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The word socio is in the Wiktionary

18 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • socio n. (Informal) At an institute of education, a class where sociology is taught.
  • socio n. (Informal) The discipline of sociology.
  • socio- pref. Society.
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Esperanto - Ido
— In Dutch —
  • socio- Ter vorming van woorden die te maken hebben met bondgenoot…
— In French —
  • socio n.m. (Football) Supporter d’un club de football espagnol → voir tifosi.
  • socio n.f. (Sociologie) Sociologie.
  • socio- préf. Préfixe exprimant l’idée de société, qui sert entre autres…
— In Spanish —
  • socio s. Persona perteneciente a una asociación o un club.
  • socio s. Forma amistosa e informal de dirigirse a un extraño.
  • socio s. Persona con un vínculo de amistad.
— In Portuguese —
  • sócio s. Pessoa que divide as despesas e os lucros com as outras em…
  • sócio s. Membro de um clube (geralmente esportivo).
  • sócio s. (Eufemismo, humor) amante masculino da pessoa da qual se é cônjuge.
— In Italian —
  • socio s. Membro di una associazione o società.
  • socio s. (Diritto) (economia) chi partecipa a un’impresa economica.
  • socio s. (Letterario) compagno di sorte.
  • socio s. Persona della stessa risma.
10 English words from 4 English definitions

class discipline education Informal institute Society sociology taught The where

23 English words from 14 foreign definitions

chi club com con die divide entre football humor idée impresa informal maken met Persona Pessoa qual que sorte Supporter Ter tifosi van

46 foreign words from 14 foreign definitions

amante amistad amistosa asociación associazione autres bondgenoot clube compagno cônjuge della despesas dirigirse Diritto economia economica entre␣autres espagnol esportivo Eufemismo exprimant extraño Forma geralmente hebben Letterario lucros masculino Membro outras partecipa perteneciente pessoa Préfixe qui risma sert società société Sociologie stessa una vínculo voir vorming woorden

282 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

sociolx sociome sociomap sociomes socionic sociocide sociodicy sociogeny sociogram sociolect socioling sociology sociomaps sociomass socionics socionome sociopath sociotope sociotype sociocidal sociocides sociocracy sociocusis sociofugal sociogenic sociograms sociograph sociolects sociolegal sociologic sociometer sociometry sociomoral sociopaths sociopathy sociopetal sociospace sociotopes sociotropy sociotypes sociobabble sociocosmic sociodicies socioethnic sociographs sociography sociolectal sociolectic sociologese sociologies +232 words

70 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

biosociology cow␣sociology nonsociology nonsociopath zoosociology associonistic dissociogenic metasociology nonsociopaths unsociologist xenosociology cybersociology ethnosociology macrosociology microsociology neurosociology nonsociologist nonsociopathic phytosociology unsociological unsociologists antisociologist biosociological nonsociological nonsociologists phytosociologic pseudosociology psychosociology antisociologists cybersociologist ethnosociologies ethnosociologist macrosociologist metasociological microsociologist nonsocioeconomic phytosociologist anthroposociology biosociodiversity cybersociological cybersociologists ethnosociological ethnosociologists macrosociological macrosociologists microsociological microsociologists phytosociological phytosociologists protosociological +20 words

7 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

CIO soc Soc SoC SOC soc. Soc.

12 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

cos Cos CO$ 'cos co's cos. ICO ICOs oic OIC -oic OIc.

One anagram (New word found by changing the order of the letters.)


11 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

coions Coiros Colosi coolis coosin Corios cosmoi Cossio Ocasio ocoids Scioto

15 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)


6 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Socia socie socii socko SOCSO sodio-

3 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Scio SoCo SOCO

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