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The word res is in the Wiktionary

60 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • res n. Plural of re.
  • res n. (North America, informal) Clipping of reservation.
  • res n. (Canada, South Africa) Clipping of residence.
  • res n. (Computing) Clipping of resolution (of a computer display or image).
  • res n. Clipping of reservoir (from computer water cooling).
  • res n. (Role-playing games) Clipping of resurrection.
  • res v. (Role-playing games) Clipping of resurrect.
  • RES n. Initialism of red ear syndrome.
  • Res. n. (Law) Abbreviation of resource.
  • Res. n. (Law) Abbreviation of resources.
— International convention —
  • res sym. (Mathematical analysis) residue.
  • Res sym. (Mathematical analysis) residue.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Asturian - Catalan - Galician
    • res n. Plural of re.
  • Catalan
    • res pron. Nothing.
    • res pron. (In negative sentences) anything.
    • rés n. (Religion) the act of prayer.
    • rès adv. Obsolete spelling of res (“nothing”).
  • Central kurdish
  • Czech
    • řeš v. Second-person singular imperative of řešit.
  • Finnish
    • reš n. Resh (twentieth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad).
  • Galician
    • res n. Head of quadrupedal cattle or game.
    • res n. Flock, herd; cattle.
    • res pron. (Rare or dated) nothing (in negative sentences).
    • res n. Small of the back.
  • Hungarian
    • rés n. Slit, rift, gap.
    • rés n. Used in expressions meaning alert, guard.
  • Northern kurdish
  • Occitan
    • res- pref. Alternative form of re-.
  • Swedish
    • res v. Imperative of resa.
  • Westrobothnian
    • res n. Guts; offal, scales of fish.
  • Wolof
— English words, defined in French —
  • res n. Réserve, réservation.
  • res n. Résidence (habitation).
  • res n. Réservoir.
  • res n. (Informatique) Définition (de vidéo).
  • res n. (Jeux vidéo) Résurrection.
— In German —
  • Res V. Genitiv Singular des Substantivs Re.
  • Res V. Nominativ Plural des Substantivs Re.
  • Res V. Genitiv Plural des Substantivs Re.
  • Res V. Dativ Plural des Substantivs Re.
  • Res V. Akkusativ Plural des Substantivs Re.
— In Dutch —
  • re's n. Meervoud van het zelfstandig naamwoord re.
— In Latin —
  • res n.subs. √ Quidquid exsistat, vel cogitetur ut exsistere, quam…
— In French —
  • RES n.m. (Finance) Abréviation de rachat d’entreprise par ses salariés.
  • r’es v. Deuxième personne du singulier de l’indicatif présent du…
— In Spanish —
  • res s. Cabeza de ganado o de caza mayor, especialmente considerado…
  • res s. En particular, ejemplar de ganado bovino.
  • res s. Gastronomía. Carne de este animal, usada como alimento.
  • res s. Gallo muerto en una riña.cita requerida].
  • res- pref. Sirve para atenuar el significado.
  • res- pref. Sirve para reforzar el significado.
— In Portuguese —
  • RES sig. (Militar) reserva.
  • rés adj. Rente.
  • rés adv. Rente.
  • rés s. Feminino plural de réu.
  • rés s. Plural de ré.
  • rés s. Plural de ré.
  • rês s. Qualquer animal cuja carne é utilizada para alimentação humana.
  • rês s. A quantidade de cabeças de gado.
  • rês s. (Pejorativo) pessoa de má índole, más qualidades.
96 English words from 31 English definitions

Abbreviation abjad act Africa alert Alternative America analysis and anything back Black Canada cattle Clipping computer Computing cooling dated display ear expressions fish Flock form from game games gap guard Guts Head Hebrew herd image imperative informal Initialism Law letter Liver Mathematical Mathematical␣analysis meaning negative North North␣America Northwest nothing Obsolete of␣a offal person Phoenician playing Plural prayer quadrupedal Rare red red␣ear␣syndrome Religion res reservation reservoir Resh residence residue resolution resource resources resurrect resurrection rift Role Role-playing Role␣playing␣games scales scripts Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular Semitic sentences singular Slit Small Small␣of␣the␣back South South␣Africa spelling syndrome the twentieth Used water

