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There are 89 thirteen-letter words with Q as fifth to last letterAlbuquerquean alieniloquent anti-down␣quark appropinquate appropinquity authentiquely awkward␣squads bimagic␣square blandiloquent blandiloquous Burtonesquely catch␣the␣queer chili␣con␣queso circular␣queue citrangequats coffee␣liqueur comeback␣queen complain␣queen court␣of␣equity cut␣to␣the␣quick den␣of␣iniquity double␣or␣quits down␣antiquark duckfoot␣quote fair␣and␣square framing␣square friend␣request fruit␣bouquets gastriloquism gastriloquist grandiloquent grandiloquies grandiloquism grandiloquist grandiloquous honey␣mesquite Hubbard␣squash huskanasquaws hyperfrequent late␣antiquity Late␣antiquity Late␣Antiquity magnetorquers microinequity mother␣liquors mountain␣quail neato␣mosquito noncolloquial nonconsequent nondelinquent non-earthquake normofrequent northern␣quoll peace␣and␣quiet pectoral␣quail perfect␣square picturesquely picturesquish predelinquent preearthquake private␣equity Punnett␣square radiofrequent red␣kuri␣squash ribauldequins rummage␣squads sanctiloquent sbottom␣squark shove␣the␣queer smear␣the␣queer straight␣quote stultiloquent stultiloquies suicide␣squads supereloquent thundersquall tiger␣mosquito touring␣squads upon␣the␣square ventriloquate ventriloquial ventriloquies ventriloquise ventriloquism ventriloquist ventriloquize ventriloquous war␣of␣conquest writ␣of␣inquiry
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