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There are 56 seventeen-letter words with O as last letterabatement␣ab␣initio applauds␣to␣the␣echo Arctic␣Archipelago bibbidi-bobbidi-boo big␣hairy␣armadillo Buddha␣belly␣bamboo casuarina␣cockatoo Chagos␣Archipelago channel-bill␣cuckoo cherry-merry-bamboo chocolate␣habanero citizens'␣band␣radio daughters␣of␣Sappho dirimens␣copulatio enantiomeric␣ratio fettuccine␣Alfredo french-fried␣potato French-fried␣potato french␣fried␣potato French␣fried␣potato go␣the␣way␣of␣the␣dodo go␣the␣way␣of␣the␣Dodo gyromagnetic␣ratio having␣a␣wild␣hair␣to imperium␣in␣imperio it␣takes␣two␣to␣tango Klaatu␣barada␣nikto Klášterní␣Hradisko long-footed␣potoroo Mastino␣Napoletano meets␣one's␣Waterloo monkey␣see,␣monkey␣do myelin␣protein␣zero not␣one's␣first␣rodeo Occidental␣Mindoro pacta␣de␣non␣petendo pied␣crested␣cuckoo Portuguese␣Podengo Rafeiro␣do␣Alentejo ring-tailed␣macauco San␣Juan␣Capistrano San␣Martín␣Itunyoso Santiago␣del␣Estero see␣one's␣way␣clear␣to sink␣one's␣teeth␣into South␣San␣Francisco stick␣one's␣nose␣into Strait␣of␣Bonifacio transcendental␣ego transcendental␣Ego Transcendental␣Ego Trinidad␣and␣Tobago without␣further␣ado worse␣case␣scenario worst-case␣scenario worst␣case␣scenario
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