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The word reach is in the Wiktionary

67 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • reach v. (Intransitive) To extend, stretch, or thrust out (for example a limb or object held in the hand).
  • reach v. (Transitive) To give to someone by stretching out a limb, especially the hand; to give with the hand;…
  • reach v. (Intransitive) To stretch out the hand.
  • reach v. (Transitive) To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand; to extend some part of the body, or something…
  • reach v. (Transitive, of a missile) To strike or touch.
  • reach v. (Transitive, by extension) To extend an action, effort, or influence to; to penetrate to; to pierce, or cut.
  • reach v. (Transitive) To extend to; to stretch out as far as; to touch by virtue of extent.
  • reach v. (Transitive) To arrive at (a place) by effort of any kind.
  • reach v. (Transitive, figurative) To make contact with.
  • reach v. (Transitive, figurative) To connect with (someone) on an emotional level, making them receptive of (one);…
  • reach v. (Intransitive, India, Singapore) To arrive at a particular destination.
  • reach v. (Transitive) To continue living until or up to (a certain age).
  • reach v. (Obsolete) To understand; to comprehend.
  • reach v. To strain after something; to make (sometimes futile or pretentious) efforts.
  • reach v. (Intransitive) To extend in dimension, time etc.; to stretch out continuously (past, beyond, above…
  • reach v. (Nautical) To sail on the wind, as from one point of tacking to another, or with the wind nearly abeam.
  • reach v. (Slang, MTE, MLE) To arrive at a particular destination, especially to join someone; to meet up.
  • reach n. The act of stretching or extending; extension.
  • reach n. The ability to reach or touch with the person, a limb, or something held or thrown.
  • reach n. The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like; power of attainment or management;…
  • reach n. Extent; stretch; expanse; hence, application; influence; result; scope.
  • reach n. (Informal) An exaggeration; an extension beyond evidence or normal; a stretch.
  • reach n. (Boxing) The distance a boxer’s arm can extend to land a blow.
  • reach n. (Nautical) Any point of sail in which the wind comes from the side of a vessel, excluding close-hauled.
  • reach n. (Nautical) The distance traversed between tacks.
  • reach n. (Nautical) A stretch of a watercourse which can be sailed in one reach (in the previous sense). An extended…
  • reach n. A level stretch of a watercourse, as between rapids in a river or locks in a canal. (examples?)
  • reach n. An extended portion or area of land or water.
  • reach n. (Obsolete) An article to obtain an advantage.
  • reach n. The pole or rod connecting the rear axle with the forward bolster of a wagon.
  • reach v. (Obsolete or dialect) Alternative form of retch.
  • reach n. (Obsolete or dialect) Alternative form of retch.
  • REACH prop.n. Acronym of Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Mòcheno
  • West frisian
— English words, defined in German —
  • reach S. Reichweite, Bandbreite, Bereich.
  • reach S. Strecke, Teilstrecke.
  • reach V. Erreichen.
  • reach V. Ankommen.
  • reach V. Sich erstrecken, reichen bis.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • reach w. Bereiken.
  • reach w. Aankomen.
  • reach n. Bereik.
  • reach n. Traject, afstand; deeltraject.
— English words, defined in French —
  • reach n. Portée, atteinte.
  • reach n. (Géographie) Bief ; tronçon d’un fleuve.
  • reach v. Atteindre, parvenir à, aboutir à.
  • reach v. Rallier.
  • reach v. S’aboucher avec.
  • reach v. (Intransitif) Être assez grand pour parvenir à quelque chose.
  • reach v. Arriver à.
  • Reach n.prop. (Géographie) Paroisse civile d’Angleterre située dans le district de East Cambridgeshire.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • reach v. Alcanzar.
  • reach v. Llegar a.
  • reach v. Establecer comunicación con, contactar.
  • reach v. Penetrar.
  • reach v. Inferir, aseverar sin suficiente evidencia.
  • reach v. Extender, alargar.
  • reach v. Extenderse.
  • reach s. Alcance.
  • reach s. Rango de alcance.
  • reach s. Segmento recto de un río.
  • reach s. Parte continua, tramo continuo.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • reach v. Alcançar.
— In French —
  • reach n.m. (Anglicisme) (Marketing) Pourcentage de cible ayant été…
  • Reach n.prop. (Géographie) Paroisse civile d’Angleterre située dans…
  • REACH n.m. (Union européenne) Règlement (CE) no 1907/2006 du Parlement…
185 English words from 35 English definitions

