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The word sore is in the Wiktionary

71 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • sore adj. Causing pain or discomfort; painfully sensitive.
  • sore adj. Sensitive; tender; easily pained, grieved, or vexed; very susceptible of irritation.
  • sore adj. Dire; distressing.
  • sore adj. (Informal) Feeling animosity towards someone; annoyed or angered.
  • sore adj. (Obsolete) Criminal; wrong; evil.
  • sore adv. (Archaic) Very, excessively, extremely (of something bad).
  • sore adv. Sorely.
  • sore n. An injured, infected, inflamed or diseased patch of skin.
  • sore n. Grief; affliction; trouble; difficulty.
  • sore v. (Transitive) To mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait.
  • sore n. A young hawk or falcon in its first year.
  • sore n. A young buck in its fourth year.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Farefare
    • sore n. Road, way, street.
  • Friulian
  • Hungarian
    • söre n. Third-person singular single-possession possessive of sör.
  • Indonesian
    • sore n. The second half of the afternoon; the time of the day from around 3pm until sunset.
  • Istro-romanian
  • Japanese
    • sore rom. Rōmaji transcription of それ.
  • Javanese - Old javanese
  • Malay
    • sore n. (Indonesia) afternoon (part of the day between noon and evening).
  • Middle english
    • sore adv. Alternative form of sure.
    • sore adj. Senses associated with pain…
    • sore adj. Senses associated with anguish…
    • sore adj. Challenging, complicated, laborious; requiring a large expenditure of one’s energies…
    • sore adj. (Used with words relating to pain, soreness, or anguish) Very, strongly, bad, grievously.
    • sore adj. Malicious, iniquitous, malign; not morally or spiritually in the right.
    • sore n. The condition of bodily painfulness or hurting.
    • sore n. A condition of anguish or affliction of the thought; injury of the mind…
    • sore n. A specific affliction or condition:.
    • sore adv. Hurtfully, harmfully; in a way which creates wounds, painfulness, or anguish…
    • sore adv. With intense effort, prowess, or capability…
    • sore adv. (Especially used with words relating to feelings or thought) Very, extremely, incredibly, a lot.
    • sore adv. Taut, secure; held strongly and with security.
    • sore adv. While suffering or experiencing an injury or pain.
    • sore v. Alternative form of soren.
    • sore n. Alternative form of sor.
    • sore n. Alternative form of sorre.
    • sore n. Alternative form of sire.
  • Moore
  • Norwegian nynorsk
  • Ternate
    • sore v. (Intransitive) to sneeze.
    • sore v. (Intransitive) to crow (as a rooster).
— English words, defined in German —
  • sore Adj. Medizin, von Wunden als Krankheit: wund, entzündet.
  • sore Adj. Übertragen: schlimm.
  • sore Adj. Gefühle betreffend: verärgert, sauer, psychisch verletzt.
  • sore S. Medizin: Wunde; eine wunde Stelle am Körper.
  • sore S. Übertragen: die Quelle oder Ursache für Trauer, Kummer, Verärgerung oder Ähnlichem.
— English words, defined in French —
  • sore adj. Irrité.
  • sore n. Plaie.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • sore adj. Penoso.
  • sore adj. Adolorido.
  • sore adj. Doloroso.
  • sore adj. Irritante.
  • sore s. Un lugar o zona del cuerpo que esta adolorido.
  • sore s. Llaga, úlcera.
  • sore s. Una fuente o causa de dolor o irritación.
  • sore adv. Excesivamente.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • sore adj. Dolorido.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • sore agg. Dolorante.
— In German —
  • Sore S. Gaunersprache: das durch einen Dieb erbeutete Gut.
— In French —
  • sore n.m. (Botanique) Amas de sporanges, qui produisent les spores des fougères.
  • sore n.m. (Mycologie) Groupe de conidiophores.
  • sore n.m. (Botanique) Amas de sporocystes se produisant à la surface…
  • Sore n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française, située dans le département…
  • Sore n.fam. Nom de famille.
168 English words from 48 English definitions

