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The word pry is in the Wiktionary

31 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • pry v. (Intransitive).
  • pry v. (Transitive, obsolete) To peer at (something) closely; also, to look into (A matter, etc.) thoroughly.
  • pry n. An act of prying; a close and curious look.
  • pry n. A person who is very inquisitive or nosy; a busybody, a nosey parker.
  • pry n. (East Anglia, US) A tool for levering; a crowbar, a lever.
  • pry v. To use leverage to open, raise, or widen (something); to prise or prize.
  • pry v. (Figuratively) Usually followed by out (of): to draw out or get (Information, etc.) with effort.
  • Pry prop.n. A surname.
— International convention —
  • PRY sym. (International standards) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Paraguay.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Czech
    • prý adv. Allegedly.
  • Yola
    • pry v. To pray.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • pry w. Onovergankelijk snuffelen, neuzen, nieuwsgierig zijn.
  • pry w. Overgankelijk met een breekijzer openen.
  • pry w. Overgankelijk lospeuteren.
  • pry w. Onovergankelijk spioneren, rondsnuffelen.
  • pry w. Onovergankelijk rondneuzen, rondsnuffelen.
  • pry w. Onovergankelijk (figuurlijk) indringen.
  • pry w. VS: overgankelijk openbreken.
  • pry w. Onovergankelijk (figuurlijk) ontlokken.
  • pry n. Snuffelaar.
  • pry n. Hefboom, breekijzer.
— English words, defined in French —
  • pry v. Mettre son nez dans les affaires des autres, fureter, s’ingérer, s’immiscer.
  • pry n. Levier.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • pry v. Fisgonear.
  • pry v. Husmear.
  • pry v. Curiosear.
  • pry s. Palanca.
  • pry s. Ventaja, influencia.
  • pry v. Hacer palanca.
  • pry v. Levantar con una palanca.
— In French —
  • Pry n.prop. (Géographie) Section de la commune de Walcourt en Belgique.
65 English words from 11 English definitions

act Allegedly alpha also A␣matter and Anglia busybody close closely code country country␣code crowbar curious draw draw␣out East East␣Anglia effort etc Figuratively followed followed␣by for get Information inquisitive International into Intransitive ISO lever leverage levering look look␣into matter nosey nosey␣parker nosy obsolete open out Paraguay parker peer person pray prise prize prying raise something standards surname thoroughly tool Transitive use Usually very who widen with

12 English words from 20 foreign definitions

affaires commune con dans des een les Levier met Section son Walcourt

37 foreign words from 20 foreign definitions

autres Belgique breekijzer dans␣les de␣la figuurlijk Fisgonear fureter Géographie Hacer Hefboom Husmear immiscer indringen influencia ingérer Levantar lospeuteren Mettre Mettre␣son␣nez neuzen nez nieuwsgierig Onovergankelijk ontlokken openbreken openen overgankelijk palanca rondneuzen rondsnuffelen Snuffelaar snuffelen spioneren una Ventaja zijn

53 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Prys pryan pryce Pryce pryde Pryde pryer Pryer Pryor pryany prybar pry␣bar Pryces prydes Prydes pryers Pryers pryest pryeth prying Pryors prybars pryings Pryluky Prystai Prystaj Prystay prytane prytany prythee Prytula pryuely pryvate pryvely pryingly Prymorsk pryproof prytanea prytanes prytanis prymnesin prytaneis prytaneum prytanies Pryvillia pryingness prymnesins Pryor␣Creek prymnesiophyte prymnesiovirus prymnesiophytes prymnesiophytic prymnesioviruses

34 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Sprys capryl spryer spryly spryte repryve spryest sprytes caprylic caprylin caprylyl metopryl repryved repryves spryness unprying caprylate capryloyl repryving caprylates capryloyls neprylisin approprying Hola␣Prystan meprylcaine methyprylon tricaprylin caprylic␣acid methyprylone monocaprylate caprylaldehyde monocaprylates hypsiprymnodontid hypsiprymnodontids

10 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

FPRY opry spry Spry lepry unpry Paul␣Pry appropry bishopry gossipry

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Pyr pyr-

18 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

FPRY opry pory pray Pray prey Prys pyre pyro pyro- pyrs Pyrs ropy rype spry Spry syrp tryp

19 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Pr PR pr. Pr. P+R -pr- P.R. py PY py- Rp RP R/P -ry Ry. yp Yp YP yr

58 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ary Ary -ary cry dry Dry DRY -ery e'ry fry Fry FRY gry -ory pay Pay PFY phy Phy PHY ply poy PPY PRA PRB P.R.B. PRC P.R.C. PRD pre pre- PRG PRI PRK PRL PRM PRN p*rn pro Pro PRO pro- Pro. -pro- PrP PRP PRR PRs PRS PRT Pru Pty puy sry Sry try Ury wry

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Pr PR pr. Pr. P+R -pr- P.R. py PY py- -ry Ry.

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

pory pray Pray prey

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