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The word salut is a foreign word

39 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
    • salut n. Health.
    • salut interj. (To your) health! (a general toast).
    • salut n. Greeting.
  • Crimean tatar
  • Danish
    • salut n. Salute.
    • salut n. Tirade (long, angry or violent speech).
  • Friulian
  • Indonesian
    • salut n. Salute, an utterance or gesture expressing greeting or honor towards someone, now especially a formal…
  • Kapampangan
  • Luxembourgish
    • Salut interj. Salutation; hello.
  • Norman
    • salut n. (Jersey, religion) salvation.
  • Polish
    • salut n. Salute (formal gesture).
    • salut n. (Military) salute (discharge of cannon or similar arms, as a mark of honour or respect).
  • Romanian
    • salut interj. Hello! greetings!
    • salut n. Greeting, salutation.
    • salut n. (Dated) deliverance.
    • salut n. (Dated) happiness, wellness, prosperity.
    • salut v. First-person singular present indicative/subjunctive of saluta.
    • șăluț n. Diminutive of șal; small shawl.
— In German —
  • Salut S. Eine Ehrung durch eine Salve.
— In Dutch —
  • salut tuss. (Formeel) het ga u goed (afscheidsgroet).
  • salut tuss. (Verouderd), (militair) of (formeel), groet ter verwelkoming.
  • salut tuss. (Verouderd) heilwens in de aanhef van een officieel bericht.
  • salut n. (Militair) (verouderd) begroeting volgens de regels, rekening…
  • salut n. Plechtige begroeting.
— In French —
  • salut n.m. Fait d’être sauvé de la mort, d’un danger, d’échapper à…
  • salut n.m. (Concernant une collectivité) Fait d’échapper à la disparition.
  • salut n.m. (Religion) Fait d’échapper à la damnation éternelle.
  • salut n.m. (Sens courant) Marque de politesse (geste et parole) qu’on…
  • salut n.m. (Spécialement) (Militaire) Marques de civilité, de déférence…
  • salut n.m. (Absolument) (Catholicisme) Cérémonie de la bénédiction…
  • salut n.m. Acte habituel de remercier le public à la fin d’un spectacle.
  • salut n.m. Nom familier donné au silure (poisson).
  • salut interj. (Informel) (Familier) Bonjour, bonsoir, à quelqu’un…
  • salut interj. (Informel) (Familier) Au revoir, à quelqu’un que l’on tutoie.
  • salut interj. Formule exclamative de souhait, de civilité, employée…
— In Spanish —
  • salut s. Salud.
53 English words from 21 English definitions

angry arms cannon Dated deliverance Diminutive discharge Disease Epidemic especially expressing First First␣person First-person␣singular formal general gesture greeting greetings happiness health hello honor honour indicative Jersey long mark Military now person present present␣indicative prosperity religion respect salutation salute salvation shawl similar singular small someone speech subjunctive Tirade toast towards utterance violent wellness your

33 English words from 18 foreign definitions

à␣la Au␣revoir Bonjour civilité courant damnation danger disparition een Eine employée exclamative Fait fin Formule goed het Marque Marques mort Nom parole politesse public que Religion Salve Sens silure spectacle ter tutoie van

1 foreign word from 21 English definitions


49 foreign words from 18 foreign definitions

aanhef Absolument Acte afscheidsgroet à␣la␣fin begroeting bénédiction bericht bonsoir Catholicisme Cérémonie collectivité Concernant damnation␣éternelle déférence de␣la donné durch échapper échapper␣à Ehrung eine éternelle être familier formeel geste groet habituel heilwens Informel l’on militair Militaire officieel poisson quelqu’un regels rekening remercier revoir Salud sauvé souhait Spécialement une verouderd verwelkoming volgens

35 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

salute saluted saluter salutes salutary saluters salutest saluteth saluting salutory salutings salutarily salutation salutatory salutations salute␣state salutogenic salutaridine salutariness salutational salutatorian salutatories salutatorily salute␣states salutiferous salutaridinol salutatorians salut␣des␣armes salutogenesis salutogenetic salutationless salutiferously salutogenically salutatory␣address salutatory␣addresses

51 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

resalute resaluted resalutes unsaluted hand␣salute insalutary Nazi␣salute resaluting unsalutary unsaluting hand␣salutes Nazi␣salutes nonsalutary ordo␣salutis Roman␣salute Aussie␣salute Hitler␣salute Roman␣salutes sail-by␣salute Vulcan␣salute allergy␣salute Aussie␣salutes Bellamy␣salute Hitler␣salutes Italian␣salute Sun␣Salutation take␣the␣salute Trudeau␣salute Trudeau␣Salute allergic␣salute allergy␣salutes Italian␣salutes Sieg␣Heil␣salute Trudeau␣salutes Trudeau␣Salutes allergic␣salutes one-finger␣salute one␣finger␣salute one␣finger␣saluted one-finger␣salutes one␣finger␣salutes angelic␣salutation Harvey␣Smith␣salute one␣finger␣saluting single-digit␣salute three-finger␣salute angelic␣salutations Harvey␣Smith␣salutes three-finger␣salutes Pierre␣Trudeau␣salute Pierre␣Trudeau␣Salute

10 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

alu ALU Lut LUT sal Sal SAL -sal sal- -sal-

7 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

las LAs Tula Ula ULA ULAs ULAS

9 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Altus Aults Austl. latus Latus sault talus Tauls Tulsa

54 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

adults Aleuts Alytus baluts clauts cutlas faults flatus futsal gaults hustla Jutlas Lao-Tsu Lauths lukast -lukast lustra lutars Lutsao Naults Plutas Saltau saltus salute Salyut Satluj saults Saults S.␣Austl. scutal setula situal situla St.␣Paul sultam sultan Sultan tallus taluds taluks taluqs Tamuls tapuls taulas thulas tulasi tulkas tulpas tussal tuzlas +4 words

42 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

alts Alts alus auls Auls Ault Aust last Last lats LATs LATS Latu LTAs Luas lust LUTs salt Salt SALT saul Saul slat slut stau Tals Taul taus Taus TAUs TLAs Tula Tusa ULAs ULAS ults USAT usta USTA U.S.T.A. utas UTSL

5 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

balut salat Salat salet Sawut

4 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

salt Salt SALT slut

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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