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There are 989 eleven-letter words with V as seventh to last letterAbbevillean Abbevillian acervations acrivastine activatable activations active␣fault active␣front active␣power active␣solar active␣voice ad␣inventory adjuvancies adjuvanting adjuvations adnaviruses aflavinines agrivoltaic alleviating alleviation alleviative alleviators alleviatory alloverness all-overness all␣over␣with alluvial␣fan alluviating alluviation alsevalimab ambivalence ambiversion amdoviruses anniversall anniversary antevaginal antevenient anteversion anteverting antevocalic antevolated antevolates antivaccine anti-vaccine antivampire antivaxxers anti-vaxxers anti-vaxxery anti-vaxxing antivehicle antivenenes anti-venenes antivenomic antivertigo anti-villain antiviolent antivirally antivirotic antiviruses anti-viruses antivitamin antivoucher arboviroses arbovirosis arboviruses archvillain arrival␣gate arrivederci arrividerci ascoviruses asseverated asseverates at␣adventure aurovertins autovaccine autovacuums autovectors Ayurvedists babuviruses backvelders bakevelliid basiventral basoventral bass␣violins bass-violist bass␣violist Batavophone beauvericin Beauvoirian bedevilings bedevilling bedevilment behavioreme behaviorism behaviorist behavioural behovefully belovedness Benavideses Benavidezes benevolence benyviruses benzvalenes Beta␣variant beta␣version betavoltaic bicovariant biinvariant biliverdins bipuvacaine blue␣violets blue␣vitriol bocaviruses Bolivarians bolivianite Bolivianize bomb␣vessels Bonaventura Bonaventure Bond␣villain bons-vivants bons␣vivants bovovaccine Bukovinians bukovskyite bukovskýite bullvalenes bullvalones bupivacaine bupivicaine bush␣vetches bymoviruses Caboverdean Cabo␣Verdean Caboverdian cadaver␣dogs cadaverines cadaverised cadaverises cadaverized cadaverizes calaverites canavanines Capeverdean Cape␣Verdean caravan␣city caravaneers caravanette caravanists caravanlike caravanners caravanning caravan␣park caravansary caravansera caravansery caravan␣site casevacking chauvinisms chauvinists chiavennite cinevariety Cleavengers cleaverwort coadventure codevectors codeveloped co-developed codeveloper co-developer codivergent codiverging codiversify cofavorites cogovernors cohaversine coinvariant coinvasions coinventing coinvention coinventors coinversion coinvesting coinvestors colovaginal colovesical colovesicle comovements comoviruses coonviction corivalries corivalship cosaviruses cosovereign cryovolcano cypoviruses cytovaricin dative␣bonds dative␣cases dativizable deadverbial decaversary decivilised decivilises decivilized decivilizes deervetches de␣Havilland deinvesting delavirdine delevelling deleveraged deleverages deliverable deliverance deliveredst deliverings deliverness deliveryman delivery␣man deliverymen delivery␣men delivrances delivraunce derivations derivatised derivatises derivatives derivatized derivatizes derivedness derived␣unit derivements desovietize dexivacaine diluvialism diluvialist Diluvialist diluviating diluviation dipivefrine Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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