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The word semonsleafnosedbat is in the Wiktionary

1 short excerpt of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
12 English words from the English definition

and Australia bat bat␣in family found Guinea New New␣Guinea Papua Papua␣New␣Guinea the

56 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

AFN bat BAT bat- Bat- dba DBA d/b/a D.B.A. EAF Edb. emo Emo Emon lea Lea LEA leaf Leaf leaf-nosed leaf-nosed␣bat mon Mon MON 'mon mon- mon. Mon. mons Mons MONs 'mons Mons. nos Nos NOS Nºˢ nos. Nos. nose nosed NSL ons ONS OSE -ose sed SED sem Sem SEM semon Semon semons Semons SLE

49 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ABD abd. Abd. ael aels BDE BDEs B.␣Des. des dEs Des DEs DES des- deso els Els ELs ESO fae FAE mes MEs MES mes- NFA nom NOM -nom no'm nom- nom. nome Nome nomes ome Ome OME 'ome -ome OMEs 'omes ONF. son Son SON -son tab Tab

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