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The word nik is in the Wiktionary

21 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • Nik prop.n. A male given name.
  • Nik prop.n. A female given name.
  • -nik suff. Creates a nickname for a person who exemplifies, endorses, or is associated with the thing or quality…
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Basque
    • nik pron. Ergative of ni.
    • -nik conj. Negative polarity item used to form relative clauses, that.
  • Biao
  • Czech
    • nik n. Genitive plural of nika.
  • Czech - Slovak
    • -ník suff. Nominal suffix.
  • Estonian
    • -nik suff. Forms occupational agent nouns. (non-productive)
  • Garo
    • -nik- aff. Look upon, consider, regard.
  • Indonesian
    • NIK n. (Government) initialism of nomor induk kependudukan (“resident registration number”).
  • Lower sorbian - Polish
    • -nik suff. Forms masculine nouns referring to a performer of some action, sometimes a device; -er.
  • Northeast maidu
    • nik pron. Me, the first person singular accusative.
  • Ojibwe
  • Serbo-croatian
    • -nik suff. Suffix appended to nominal stems to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a professional, performer…
  • Torona
— English word, defined in French —
  • -nik suff. Dénote une personne.
— In Dutch —
  • nik w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van nikken.
  • nik w. Gebiedende wijs van nikken.
  • nik w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van nikken.
— In French —
  • -nik suff. Dénote une personne.
73 English words from 16 English definitions

accusative action agent agent␣nouns appended Arm associated clauses consider create Creates denoting device endorses Ergative exemplifies female first first␣person for form Forms Genitive given given␣name Government initialism item Look Look␣upon male masculine name Negative nickname nominal non non-productive noun nouns number occupational performer person plural polarity polarity␣item productive professional quality referring regard registration relative relative␣clauses resident singular small some sometimes stems suffix that the the␣thing thing upon used used␣to usually Water who with

1 English word from 5 foreign definitions


17 foreign words from 5 foreign definitions

Bij Dénote Eerste Eerste␣persoon enkelvoud Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs inversie nikken personne persoon tegenwoordige␣tijd tijd tweede tweede␣persoon une wijs

86 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Nike Niki nikah nikau Nikes Nikis nikka Nikki nikko Nikko Nikos nikud nikaah nikahs nikaus Nikita nikkah nikkas nikkaz nikkei Nikkei Nikkel nikker nikkos Nikkos nikkud Nikola Nikole Niksar Nikšić nikaahs nikkahs nikkeis Nikkels nikkers Nikolai Nikolas Nikolic Nikolis Nikolov Nikonov Nikopol nikuman niki-niki Nikolaev Nikolaos Nikoleta Nikolics Nikolina Nikoloff +36 words

292 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Onika snikt unike Annika Danika Denike Kuniko kuniks Monika siniks Taniko unikes UNIKOM Yaniks arsnike badniks banniks Budniks canikin Danikas niken Denikes draniki dunikin Eliniko ethnika finikin gopniki Karniks manikin Melniks minikeg minikin minikit moniker Nizniks nudniks Parnika Rezniks Rudniks sainiks sotniks unikont vatniki vatniks warniks Winniks Bartniks beatniks Blahniks +242 words

137 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Knik İznik kunik sinik Yanik zenik Amanik badnik bannik Budnik Cernik četnik gopnik Kalnik Karnik Lesnik Melnik Niznik nudnik Pernik Reznik Ribnik Rudnik sainik Siunik Siwnik sotnik Syunik vatnik warnik Winnik Bartnik beatnik Blahnik Bootnik chainik chetnik Chetnik Czarnik dvornik folknik jazznik krupnik Kwasnik Lekenik muttnik neatnik noodnik Olejnik peaknik +87 words

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

kin Kin -kin k'in -kin-

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

ink kin Kin -kin k'in -kin-

73 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

akin Akin a-kin a␣kin bink CKIN dink DINK Enki fink Fink f—kin gink hink Hink ikon Inka inke inks Inku inky Inuk jink kain Kain Khin Kian Kien kiln kina kind -kind kine kine- king King Kinh -kini kink kino kins -kins k'ins Kirn knib Knik Knin knip knit Kuni +23 words

20 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Ik IK in IN -in i'n in- in. -in' ki kI Ki KI Ki. -ki- ni Ni NI N.I. NK

53 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aik EIK Kik nak NAK NDK nek NEK NHK nia Nia NIA nib NIB nic Nic NIC nid Nie NIE n.i.e. nig NIH nil NIL nil- nim nin Nin NIN NIO nip Nip NIP NIR N.␣Ir. nis NIS Niš nit Niu NIV nix Nix *nix NOK NPK oik rik Rik tik Vik Wik

7 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Ik IK ni Ni NI N.I. NK

5 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

naik Naik nick Nick nirk

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