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The word pp is in the Wiktionary

68 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • pp n. Plural of p; abbreviation of pages.
  • pp n. (Countable) Initialism of percentage point.
  • pp n. (Uncountable, physics) proton and proton (used attributively to describe a collision or other interaction…
  • PP n. Initialism of parish priest.
  • PP n. (Organic chemistry) Initialism of polypropylene.
  • PP n. (Medicine) Initialism of precocious puberty.
  • PP n. (Medicine) Abbreviation of prone positioning (“proning”).
  • PP n. (Grammar) Initialism of prepositional phrase.
  • PP n. (Sports) Initialism of power play.
  • PP n. (Dance) Initialism of promenade position.
  • PP n. (Internet slang, text messaging) Initialism of pussy pass.
  • PP n. (Internet slang, text messaging) Initialism of pee-pee (“penis or vagina”).
  • PP n. Initialism of public parking.
  • PP prop.n. Initialism of PowerPoint.
  • PP prop.n. Initialism of PayPal.
  • PP prop.n. Initialism of Planned Parenthood.
  • PP prop.n. (Video games) Initialism of Puzzle Pirates.
  • PP phr. Initialism of play or pay.
  • p&p n. Initialism of postage and packing/packaging.
  • p&p n. Initialism of policies and procedures.
  • p&p adj. (Role-playing games) pen-and-paper, usually specifically in reference to the term "pen-and-paper role-playing…
  • pp. n. Abbreviation of pages. (Plural of p.)
  • pp. n. Abbreviation of past participle.
  • pp. phr. Abbreviation of per procurationem.
  • P&P n. Alternative form of p&p (“postage and packing”).
  • P&P n. (Linguistics) Initialism of principles and parameters.
  • P&P prop.n. (Oxford University slang) Initialism of Port and Policy.
  • p.p. n. (Grammar) Initialism of past participle.
  • p.p. n. Initialism of percentage point.
  • p.p. adv. Abbreviation of per procurationem.
  • p.␣p. n. (Grammar) Alternative form of p.p.
— International convention —
  • pp adv. Pianissimo.
  • pp adv. Per procurationem - Latin for by agency or by proxy - used on a letter to indicate that has been signed…
  • P-P sym. (Sports) postponed fixture.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
    • PP prop.n. Initialism of Partit Popular.
  • Indonesian
    • PP n. (Government, law) Initialism of peraturan pemerintah.
    • PP n. (Government) Initialism of pamong praja.
    • PP n. (Education) Initialism of pendidikan dan pengajaran.
    • PP prop.n. Initialism of Partai Persatuan.
  • Swedish
    • PP prop.n. Abbreviation of Piratpartiet (Pirate Party).
— English words, defined in French —
  • PP n. (Grammaire) SP, syntagme prépositionnel.
  • PP n. (Grammaire) (Par extension) Syntagme adpositionnel.
  • PP n. (Biochimie) Protéine-phosphatase.
  • pp. sym. Pages. Abréviation utilisée dans les références bibliographiques pour désigner une plage de numéros…
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • PP sig. (Química) sigla de polipropileno.
  • PP sig. (Informática) sigla de PowerPoint.
  • PP sig. (Informática) sigla de PayPal.
— In German —
  • PP Abk. Kunststofftechnik: Abkürzung für Polypropylen.
  • PP Abk. Abkürzung für Polizeipräsidium.
  • PP Abk. Abkürzung für Polizeipräsident.
  • PP Abk. Abkürzung für Polizeipräsidentin.
  • pp. Abk. Per procura.
  • pp. Abk. Perge, perge – fahre fort, fahre fort – und so fort.
— In Dutch —
  • pp. n. Meervoud van het zelfstandig naamwoord p.
  • p.p. fr. (Afkorting) per persoon.
  • p.p. fr. (Afkorting) per post.
  • p.p. fr. (Afkorting) per procuratie.
— In French —
  • PP n. (France) (Éducation) Professeur principal.
  • PP sym. (Marine) Code du quartier d’immatriculation de Pointe-à-Pitre.
  • pp. sym.f. Abréviation de pages.
  • PP. n.m. Pluriel de P..
— In Portuguese —
  • pp abr. (Metrologia, Economia e Estatística) abreviatura de ponto…
  • pp s. Plural de p.
  • PP adj. Que independe primariamente do desempenho acadêmico e que…
  • PP sig. (Brasil e política) sigla de Partido Progressista, antigo…
  • PP sig. (Política e Portugal) sigla de Partido Popular.
  • p.p. abr. (Metrologia, Economia e Estatística) abreviatura de ponto percentual.
  • p.p. abr. (Metrologia, Economia e Estatística) abreviatura de ponto porcentual.
123 English words from 40 English definitions

