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The word pearl is in the Wiktionary

33 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • pearl n. A shelly concretion, usually rounded, and having a brilliant luster, with varying tints, found in the…
  • pearl n. (Figuratively) Something precious.
  • pearl n. A capsule of gelatin or similar substance containing liquid for e.g. medicinal application.
  • pearl n. Nacre, or mother-of-pearl.
  • pearl n. A whitish speck or film on the eye.
  • pearl n. A fish allied to the turbot; the brill.
  • pearl n. A light-colored tern.
  • pearl n. One of the circle of tubercles which form the bur on a deer’s antler.
  • pearl n. (Uncountable, typography, printing, dated) The size of type between diamond and agate, standardized as 5-point.
  • pearl n. A fringe or border.
  • pearl n. (Obsolete) A jewel or gem.
  • pearl n. (Figurative) A valuable little nugget of information; especially, an aphorism or tip#Etymology 5 that…
  • pearl n. (Euphemistic, vulgar, slang) The clitoris.
  • pearl v. (Transitive, sometimes figurative) To set or adorn with pearls, or with mother-of-pearl.
  • pearl v. (Transitive) To cause to resemble pearls in shape; to make into small round grains.
  • pearl v. (Transitive) To cause to resemble pearls in lustre or iridescence.
  • pearl v. (Intransitive) To resemble pearl or pearls.
  • pearl v. (Intransitive) To hunt for pearls.
  • pearl v. (Intransitive, surfing) To sink the nose of one’s surfboard into the water, often on takeoff.
  • pearl v. (Intransitive, surfing) Of the nose of the surfboard: to sink in this manner.
  • Pearl prop.n. A female given name from English.
  • Pearl prop.n. Various Pearl Rivers, particularly the major river of Guangdong in China.
  • Pearl prop.n. Ellipsis of Pearl Harbor.
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Cebuano
    • Pearl prop.n. A female given name from English.
— English word, defined in German —
  • pearl S. Eine/die Perle.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • pearl n. Parel.
— English words, defined in French —
  • pearl n. Perle.
  • pearl v. Décorer avec des perles.
  • Pearl prén. Prénom féminin.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • pearl s. Perla.
  • pearl s. (Araldica) indica il metallo argento quando riferito a nobili.
— In Dutch —
  • Pearl eig. (Mannelijke naam) jongensnaam.
  • Pearl eig. (Vrouwelijke naam) meisjesnaam.
125 English words from 24 English definitions

adorn agate allied and antler aphorism application between border brill brilliant bur capsule cause China circle clitoris colored concretion containing dated deer diamond Ellipsis English especially Etymology Euphemistic eye female figurative Figuratively film fish for form found fringe from gelatin gem given given␣name grains Guangdong Harbor having hunt information in␣shape into Intransitive iridescence jewel light liquid little luster lustre major make make␣into manner medicinal mother mother␣of␣pearl Nacre name nose nugget Obsolete often one on␣the particularly pearl Pearl␣Harbor pearls point precious printing resemble river Rivers round rounded set shape shelly similar sink sink␣in size slang small Something sometimes speck standardized substance surfboard surfing takeoff tern that the this tints tip to␣the Transitive tubercles turbot type typography Uncountable usually valuable Various varying vulgar water which whitish with

6 English words from 9 foreign definitions

des die Eine indica naam Parel

15 foreign words from 9 foreign definitions

Araldica argento avec Décorer féminin jongensnaam meisjesnaam metallo nobili Perla Perle perles Prénom quando riferito

129 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

pearls pearly pearled pearler pearlet pearlie pearlin pearlash pearl-ash pearldom Pearleen Pearlene pearlers pearless pearlets pearl␣eye pearlier pearlies pearlike pear-like Pearline pearling pearlins pearlish pearlite Pearlman Pearlnet pearl␣tea pearl␣aura pearl␣body pearlcore pearl␣edge pearlfish pearl␣grey pearliest pearlings pearlised pearlites pearlitic pearlized pearlless pearllike Pearlmans pearl␣moss pearlness Pearlrose pearl␣spar pearl␣teas pearlware pearlwise +79 words

39 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

bepearls empearls impearls spearlet bepearled empearled impearled spearless spearlets spearlike spear␣lily unpearled bath␣pearls bepearling cave␣pearls empearling get␣up␣early impearling mabe␣pearls seed␣pearls spear␣lilies banded␣pearls nonpearlitic sulfur␣pearls baroque␣pearls sulphur␣pearls tapioca␣pearls mother-of-pearls mother␣of␣pearls string␣of␣pearls strings␣of␣pearls clutch␣one's␣pearls Antarctic␣pearlwort clutched␣one's␣pearls clutches␣one's␣pearls arc-form␣pearly␣mussel clutching␣one's␣pearls cast␣pearls␣before␣swine freshwater␣pearl␣mussel

20 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

bepearl empearl impearl bath␣pearl cave␣pearl mabe␣pearl seed␣pearl Mount␣Pearl banded␣pearl sulfur␣pearl baroque␣pearl sulphur␣pearl tapioca␣pearl mother-of-pearl mother␣of␣pearl polish␣the␣pearl polished␣the␣pearl polishes␣the␣pearl polishing␣the␣pearl sweet␣mother␣of␣pearl

9 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ear EAR 'ear earl Earl pea Pea PEA pear

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Alper APLer lepra paler Parel parle Peral repla

76 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Alpers Alpert ampler Aperol APLers Aprile carpel craple earlap epural graple Halper Harpel lamper Lapeer LaPerm Lapier lapper Lapper lapser larped LARPed larper LARPer leaper Leaper Lepera Lopera Marple Palare palmer Palmer palter parcel pareil Parell parled parles parley parole parrel pearls pearly pedlar Pedlar pellar Perals pergal PERRLA perula +26 words

45 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Alep ALPR aper Arel earl Earl Earp Elar e-pal Lape lare Lare larp LARP leap Leap LEAP lear Lear lerp LPer pale Pale pale- pare peal Peal pear pela Pera Perl plea prae- præ- Rael Raël rale rape Rape real Real reap RELP REPL repl.

11 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Paarl Peall peare pears Pears peart Peart peary Peary PERRL Searl

6 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

earl Earl peal Peal pear Perl

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