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The word shower is in the Wiktionary

35 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • shower n. A brief fall of precipitation (spell of rain, or a similar fall of snow, sleet, or cascade).
  • shower n. A device for bathing by which water is made to fall on the body from a height, either from a tank or…
  • shower n. An instance of using of this device in order to bathe oneself.
  • shower n. A quantity of something that has characteristics of a rain shower.
  • shower n. A party associated with a significant event in a person’s life, at which the person usually receives gifts.
  • shower n. (Obsolete) A battle, an attack; conflict.
  • shower n. (Chiefly Ireland, UK, Australia, derogatory) A shower of shit.
  • shower n. (Chiefly Ireland, euphemistic, derogatory, with of and an invective) Used as an intensifying pluralizer…
  • shower v. (Followed by with) To spray with (a specified liquid).
  • shower v. To bathe using a shower.
  • shower v. To bestow liberally, to give or distribute in abundance.
  • shower v. (Intransitive) To rain in a shower; to cascade down.
  • shower n. One who shows.
  • shower n. An object or activity that is shown in a contest.
  • shower n. (Slang) A man whose penis is close to its full (erect) size when flaccid, or the penis itself.
  • show-er n. Nonstandard form of shower (“man whose penis appears relatively large when flaccid”).
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Swedish
    • shower n. Indefinite plural of show.
— English words, defined in German —
  • shower S. Regen, Schauer.
  • shower S. Dusche.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • shower n. Douche.
  • shower w. Douchen, een douche nemen.
— English words, defined in French —
  • shower n. Douche.
  • shower n. (Météorologie) Averse ; giboulée.
  • shower n. (Sens figuré) Pluie (De confettis, de coups,...).
  • shower n. (Jonglerie) Douche.
  • shower n. (États-Unis, Canada) Célébration où l’on amène des cadeaux en l’honneur d’une future maman (baby shower)…
  • shower v. Se doucher.
  • shower v. (Sens figuré) ...
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • shower s. Ducha, regadera (México).
  • shower s. Chubasco.
  • shower s. Fiesta que se organiza con motivo de una próxima boda, nacimiento de un bebe etc.
  • shower v. Regar.
  • shower v. Ducharse.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • shower s. Ducha, chuveirada.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • shower s. Doccia.
107 English words from 17 English definitions

abundance activity and appears associated attack Australia bathe bathing battle bestow body brief cascade characteristics Chiefly close close␣to conflict contest derogatory device distribute down either erect euphemistic event fall fall␣on flaccid Followed Followed␣by for form from full gifts give has height in␣abundance Indefinite in␣order in␣order␣to instance intensifying Intransitive invective Ireland its itself large liberally life liquid made man Nonstandard object Obsolete of␣a One oneself on␣the order party penis person plural pluralizer precipitation quantity rain rain␣shower receives relatively shit show shower shower␣of␣shit shown shows significant similar size Slang sleet snow something specified spell spray tank that that␣is the this Used using usually water when which who whose with

22 English words from 18 foreign definitions

Averse baby baby␣shower Canada Chubasco con confettis coups des douche doucher een etc Fiesta future motivo que Regen Schauer Sens shower Unis

31 foreign words from 18 foreign definitions

amène bebe boda cadeaux Célébration Doccia Douchen Ducha Ducharse Dusche États États-Unis figuré giboulée honneur Jonglerie l’on maman Météorologie México nacimiento nemen organiza Pluie próxima regadera Regar Se␣doucher Sens␣figuré una une

59 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

showers showery showered showerer shower␣cap showerers showerest showereth showerful shower␣gel showerier showering showerset shower␣tea showerable showerbath shower␣bath shower␣caps shower␣down showerfuls shower␣gels showerhead shower␣head showeriest showerings showerless showerlike shower␣rose showersets showersful shower␣shoe shower␣teas shower␣tray shower␣unit shower␣with showerbaths showerheads shower␣heads showeriness showerproof shower␣roses shower␣shoes showers␣with shower␣trays showered␣with shower␣in␣a␣can shower␣of␣shit showerproofs shower␣curtain showering␣down +9 words

57 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

airshowers air␣showers outshowers sunshowers sun␣showers tub-showers unshowered baby␣showers cold␣showers foreshowers half-showers navy␣showers outshowered overshowers rainshowers rain␣showers road␣showers snowshowers snow␣showers star-showers star␣showers April␣showers Bogan␣showers brown␣showers early␣showers false␣showers mango␣showers outshowering overshowered Roman␣showers Swiss␣showers Vichy␣showers bridal␣showers cowboy␣showers golden␣showers meteor␣showers overshowering sulfur␣showers wintry␣showers rainbow␣showers suicide␣showers sulphur␣showers thought␣showers thundershowers wedding␣showers aluminum␣showers golden␣shower␣boy lingerie␣showers platinum␣showers aluminium␣showers +7 words

53 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

airshower air␣shower midshower nonshower outshower sunshower sun␣shower tub-shower baby␣shower cold␣shower foreshower gang␣shower half-shower navy␣shower overshower postshower rainshower rain␣shower road␣shower snowshower snow␣shower star-shower star␣shower April␣shower Bogan␣shower brown␣shower early␣shower false␣shower mango␣shower Roman␣shower Swiss␣shower Vichy␣shower bridal␣shower cowboy␣shower golden␣shower meteor␣shower sulfur␣shower wintry␣shower rainbow␣shower suicide␣shower sulphur␣shower thought␣shower thundershower wedding␣shower aluminum␣shower communal␣shower electric␣shower lingerie␣shower platinum␣shower aluminium␣shower Hollywood␣shower scattered␣shower telephone␣shower

17 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

how How howe Howe hower Hower owe ower sho Sho SHO sho' show Show showe wer WER

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ohs OHs OHS rew Rew

7 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

howers howres Howser reshow showre whores Whoser

26 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Berhows Bowsher Cowhers howders Howerys howkers howlers Howsers preshow reshown reshows Rohwers shedrow Sherrow showers showery showier showres shrowed throwes whereso whoores Whosers Wohlers Wonersh Wothers

43 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

heros hoers horse Horse HORSE H-O-R-S-E H.O.R.S.E. hoser hower Hower howes Howes howre how're Howse owers owres resow Rhews rohes Rohes rowse Rowse RSeOH serow shero shoer shore Shore showe shrew shrow sower sowre swore wersh whoes whore who're whose wh*res worse Wroes

15 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

scower shewer Shober shoder shomer shooer shorer shoter shover Shover showed showee slower snower stower

5 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

hower Hower shoer showe sower

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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