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The word sound is in the Wiktionary

82 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • sound adj. Healthy.
  • sound adj. Complete, solid, or secure.
  • sound adj. (Mathematics, logic) Having the property of soundness.
  • sound adj. (Britain, Ireland, slang) Good; acceptable; decent.
  • sound adj. (Of sleep) Quiet and deep.
  • sound adj. Heavy; laid on with force.
  • sound adj. Founded in law; legal; valid; not defective.
  • sound adv. Soundly.
  • sound interj. (Britain, Ireland, slang) Yes; used to show agreement or understanding, generally without much enthusiasm.
  • sound n. A sensation perceived by the ear caused by the vibration of air or some other medium.
  • sound n. A vibration capable of causing such sensations.
  • sound n. (Music) A distinctive style and sonority of a particular musician, orchestra, &.
  • sound n. Noise without meaning; empty noise.
  • sound n. Earshot, distance within which a certain noise may be heard.
  • sound n. (Phonetics) A segment as a part of spoken language, the smallest unit of spoken language, a speech sound.
  • sound v. (Intransitive) To produce a sound.
  • sound v. (Copulative) To convey an impression by one’s sound.
  • sound v. (Intransitive) To be conveyed in sound; to be spread or published; to convey intelligence by sound.
  • sound v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To resound.
  • sound v. (Intransitive, law, often with in) To arise or to be recognizable as arising in or from a particular…
  • sound v. (Transitive) To cause to produce a sound.
  • sound v. (Transitive, phonetics, of a vowel or consonant) To pronounce.
  • sound n. (Geography) A long narrow inlet, or a strait between the mainland and an island; also, a strait connecting…
  • sound n. The air bladder of a fish.
  • sound v. (Intransitive) Dive downwards, used of a whale.
  • sound v. To ascertain, or try to ascertain, the thoughts, motives, and purposes of (a person); to examine; to…
  • sound v. Test; ascertain the depth of water with a sounding line or other device.
  • sound v. (Medicine) To examine with the instrument called a sound or sonde, or by auscultation or percussion.
  • sound n. A long, thin probe for sounding or dilating body cavities or canals such as the urethra; a sonde.
  • Sound prop.n. The strait that separates Zealand (an island of Denmark) from Scania (part of Sweden); also sometimes…
  • Sound prop.n. Synonym of Plymouth Sound, Devon, England.
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Saterland frisian
— English words, defined in German —
  • sound Adj. In Ordnung, in gutem Zustand.
  • sound S. Der hörbare Ausdruck eines Geschehens.
  • sound S. Medizin: ein längliches Gerät für Untersuchungen.
  • sound S. Geografie, Gewässer: die eng von Land umgebene Stelle; eine Meerenge.
  • sound V. Hörbar machen oder sein.
  • sound V. Die Tiefe eines Gewässers, eine Erkrankung oder eine Meinung erkunden.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • sound n. Geluid.
  • sound n. Gehoorsafstand.
  • sound n. Zeearm, zeeëngte.
  • sound n. (Vissen) visblaas.
  • sound w. Onovergankelijk klinken.
  • sound w. Overgankelijk doen klinken, luiden.
  • sound w. Overgankelijk peilen.
  • sound w. Overgankelijk (figuurlijk) uithoren, de gedachtegang, motivatie e.d. van iemand peilen, achterhalen.
  • sound w. Onovergankelijk (dierkunde) verticaal duiken, naar de zeebodem afdalen (van walvissen, en andere zeedieren).
  • sound w. Overgankelijk (medisch) sonderen.
  • sound bijv. Gezond.
  • sound bijv. Correct.
— English words, defined in French —
  • sound n. Son, bruit.
  • sound n. Ouïe.
  • sound n. (Géographie) Baie maritime étroite, bras de mer.
  • sound v. Sonner.
  • sound v. Sonner, tinter.
  • sound v. Résonner, sonner.
  • sound v. Sonder (sonder la profondeur).
  • sound adj. Sain.
  • sound adj. (Logique) Correct, valide avec prémisses vraies.
  • Sound n.prop. (Géographie) Paroisse civile d’Angleterre située dans le district de Cheshire East.
  • Sound n.prop. (Avec the) Øresund, le détroit principal entre le Danemark et la Suède, plus précisément entre l’île…
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • sound s. Sonido.
  • sound s. Idea.
  • sound adj. Sano, sólido, firme.
  • sound adj. Profundo.
  • sound adj. Completo, severo.
  • sound adj. Bueno, sólido.
  • sound adj. Juicioso, sensato, acertado, consistente.
  • sound v. Tocar, sonar.
  • sound v. Pronunciar.
  • sound v. Auscultar.
  • sound v. Sondear.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • sound adj. Sólido, firme, bem assentado.
  • sound s. Som.
  • sound v. Soar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • sound agg. (Medicina) sano.
  • sound s. (Fisica) rumore, suono.
— In German —
  • Sound S. Der charakteristische Klang der Musik.
— In Dutch —
  • sound n. Geluid.
  • sound n. (Muziek) in het bijzonder: eigen, specifiek geluid van een…
— In French —
  • Sound n.prop. (Géographie) Paroisse civile d’Angleterre située dans…
— In Italian —
  • sound s. (Forestierismo) (musica) suono che accompagna una canzone.
164 English words from 32 English definitions