abbreviation agency Alternative amp and attributively been chemistry collision Countable dan Dance describe Education fixture for form games Government Grammar has indicate Initialism in␣reference␣to interaction Internet Latin law letter Linguistics Medicine messaging Organic Organic␣chemistry other Oxford packaging packing pages paper parameters Parenthood parish parish␣priest parking participle Party pass past past␣participle pay PayPal pee pee␣pee pen pen␣and␣paper pendidikan penis per percentage percentage␣point per␣procurationem phrase physics Pianissimo Pirate Pirates Planned play playing play␣or␣pay Plural point policies Policy polypropylene Popular Port Port␣and␣Policy position positioning postage postponed power power␣play PowerPoint precocious prepositional prepositional␣phrase priest principles procedures promenade prone proning proton proxy puberty public pussy pussy␣pass Puzzle reference role role-playing Role␣playing␣games signed slang specifically Sports term text text␣messaging that the to␣the Uncountable University used usually vagina Video Video␣games

33 English words from 28 foreign definitions

Brasil Code dans extension fort France het les Marine pages Par Partido PayPal per percentual phosphatase Pitre plage Plural Pointe Pointe-à-Pitre ponto Popular Portugal post pour PowerPoint principal quartier que sigla und van

2 foreign words from 40 English definitions

has␣been Partit

53 foreign words from 28 foreign definitions

Abkürzung Abréviation abreviatura acadêmico adpositionnel Afkorting antigo bibliographiques Biochimie dans␣les desempenho désigner Economia Éducation Estatística fahre fahre␣fort für Grammaire immatriculation Informática Kunststofftechnik Meervoud Metrologia naamwoord numéros Par␣extension per␣persoon persoon Pluriel polipropileno política Polizeipräsident Polizeipräsidentin Polizeipräsidium Polypropylen ponto␣percentual prépositionnel primariamente procura procuratie Professeur Professeur␣principal Progressista Protéine Protéine-phosphatase Química références syntagme une utilisée zelfstandig zelfstandig␣naamwoord

72 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

PPA ppb PPB PPC P.P.C. PPD PPE PPF ppg PPG PPH PP&H PPI ppl PPL ppl. ppm PPM PPN PPO PPP ppq PPR p.pr. pps PPs PPS P&Ps p.p.s. ppt PPT PPU PPV PPW PPY PPAs PPBM PPBs ppbv PPCs PPEs PPFs PPGs PPHs PPIs ppls PPLs PPMs ppmv PPNB +22 words

11127 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

appl. Appl. appr appr. apps Apps APPs apps. appt appt. appx appy 'appy BPPV CPPD CPPs DPPC DpPD dppe DPPs DPPt EPPO Epps EPPs eppy Eppy GPPS HPPD HPPE IPPA IPPF IPPs iPPV IPPV KPPs LPPM MPPG MPPP MPPs MPPS NPPV oppa oppo opps OPPs Oppy PPPs PPPS RPPs SPPS +11077 words

179 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

app App APP app. bpp BPP cpp CPP DPP EPP HPP IPP KPP LPP MPP NPP opp Opp OPP opp. Opp. PPP QPP RPP SPP TPP Upp bipp Bopp Bupp capp Capp CAPP CBPP Copp Cupp Dapp DApp Depp DIPP Dopp FLPP Gepp GMPP Happ Hepp Hipp hipp- Hopp Hupp +129 words

96 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

app App APP app. bpp BPP cpp CPP DPP EPP HPP IPP KPP LPP MPP NPP opp Opp OPP opp. Opp. pap PAP PBP PCP PDP pep PEP pfp PFP PGP PHP pip Pip PiP PIP PLP PMP PnP PNP pop Pop POP pop. PPA ppb PPB PPC P.P.C. PPD +46 words

173 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ap Ap AP ap. A&P bp Bp BP Bp. cp CP cp. Cp. C/P DP D/P ep EP ep. FP GP G.P. hp HP H&P Ip IP JP J.P. KP lp LP mp Mp MP M.P. np NP n.p. op OP op. Op. pa Pa PA Pa. p.a. Pb PB pc PC pc. p.c. PD p.d. pe Pe PE Pe. pf PF pf. P/F PG pg. Pg. P&G P.G. ph Ph PH P&H pi Pi PI P'i P.I. P.␣I. PJ pk PK pl PL pl. Pl. P&L P/L pm PM p.m. P.M. p.␣m. P.␣M. pn PN P/N po Po PO Pô po' P.O. P.␣O. (+69 words)

36 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)


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