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The word snow is in the Wiktionary

34 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • snow n. (Uncountable) The frozen, crystalline state of water that falls as precipitation.
  • snow n. (Uncountable) Any similar frozen form of a gas or liquid.
  • snow n. (Countable) A snowfall; a blanket of frozen, crystalline water.
  • snow n. (Uncountable) A shade of the color white.
  • snow n. (Uncountable) The moving pattern of random dots displayed on a television, etc., when no transmission…
  • snow n. (Uncountable, slang) Cocaine.
  • snow n. Marine snow.
  • snow v. (Impersonal) To have snow fall from the sky.
  • snow v. (Colloquial) To hoodwink someone, especially by presenting confusing information.
  • snow v. (Poker) To bluff in draw poker by refusing to draw any cards.
  • snow n. (Nautical) A square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig only in that she has a trysail mast close abaft…
  • Snow prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Middle english
    • snow n. Snow (frozen water as precipitation, either while falling or once landed).
    • snow n. Snow-white (a snowy white).
    • snow n. The temperature where snow appears.
    • snow n. A blanket of snow; a snowing.
  • Polish
    • snów n. Genitive plural of sen.
  • Yola
    • snow n. Alternative form of sneow.
— English words, defined in German —
  • snow S. Kein Plural: der Schnee, der Schneefall.
  • snow S. Plural: die Schneemassen.
  • snow S. Kein Plural, umgangssprachlich: das Kokain.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • snow n. Sneeuw.
— English words, defined in Latin —
  • snow n.subs. Nix (Nivis, f.).
  • snow v. Ningo (-ngere, -nxi, —).
— English words, defined in French —
  • snow n. (Météorologie) Neige.
  • snow v. Neiger.
  • Snow n.prop. Nom de famille.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • snow s. Meteorología. Nieve.
  • snow v. Meteorología. Nevar.
  • Snow s. Apellido.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • snow s. Neve.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • snow s. (Meteorologia) neve.
  • snow s. Effetto neve.
— In French —
  • snow n.m. (Familier) Snowboard.
84 English words from 18 English definitions

abaft Alternative any appears blanket bluff brig cards close Cocaine Colloquial color confusing Countable crystalline differing displayed dots draw draw␣poker either especially etc fall falling falls form from frozen gas Genitive has have hoodwink Impersonal information in␣that landed liquid Marine Marine␣snow mast moving Nautical of␣a once only pattern plural poker precipitation presenting random refusing rigged sen shade she similar sky slang snow snowfall snowing Snow-white snowy someone square square␣rigged state surname television temperature that the transmission trysail Uncountable vessel water when where while white

10 English words from 16 foreign definitions

das der die Neiger neve Nieve Nix Nom Plural Snowboard

16 foreign words from 16 foreign definitions

Apellido Effetto Familier famille Kein Kokain Meteorología Météorologie Neige Nevar Nom␣de␣famille Schnee Schneefall Schneemassen Sneeuw umgangssprachlich

592 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Snowe snowl snown snows Snows snowy Snowy snowed snower Snowes snowgo snowin' snow␣in snowls snow␣up snowbed snowbow snowboy snowcap snow␣cap snowcat snow␣day Snowden snowdog Snowdon snowers snowest snoweth snow␣fox snowful snow␣gum snowgun snow␣gun snowhow snow-how snowier snowies snowily snowing snowish snow-job snow␣job snowkid snowman snowmen snowmew snow␣mew snowout snow␣out snowpea snow␣pea +541 words

60 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

besnows desnows unsnowy besnowed desnowed Krasnows unsnowed besnowing desnowing Sosnowice Sosnowski unsnowing it's␣snowing onion␣snows oversnowed robin␣snows Sosnowskis goes␣nowhere hominy␣snows yellow␣snows thundersnows dirty␣snowball Edward␣Snowden Koch␣snowflake parasnowboard dirty␣snowballs Edward␣Snowdens Koch␣snowflakes paper␣snowflake alpine␣snowboard coconut␣snowball goes␣nowhere␣fast paper␣snowflakes parasnowboarder spring␣snowflake summer␣snowflake alpine␣snowboards coconut␣snowballs European␣snow␣vole parasnowboarders parasnowboarding special␣snowflake spring␣snowflakes summer␣snowflakes abominable␣snowman abominable␣snowmen alpine␣snowboarder European␣snow␣voles quiet␣as␣a␣snowflake sell␣snow␣to␣Eskimos +10 words

39 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

besnow desnow Krasnow nonsnow red␣snow corn␣snow oversnow apple␣snow let␣it␣snow onion␣snow robin␣snow undersnow white␣snow hominy␣snow marine␣snow powder␣snow roll␣of␣snow visual␣snow yellow␣snow packing␣snow popcorn␣snow rolls␣of␣snow thundersnow white␣as␣snow walk␣in␣the␣snow come␣rain␣or␣snow glory-of-the-snow the␣future␣is␣now walks␣in␣the␣snow watermelon␣snow pure␣as␣driven␣snow carbon␣dioxide␣snow white␣as␣driven␣snow pure␣as␣the␣driven␣snow that␣was␣then,␣this␣is␣now that␣was␣then;␣this␣is␣now That␣was␣then.␣This␣is␣now That␣was␣then.␣This␣is␣now. white␣as␣the␣driven␣snow

2 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

now NOW

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ons ONS won wons

5 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

nows owns sown sow'n wons

46 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Bowns downs Downs Down's gowns knows Kwons lowns Lowns NAOWS no-sew nowds nowts Nwosu Owens owsen Sanow sdown shown Shown slown Snowe snowl snown snows Snows snowy Snowy sowen sownd Suwon swoln swone swonk swoon sworn towns Towns Wason winos Wions wones wongs wonks Wonns wonts

34 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

nos Nos NOS Nºˢ nos. Nos. now NOW NSO NSW N.S.W. N.␣S.␣W. NWO nws NWS ons ONS OSW own OWS son Son SON -son sow Sow SOW WNs won wos WoS WOs W.O.s W.␣O.s

15 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

enow know scow show Show Skow slow snew snob snod snog Snoj snot stow Stow

5 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

now NOW sow Sow SOW

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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