abeam ability above Acronym act action advantage after age A␣level Alternative and another any application area arm arrive arrive␣at article as␣far␣as attain attainment Authorisation axle between beyond blow body bolster boxer Boxing by␣extension by␣virtue␣of can canal certain Chemicals close close-hauled comes comes␣from comprehend connect connecting contact continue continuously cut deer destination dialect dimension distance effort efforts emotional especially etc Evaluation evidence exaggeration example examples excluding expanse extend extended extending extension extent far figurative for for␣example form forth forward from futile give hand hauled held hence India influence Informal in␣one in␣the␣hand Intransitive join kind land level like limb living locks locks␣in make make␣contact␣with making management meet meet␣up missile MLE MTE Nautical nearly normal object Obsolete obtain of␣a one on␣the on␣the␣wind or␣something out part particular past penetrate person pierce place point point␣of␣sail pole portion power pretentious previous rapids reach rear receptive Registration result retch river rod Roe Roe␣deer sail sailed scope sense side Singapore Slang some someone something sometimes Spiderweb strain stretch stretching stretching␣out stretch␣out strike tacking tacks the them thrown thrust time touch Transitive traversed understand until up␣to vessel virtue wagon water watercourse which wind with

23 English words from 32 foreign definitions

Arriver bis Cambridgeshire chose con continua continuo dans district East East␣Cambridgeshire Extender grand Marketing Parte pour Rallier Rango recto Sich sin Traject Union

60 foreign words from 32 foreign definitions

Aankomen aboucher aboutir afstand alargar Alcançar alcance Alcanzar Angleterre Anglicisme Ankommen aseverar assez Atteindre atteinte avec ayant Bandbreite Bereich Bereik Bereiken Bief cible civile comunicación contactar Erreichen erstrecken Establecer été Être européenne evidencia Extenderse fleuve Géographie Inferir Intransitif Llegar Parlement Paroisse Paroisse␣civile parvenir Penetrar Portée Pourcentage quelque quelque␣chose Règlement reichen Reichweite río S’aboucher Segmento située Strecke suficiente tramo tronçon Union␣européenne

50 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

reach'd reache reacht reachy reached reacher Reacher reaches reachin' reachers reachest reacheth reach␣for reaching reach␣out reachable reachback reach␣down reachedst reachieve reachings reachless reach␣past reachables reachieved reachieves reacharound reach-around reached␣past reaches␣past reachieving reach-me-down reachability reacharounds reach-arounds reaching␣past reaching-post reach-me-downs reach-through reachievement reaching-posts reachlessness reachabilities reach␣for␣the␣sky reachievements reach␣for␣the␣moon reach␣for␣the␣stars reach␣across␣the␣aisle reached␣across␣the␣aisle reaches␣across␣the␣aisle

201 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

breachy creachs preacht preachy areached areaches breached breacher breaches creached Creaches preached preachee preacher Preacher preaches preachin' preach␣up treacher Treacher areaching atreaches breachers breachful breaching creaching preachees preachers preachest preacheth preachier preachify preachily preaching preachman preachmen treachers treachery treachour unpreachy unreached unreaches upreached upreaches atreaching breachable breachings breachless dry␣reaches misreached +151 words

57 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

areach breach BREACH creach Creach preach atreach in␣reach unreach upreach dry␣reach earreach ear-reach eyereach misreach outreach sea-reach unpreach arm's␣reach beam␣reach forereach head␣reach mispreach outpreach overreach prebreach sea␣breach broad␣reach close␣reach data␣breach Dutch␣reach hull␣breach megabreach mundbreach oathbreach out␣of␣reach shipbreach underreach cyberbreach faithbreach grithbreach within␣reach spousebreach counterpreach material␣breach honor␣in␣the␣breach honors␣in␣the␣breach honour␣in␣the␣breach step␣into␣the␣breach anticipatory␣breach +7 words

7 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ach ACH EAC each rea Rea REA

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Aer aer- aër- CAE caer HCA

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

acher arche Arche chare chear rache

99 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Achern achers achier aperch archae- archæ- arched archei archeo- archer Archer arches Arches archet Archey archie Archie areach arheic Aroche arsech Ascher Bacher Béchar breach BREACH cacher cahier careth casher Cather chafer chaire chared chares charet charge Chargé charme charre chaser Chater chaver chawer chayre cheare chenar chorea creach Creach +49 words

50 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Aceh acer ache Ache AChE acre Acre Ahre arch Arch ARCH -arch arch- arch. caer care Care -care Cera CERA Chae char Char Chea cher Cher 'cher Crea each e-car ECHR EHRC hace HACE hare Hare hear hera Hera Herc race Race race- rach Rach Rahe Rech RHAe rhea Rhea

21 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

beach Beach geach leach Leach meach peach Peach react reäct reech Reich rench Resch retch roach Roach ruach teach Teach Veach

4 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

each rach Rach Rech

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