22 English words from 29 foreign definitions

animal Cabeza Carne caza des entreprise este Finance Gallo habitation het mayor Militar par para particular plural Rente ses Singular van vel

1 foreign word from 31 English definitions


64 foreign words from 29 foreign definitions

Abréviation Akkusativ alimentação alimento atenuar bovino cabeças carne cita como considerado cuja Dativ Définition Deuxième Deuxième␣personne ejemplar especialmente Feminino gado ganado Gastronomía Genitiv humana indicatif índole Informatique Jeux Jeux␣vidéo más Meervoud muerto naamwoord Nominativ Pejorativo personne pessoa présent qualidades Qualquer quam quantidade rachat reforzar requerida reserva réservation Réserve Réservoir Résidence Résurrection réu riña salariés significado singulier Sirve Substantivs una usada utilizada vidéo zelfstandig zelfstandig␣naamwoord

2875 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

rese resh Resh resi resp RESP resp. -ress rest REST 'rest rest. Rest. resai resat resaw resay Resch resed resee resel Resen Reser reses reset Reset resew re-sew Resia Resig resin resip resit resod Resor resow RESPA RESPs resto Resto rests RESTV resty resub resue resum resus resaca Resafa resaid +2825 words

11098 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

brest Brest cresc cress crest Crest CREST dress drest Frese fresh Fresh fress Gresh presa Presa presh preso press Press prest Prest pres't tress Tress wrest abrest adress afresh agress airest arrest at␣rest Barese barest borest Bresee Bresse brests Buresh caress carest Cresap Cresci Cresco cresol Creson Crespi Crespo cressy Cressy +11047 words

4582 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

ares Ares AREs Cres CRES cres. DREs eres gres GREs H.Res. H.␣Res. ires JREs MREs ores öres pres Pres pres. Pres. SREs SRES tres ures VREs acres aires Akres apres aprés après après- Aurès AVREs ayres Ayres bares Bares Bires bores Bores bures Bures byres cares Cares CDREs ceres Ceres +4532 words

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ser SER ser.

10 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

ers ERs ERS -ers ESR RSE ser SER ser. SRE

164 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ares Ares AREs arse ARSE bers BSer CERs Cres CRES cres. Ders der's DREs ears EARs EDRs EERs EHRs eirs EIRs eors EPRs eras ERAs Erbs 'erbs ERCs ERCS ERDs eres erfs ergs ERGs Eris erks erns eros Eros EROS ERPs errs Ersa Erse ersh ERSP ESRB ESRD ESRF fers FERS f***ers +112 words

38 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

er ER 'er -er er. E-R -'er E.R. E.␣R. es Es ES -es e's es- E's 'e's re Re RE Ré 're re- r.e. rs Rs RS r's R's Rs. se SE -se se. Se. Sr SR Sr.

169 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aes AES a**es bes Bes BEs BES ces CEs CES des dEs Des DEs DES des- ees EEs EES Fes ges gEs GEs hes Hes he's ies -ies jes JEs jes' kes Kes les Les LES -les- mes MEs MES mes- NES oes OES OES. pes Pes PEs PES ras Ras RAs RAS RBs RBS RCs RCS R/Cs rds RDs RDS -rds R&Ds rea Rea REA reb Reb REB rec rec. red Red RED -red ree Ree REE ref Ref REF Ref. reg Reg reh rei rel REL -rel rel. rem Rem REM R.E.M. ren REN -ren Reo REO rep Rep REP Rep. (+66 words)

21 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

es Es ES -es e's es- E's 'e's re Re RE Ré 're re- r.e. rs Rs RS r's R's Rs.

44 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

reas rebs Rebs recs reds Reds rees Rees REEs refs Refs REFs regs rehs reis RELs rems Rems REMs REMS rens Reos reps Reps Reps. reqs -ress rets Reus revs rews Rews reys RFEs Ries RKEs roes Roes RoEs ROEs rues Rues ryes Ryes

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