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The word screen is in the Wiktionary

53 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • screen n. A physical divider intended to block an area from view, or provide shelter from something dangerous.
  • screen n. A material woven from fine wires intended to block animals or large particles from passing while allowing…
  • screen n. (By analogy) Searching through a sample for a target; an act of screening.
  • screen n. Various forms or formats of information display.
  • screen n. (Figurative) A disguise; concealment.
  • screen n. Definitions related to standing in the path of an opposing player.
  • screen n. (Cricket) An erection of white canvas or wood placed on the boundary opposite a batsman to make the…
  • screen n. (Nautical) A collection of less-valuable vessels that travel with a more valuable one for the latter’s protection.
  • screen n. (Architecture) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection…
  • screen n. (Scotland, archaic) A large scarf.
  • screen v. To filter by passing through a screen.
  • screen v. To shelter or conceal.
  • screen v. To remove information, or censor intellectual material from viewing. To hide the facts.
  • screen v. (Film, television) To present publicly (on the screen).
  • screen v. To fit with a screen.
  • screen v. (Medicine) To examine patients or treat a sample in order to detect a chemical or a disease, or to assess…
  • screen v. (Molecular biology) To search chemical libraries by means of a computational technique in order to identify…
  • screen v. (Basketball) To stand so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate.
  • screen v. To determine the source or subject matter of a call before deciding whether to answer the phone.
  • Screen prop.n. A surname.
— English words, defined in German —
  • screen S. Etwas Trennendes und Schützendes.
  • screen S. Das Fliegengitter.
  • screen S. Der Raumteiler.
  • screen S. Kino: die Leinwand.
  • screen S. Der Bildschirm.
— English words, defined in French —
  • screen n. (Audiovisuel) Écran (objet ayant pour but de bloquer un angle de vision).
  • screen n. Filtre (objet ayant pour but de retenir des particules dans un gaz ou un liquide).
  • screen n. (Architecture) (Québec) Moustiquaire, moustiquaire fenêtre.
  • screen n. (Électronique) Écran (partie d’un équipement électronique affichant les résultats).
  • screen n. (Électronique, Informatique) Dalle.
  • screen n. Écran (zone où apparaît l’image d’un film ou d’une présentation projetée ou d’un rétroprojecteur).
  • screen n. (Basket-ball) une tactique d’attaque dans laquelle un joueur est placé de manière à empêcher un défenseur…
  • screen n. (Baseball) Le filet qui protège le public des objets projetés.
  • screen v. Tamiser.
  • screen v. Filtrer.
  • screen v. Censurer (filtrer l’information).
  • screen v. Passer à l’écran, diffuser (à la télévision), projeter.
  • screen v. Faire rentrer dans un écran.
  • screen v. Prendre en photo une page internet, l’écran de son ordinateurs.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • screen s. Pantalla.
  • screen s. Filtro, malla.
  • screen v. Filtrar.
  • screen v. Proteger.
  • screen v. Proyectar.
  • screen v. Transmitir.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • screen s. Schermo.
— In German —
  • screen V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs screenen.
  • screen V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs screenen.
  • Screen S. Bildschirm (eines Computers oder anderen Geräts).
— In Dutch —
  • screen w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van screenen.
  • screen w. Gebiedende wijs van screenen.
  • screen w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van screenen.
— In French —
  • screen n.m. (Informatique, Internet) Capture d’écran.
140 English words from 20 English definitions

act allowing analogy and animals answer archaic Architecture area assess as␣to Basketball batsman before biology block boundary by␣means␣of call canvas carried carried␣up censor certain chemical collection computational conceal concealment Cricket dangerous deciding defender Definitions detect determine disease disguise display divider dwarf dwarf␣wall erection examine facts Figurative Film filter fine fit for formats forms from height hide identify information in␣order in␣order␣to intellectual intended large latter less libraries make material matter means Medicine Molecular Molecular␣biology more Nautical of␣a of␣an one on␣the opposing opposite order particles partition passing path patients phone physical placed player present protection provide publicly reaching related remove sample scarf Scotland screen screening search Searching separation shelter so␣as so␣as␣to something source stand standing standing␣in subject subject␣matter surname target teammate technique television that the through travel treat up␣to valuable Various vessels view viewing wall whether while white wires with wood woven