acceptable agreement air air␣bladder also amp and arise arising ascertain auscultation between bladder body body␣cavities Britain called canals capable cause caused causing cavities certain Complete connecting consonant convey conveyed Copulative decent deep defective Denmark depth device Devon dilating distance distinctive Dive downwards ear Earshot empty England enthusiasm examine fish for force Founded from generally Geography Good Having Healthy heard Heavy impression inlet instrument intelligence Intransitive Ireland island laid language law legal line logic long mainland Mathematics may may␣be meaning Medicine medium motives much Music musician narrow noise not obsolete of␣a often one orchestra other part particular perceived percussion person phonetics Plymouth Plymouth␣Sound probe produce pronounce property published purposes Quiet recognizable resound Sand Scania secure segment sensation sensations separates show slang sleep smallest solid some sometimes sonde sonority sound sounding sounding␣line Soundly soundness speech spoken spread strait style such such␣as Sweden Synonym Test that the thin thoughts Transitive try understanding unit urethra used used␣to valid vibration vowel water whale which with within without Yes Zealand

39 English words from 50 foreign definitions

bras bruit canzone che Cheshire Cheshire␣East Completo Correct dans der die district East een eng entre het Idea Klang Land maritime mer Ordnung Øresund plus principal Sain Sano sein Soar Som Son sonar sonder Sonner Stelle the tinter van

108 foreign words from 50 foreign definitions

accompagna acertado achterhalen afdalen andere Angleterre assentado Auscultar Ausdruck avec Baie bem bijzonder bras␣de␣mer Bueno charakteristische civile consistente Danemark détroit dierkunde doen duiken eigen ein eine eines Erkrankung erkunden étroite figuurlijk firme Fisica Forestierismo für gedachtegang Gehoorsafstand geluid Geografie Géographie Gerät Geschehens Gewässer Gewässers Gezond gutem Hörbar hörbare iemand île Juicioso klinken längliches Logique luiden machen Medicina medisch Medizin Meerenge Meinung motivatie musica Musik Muziek naar oder Onovergankelijk Ouïe Overgankelijk Paroisse Paroisse␣civile peilen précisément prémisses profondeur Profundo Pronunciar Résonner rumore sano sensato severo située sólido sonderen Sonido sonner specifiek Suède suono Tiefe Tocar uithoren umgebene una Untersuchungen valide verticaal visblaas Vissen von vraies walvissen Zeearm zeebodem zeedieren Zustand

204 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

sounds soundy sounded sounder Soundex soundie soundin' soundly soundage sound␣art soundbar soundbox sound␣box sound␣cut sounders soundest soundeth soundful soundies sounding sound␣law soundman soundmen sound␣off soundome sound␣out soundset soundable soundages soundbank soundbars soundbite sound␣bite soundbyte sound␣byte soundcard sound␣card sound␣clip sound␣cuts Sound␣Dues Soundexed Soundexes sound␣film soundhead sound␣head soundhole sound␣hole soundings sound␣laws soundless +154 words

65 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

resounds re-sounds sh␣sounds th␣sounds missounds nonsounds outsounds resounded re-sounded resounder unsounded unsounder unsoundly consounded co-sounding foresounds missounded outsounded resounders resoundest resoundeth resounding re-sounding unsoundest unsounding aftersounds echosounder echo␣sounder found␣sounds heart␣sounds hypersounds infrasounds microsounds missounding outsounding resoundings supersounds ultrasounds unsoundable unsoundness depth␣sounder echosounders echo␣sounders echosounding echo␣sounding high-sounding resoundingly somatosounds ultrasounded unresounding +15 words

47 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

resound re-sound sh␣sound th␣sound unsound consound missound nonsound outsound foresound Owen␣Sound aftersound found␣sound heart␣sound hypersound infrasound microsound Puget␣Sound supersound ultrasound Mersey␣sound second␣sound somatosound wall␣of␣sound McMurdo␣Sound Milford␣Sound safe␣and␣sound speed␣of␣sound walls␣of␣sound Falkland␣Sound nonultrasound Plymouth␣Sound preultrasound surround-sound surround␣sound Vineyard␣Sound Lancaster␣Sound Liverpool␣sound Nashville␣sound teleultrasound California␣Sound Canterbury␣sound Ironbottom␣Sound Bakersfield␣sound Block␣Island␣Sound high␣lonesome␣sound San␣Francisco␣sound

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

!'O!uŋ sou Sou Soun und

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

DNU Nuo U&Os

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

nodus Nudos udons undos

56 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

bounds Bounds donums donuts Dubons Duhons dunnos Dunson Duongs Durons Duston Dutson fondus founds hounds Hudons Hudson hundos Judons Judson Junods knouds mounds Mundos nodous Osmund Ousden pondus pounds Pounds rounds Rounds round␣s snod␣up Soudan sounds soundy stound stunod Sudano Sudano- sundog sun␣dog Sundon sungod swound undoes undogs undose ungods +6 words

27 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

dons Dons duns Duns DUNs duos nods NODs nous Nudo Onsu onus ONUs Osun ouds OUDS ouns snod sond Soun Sudo Suon udon undo unds Unos UNOS

20 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bound Bound -bound Cound found Found. gound hound Hound Lound mound pound Pound round Round 'round Souns sourd sownd wound

2 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

sond Soun

2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

stound swound

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