Above affliction afternoon a␣lot Alternative and angered anguish animosity annoyed Archaic around associated bad between bodily buck capability Causing Challenging complicated condition creates Criminal Crossing crow day difficulty Dire discomfort diseased distressing easily effort energies Especially evening evil excessively expenditure experiencing extremely falcon Feeling feelings feet first form fourth from gait Grief grieved grievously half harmfully hawk held horse Hurtfully hurting in␣a␣way incredibly Indonesia induce infected inflamed Informal iniquitous injured injury in␣order in␣order␣to intense in␣the␣right Intransitive irritation its Journey laborious large legs lot Malicious malign mind morally mutilate noon not Obsolete one On␣top order Over pain pained painfully painfulness part particular patch path person possession possessive prowess relating requiring right Road Rōmaji rooster second second␣half secure security Senses sensitive single singular sire skin sneeze someone something something␣bad sor Sorely soreness Southernmost specific spiritually street strongly suffering Sun sunset sure susceptible Taut tender the the␣day Third Third␣person Third-person␣singular thought time top towards transcription Transitive trouble until used very vexed way which While with words wounds wrong year young young␣buck

25 English words from 23 foreign definitions

à␣la als Amas Commune conidiophores dans das del département des die Dieb dolor Doloroso Groupe Gut les Nom que sporanges spores Stelle surface Una zona

56 foreign words from 23 foreign definitions

adolorido Ähnlichem betreffend Botanique causa cuerpo Dolorante Dolorido durch eine einen entzündet erbeutete esta Excesivamente famille fougères française fuente für Gaunersprache Gefühle Géographie irritación Irritante Irrité Körper Krankheit Kummer Llaga lugar Medizin Mycologie Nom␣de␣famille oder Penoso Plaie produisant produisent psychisch Quelle qui sauer schlimm située sporocystes Trauer Übertragen úlcera Ursache verärgert verletzt von wund wunde Wunden

40 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

sored soree sorel Sorel sorer sores Sorey sorees sorels Sorels sorely sorest Soreys soreage soredia sorehon soredial soredium sorehead Sorelian soreness Sorensen Sorenson sorediate soreheads sore␣loser Sorensens Sorensons sore␣point soreheaded sore␣losers sorenesses sore␣points sore␣throat sore␣winner Sorelianism sore␣throats sore␣winners sorediferous sore-thumbish

151 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

tsores Basores masoret Masoret unsored visored bedsores censored censoree cursored earsores eyesores Masorete masorets Masorets massoret Nasorean tensored tensores tussores censorees censoress cold␣sores dysorexia fenisorex fucksores fuck␣sores Masoretes Masoretic Massorete massorets Nasoreans nosesores open␣sores scissored scissorer sponsored sponsoree sponsorer unvisored veld␣sores weak␣sores advisoress basorelief decensored esorediate Massoretes Massoretic mesorectal mesorectum +101 words

32 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Basore Mesore Mysore unsore bedsore earsore eyesore tagsore tussore Balasore buttsore cold␣sore footsore fucksore fuck␣sore humpsore nosesore veld␣sore weak␣sore Windsore heartsore morass-ore mouthsore veldt␣sore canker␣sore desert␣sore potter's␣ore saddlesore saddle␣sore running␣sore oriental␣sore pressure␣sore

8 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ore Ore ORE öre øre Ore. sor Sor

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

eros Eros EROS Ros ROS

17 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

eors eros Eros EROS ores öres orse 'orse Reos roes Roes RoEs ROEs rose Rose rosé sero-

135 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

aeros arose Beros Boers bores Bores Boser brose Brose ceros cores corse Corse creos Crose deros DEROS doers dorse doser Ensor eorls Erdos Erdős ergos Ernos EROIs erose esrog Feros froes Geros goers Goers gores Gores gorse Grose heros hoers horse Horse HORSE H-O-R-S-E H.O.R.S.E. hoser Ieros keros kores Koser +85 words

51 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

eor EOR Eos E&Os ers ERs ERS -ers ESO ESR o'er oes OES OES. ore Ore ORE öre øre Ore. ors Ors ORs ORS OSE -ose Reo REO res RES Res. roe Roe RoE ROE Ros ROS RSE RSO Seo SEO ser SER ser. soe Soe SOE sor Sor SRE SRO

65 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bore core Core CORE -core co-r.e. Dore fore Fore fore- gore Gore kore Kore lore more More Moré -more pore rore sare Sare sere SERE sire SOCE soke sole Sole some -some sone Sone SONE sope sora Sora SORA sorb Sorb sord sORF Sorg sori sorn SORN sorr sors Sors sort sory SOSE sowe SSRE sure syre tore Tore vore Vore -vore wore WORE yore

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ore Ore ORE öre øre Ore. soe Soe SOE sor Sor SRE

17 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

score shore Shore slore smore s'more snore soare Sorce soree sorie sorte sowre spore S'pore store swore

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