43 English words from 33 foreign definitions

à␣la angle Architecture ball Baseball Basket but Capture Censurer Computers dans Das Der des die diffuser est Faire filet film Filtre image information internet Kino les objet objets page Passer Person photo pour public Québec Singular son tactique und van Verbs vision zone

80 foreign words from 33 foreign definitions

affichant Aktiv anderen apparaît attaque Audiovisuel ayant Basket-ball Bij Bildschirm bloquer Dalle défenseur de␣manière de␣manière␣à écran Eerste Eerste␣persoon eines électronique empêcher enkelvoud équipement Etwas fenêtre Filtrar filtrer Filtro Fliegengitter gaz Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs Geräts Imperativ Indikativ Informatique inversie joueur laquelle Leinwand liquide malla manière moustiquaire oder ordinateurs Pantalla particules partie persoon placé Präsens Prendre Prendre␣en␣photo présentation projetée projeter projetés protège Proteger Proyectar qui Raumteiler rentrer résultats retenir rétroprojecteur Schermo Schützendes screenen Tamiser tegenwoordige␣tijd télévision tijd Transmitir Trennendes tweede tweede␣persoon une wijs

160 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

screens Screens screened screenee screener screenie screen␣in screenage screencap screendom screenees screeners screenful screenies screening screenlet screenman screenmen screenout screen␣out screens␣in screenable screenager screenburn screen␣burn screencaps screencast screendoor screen␣door screendump screen␣dump screened␣in screen-free screenfuls screengrab screenings screenland screenless screenlets screenlike screenname screen␣name screenouts screen␣pass screenplay screen␣play screensful screenshot screensman screensmen +110 words

142 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

bescreens descreens rescreens unscreens bescreened big␣screens bug␣screens descreened flyscreens fly␣screens nag␣screens pinscreens prescreens rescreened subscreens sunscreens unscreened vidscreens aeroscreens backscreens bescreening bluescreens blue␣screens descreening firescreens fire␣screens flatscreens forescreens hand-screens hand␣screens hemiscreens holoscreens homescreens home␣screens kill␣screens lock␣screens miniscreens nonscreened overscreens polescreens prescreened rainscreens rescreening rood-screens rood␣screens silkscreens sunscreened telescreens unscreening vidiscreens +92 words

95 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

bescreen descreen onscreen on-screen rescreen unscreen big␣screen bug␣screen flyscreen fly␣screen nag␣screen offscreen off-screen pinscreen prescreen subscreen sunscreen vidscreen aeroscreen backscreen bluescreen blue␣screen firescreen fire␣screen flatscreen flip-screen forescreen fullscreen full␣screen hand-screen hand␣screen hemiscreen holoscreen homescreen home␣screen kill␣screen lock␣screen miniscreen moonscreen overscreen polescreen rainscreen rood-screen rood␣screen silkscreen telescreen vidiscreen viewscreen wallscreen widescreen +45 words

13 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

CRE Cree een -een e'en ree Ree REE reen SCR scr. SCr. scree

18 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

eer EER -eer e'er Erc ERC ERCs ERCS nee Nee née neer Neer NEER ne'er RCs RCS R/Cs

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

censer scener scerne secern

46 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

careens carenes caserne Ceeners censers censure centers centres Cereans cereins ceresin cerines Cerones crenels Creones decerns encaser encores encurse enraces fencers Mencers neckers Neckers necroes necrose recanes recense renices sceners scenery scenter scerned scernes scornee screens Screens Screven seancer séancer secerns sincere Sincere spencer Spencer tenrecs

20 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

cenes cense ceres Ceres Crees ernes Ernes neers Neers NERSC NSERC reens renes rense Resen scene scern scree sence sneer

6 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

screed screek screel screes skreen Spreen

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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