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There are 3853 thirteen-letter words with D as first letter(page 4) deescalations de-escalations deesterifying de-ethnization deexcitations de-excitations de-extinctions defactualized defactualizes defamiliarise defamiliarize defasciculate defascistized defascistizes defeasibility defeasible␣fee defecographic defectability defectibility defectionists defectiveness defective␣verb defectologist defederalized defederalizes defence␣accord defence␣lawyer defencelessly defendability defending␣zone defenestrated defenestrates defenestrator defense␣lawyer defenselessly defense␣wounds defensibility defensive␣back defensiveness defensive␣zone deferentially deferrability deferrization deferroxamine defertilizing defervescence defervescency defervescents defeudalising defeudalizing defibrillated defibrillates defibrillator defibrillized defibrinating defibrination defibrinizing deficientness definite␣maybe definitionism deflagellated deflagrations deflationisms deflationists deflavination deflavorizing deflectometer deflectometry deflexibilize deflocculants deflocculated deflocculates deflocculator deflorescence deflowerments defluoridated defluorinated de-fluorinated defluorinates de-fluorinates defolliculate deforestation deformability deformalizing deformational deformylation defragmenters defragmenting defraudations defucosylated defucosylates defunctioning defurfuration degarnishment degazettement degelatinised degelatinises degelatinized degeminations degenderising degenderizing degeneralized degeneralizes degenerations degenitalized degenitalizes degerminators deghettoizing deglaciations deglamorising deglamorizing deglobalising deglobalizing deglomeration deglottalized deglottalizes deglutamylase deglutamylate deglutarylase deglutinating deglutination deglycosidase deglycosylase deglycosylate deglycoylated degradability degradational degradingness degrammatized degrammatizes degranulating degranulation degranulators degranulatory degravitating degravitation degree␣Celsius degree␣of␣frost degree␣of␣glory degree␣Rankine degrees␣Kelvin degringolades dégringolades dehalogenases dehalogenated dehalogenates dehegemonized dehegemonizes dehellenising dehellenizing dehelminthize dehighlighted dehistoricize Dehn␣surgeries dehonestating dehonestation Dehornoy␣order dehospitalize dehumanizings dehumidifiers dehumidifying dehybridizing dehydratation dehydroarenes dehydrocholic dehydrodimers dehydrofreeze dehydrogenase dehydrogenate dehydrogenise dehydrogenize dehydrosugars dehydrotectol dehydroxylase dehydroxylate dehyphenation dehypnotising dehypnotizing deidentifying dei␣ex␣machinis deimmortalize deinactivated deinactivates deincarnation deincentivize deindexations deindividuate deinitialized deinitializes deinnervating deinnervation deinocheirids deinonychuses deinotheriids deinotheriums deintegrating deintercalate deinterlacers deinterlacing deinterleaved deinterleaver deinterleaves deiodinations deionisations deionizations deipnosophist deisticalness deitalicizing deityforsaken dejargonizing Pages: 1 ••• 3 4 5 ••• 20
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