carga␣eléctrica cariche carregado certas Chimica concerne decir desarrollado dichiara diferente differente eléctrica Electricidad eletricamente elettriche es␣decir estensione familiare femenino femminile Física generalizzazione genere género gêneros giudizio Grammatica grammaticale guardare igual igual␣a Imparcial indiferente intellettiva Lingüística maschile masculino metodo não nel neutrale obsoleto oggettivo palavras particolari Per␣estensione privo psicanalisi Psichiatria psicologia qualità Química respecto riesce senza sino tiene una Zoología

77 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

neutron neutrois neutrons neutronic neutrocyte Neutrodyne neutronics neutronium neutrophil neutrophin neutrocytes neutrocytic Neutrodynes neutron␣bomb neutron␣flux neutron-rich neutron␣star neutropause neutropenia neutropenic neutrophile neutrophils neutrosophy neutroceptor neutron␣bombs neutron␣stars neutropaenia neutropaenic neutropauses neutropenias neutropenics neutrophiles neutrophilia neutrophilic neutropoenia neutrosophic neutrosphere neutroceptors neutroclusion neutrocytosis neutron␣fluxes neutron␣number neutron␣optics neutron-richer neutropaenias neutropassive neutro-passive neutrophilias neutropoenias neutropoiesis +27 words

40 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

dineutron aneutronic dineutrons trineutron antineutron free␣neutron trineutrons antineutrons free␣neutrons multineutron photoneutron protoneutron quasineutron tetraneutron multineutrons photoneutrons prompt␣neutron quasineutrons tetraneutrons antineutrophil delayed␣neutron nonneutrocytic nonneutropenic prompt␣neutrons thermal␣neutron delayed␣neutrons myeloneutrophil thermal␣neutrons antineutrophilic haloneutrophilic leukoneutropenia myeloneutrophils protoneutron␣star proto-neutron␣star protoneutron␣stars proto-neutron␣stars pseudoneutropenia fast-neutron␣reactor histioneutrophilic fast-neutron␣reactors

7 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

neu Neu NEU neut neut. TRO UTR

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ort ORT RTU tue Tue TUE

One anagram (New word found by changing the order of the letters.)


48 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

cornute counter Counter counter- countre Cureton Cutrone deutron earnout earn␣out enroute en␣route fortune Fortune gournet in␣route in␣utero knouter lentour monture mounter nerd␣out Neuroth neutron nontrue nutrose on␣route Ortenau outearn outener recount remount rent␣out routine rutheno- snouter ten-four tenours tonsure Tourane tourney trounce tuberon tue-iron unovert unwrote uronate you'ren't

29 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

neuro neuro- Norte noter outen Outen outer outre outré Rouen rouet route Route Runet Runte run␣to tenor toner Toner torne Toruń toune Toure tourn Treon trone Trone tuner utero-

2 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

neuro neuro-

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