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The word random is in the Wiktionary

32 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • random n. A roving motion; course without definite direction; lack of rule or method; chance.
  • random n. (Obsolete) Speed, full speed; impetuosity, force.
  • random n. (Obsolete) The full range of a bullet or other projectile; hence, the angle at which a weapon is tilted…
  • random n. (Figuratively, colloquial) An undefined, unknown or unimportant person; a person of no consequence.
  • random n. (Mining) The direction of a rake-vein.
  • random n. (Printing, historical) A frame for composing type.
  • random adj. Having unpredictable outcomes and, in the ideal case, all outcomes equally probable; resulting from…
  • random adj. (Mathematics) Of or relating to probability distribution.
  • random adj. (Computing) Pseudorandom; mimicking the result of random selection.
  • random adj. (Somewhat colloquial) Representative and undistinguished; typical and average; selected for no particular reason.
  • random adj. (Somewhat colloquial) Apropos of nothing; lacking context; unexpected; having apparent lack of plan, cause, or reason.
  • random adj. (Colloquial) Characterized by or often saying random things; habitually using non sequiturs.
  • random adj. (UK, slang) Being out of the ordinary; unusual or unexpected.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Hungarian
    • random adj. Random.
    • random adj. (Informal) undistinguished, average, arbitrary, whichever, any.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • random bijv. Willekeurig.
— English words, defined in French —
  • random adj. Au hasard, aléatoire.
  • random adj. Arbitraire.
  • random adj. Accidentel.
  • random adj. Imprévisible.
  • random adj. Insignifiant.
  • random adj. Anodin.
  • random n. (Familier) (Plus rare) Personne inconnue ou insignifiante, quidam.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • random adj. Aleatorio, al azar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • random adj. Aleatório, randômico.
  • random adv. Ao acaso, ao esmo, randomicamente, aleatoriamente.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • random agg. (Statistica) (matematica) casuale.
— In German —
  • random Adj. Besonders Jugendsprache: einfach so, ohne besonderen Grund…
— In Dutch —
  • random bijv. Zuiver toevallig.
— In French —
  • random adj. (Anglicisme) Aléatoire.
  • random adj. (Par extension) (Familier) Qui survient de manière inattendue…
  • random adj. (Par extension) (Familier) Imprévisible, qui sort de nulle part.
101 English words from 15 English definitions

all and angle any apparent Apropos Apropos␣of Apropos␣of␣nothing arbitrary average Being bullet case cause chance Characterized colloquial composing Computing consequence context course definite direction distribution equally Figuratively for force frame from full habitually having hence historical ideal impetuosity Informal lack lacking Mathematics method mimicking Mining motion non non␣sequiturs nothing Obsolete of␣a often ordinary other out outcomes out␣of out␣of␣the␣ordinary particular person plan Printing probability probable projectile Pseudorandom rake random range reason relating Representative result resulting roving rule saying selected selection sequiturs slang Somewhat speed the things tilted type typical undefined undistinguished unexpected unimportant unknown unpredictable unusual using vein weapon which whichever without

8 English words from 17 foreign definitions

extension inconnue Par part Plus quidam rare sort

40 foreign words from 17 foreign definitions

acaso Accidentel aléatoire aleatoriamente Aleatório Anglicisme Anodin Ao␣acaso Arbitraire Au␣hasard azar besonderen Besonders casuale de␣manière de␣nulle␣part einfach esmo Familier Grund hasard Imprévisible inattendue Insignifiant insignifiante Jugendsprache manière matematica nulle nulle␣part ohne Par␣extension Personne qui randômico Statistica survient toevallig Willekeurig Zuiver

74 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

randoms randomer randomly randomers randomest randomise randomish random-ish randomity randomize randomised randomiser randomises randomista randomized randomizer randomizes randomless randomlike random-like randomness random␣seed random␣walk randomwise randomicity randominity randomisers randomising randomistas randomities randomizers randomizing randomosity random␣seeds random␣walks random-access random␣access random␣forest randomizable randomnesses random␣number random␣sample random␣walker random␣camping random␣forests randomisation randomization random␣numbers random␣samples random␣walkers +24 words

59 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Brandoms derandomise derandomize J.␣Random␣User nonrandomly rerandomise rerandomize derandomised derandomises derandomized derandomizes prerandomize rerandomised rerandomized rerandomizes semirandomly unrandomised unrandomized derandomising derandomizing nonrandomised nonrandomized nonrandomness prerandomized quasirandomly rerandomizing nonrandomizing pseudorandomly semirandomized derandomisation derandomization microrandomized pseudorandomize quasirandomised quasirandomized rerandomisation rerandomization derandomizations nonrandomization prerandomisation pseudorandomised pseudorandomized pseudorandomizes pseudorandomness pseudo-randomness rerandomizations postrandomization pseudorandomizing Fischer␣random␣chess glycorandomization +9 words

11 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Brandom J.␣Random at␣random unrandom lolrandom nonrandom non-random semirandom semi-random quasirandom pseudorandom

18 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

and AND -and and- Ando dom Dom DOM -dom dom. Dom. ran Ran RAN rand Rand RAND rando

9 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

dna DNA DNAR mod MoD MOD mod. Nar ODN

11 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Armond Damron Darmon Dorman Madron mandor Mardon modRNA ram-don rodman Rodman

50 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

anadrom anoderm Armando Armonds bordman Brandom Dameron Damrons Darmons Dohrman doorman Dorfman Dormans dormant dream␣on drogman enamor'd gormand horn-mad inamor'd J.␣Random Lormand madrona madroña madrone madrono madroño mandoor mandora mandore mandors Medrano Mirando monarda Morando mordant morinda morland Morland Nordman omander randoms Raymond Rimando roadman roadmen Rodmans rodsman Romandy wordman

45 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

adorn and/or andro andro- Ardon Armon Damon Daron Doman Domna domra Doran Drona mad-on mad␣on mando Mando manor Manor Maron monad Monda Morad moran Moran morna Nador Nardo Narom nomad NoMad norad Norad NORAD NorAm Nor-Am Nor␣Am norma Norma Radom radon rando roman Roman Ronda

11 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bandom fandom mandom randem Randol randon Randon randos randot ransom Ransom

2 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Radom rando

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