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The word speck is in the Wiktionary

37 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • speck n. A tiny spot, especially of dirt etc.
  • speck n. A very small thing; a particle; a whit.
  • speck n. A small etheostomoid fish, Etheostoma stigmaeum, common in the eastern United States.
  • speck v. (Transitive) To mark with specks; to speckle.
  • speck n. Fat; lard; fat meat.
  • speck n. (Uncountable) A juniper-flavoured ham originally from Tyrol.
  • speck n. The blubber of whales or other marine mammals.
  • speck n. The fat of the hippopotamus.
  • Speck prop.n. A surname from German.
— Foreign words, define in English —
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • speck w. Spikkelen, vlekken.
  • speck n. Stip, vlek.
  • speck n. Beetje, deeltje.
— English words, defined in French —
  • speck n. Point, généralement une petite tache.
  • speck v. Tacheter, moucheter.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • speck s. Granello.
  • speck s. Macchia.
— In German —
  • speck V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs specken.
  • Speck S. Plural selten, Zoologie, Anatomie: Fettgewebe zwischen Haut…
  • Speck S. Plural selten, Gastronomie, Küche: meist: Fettgewebe vom…
  • Speck S. Plural selten, Druckwesen, Schriftsetzerei, veraltend: die…
  • Speck S. Kurzform für: Weiberspeck, Vertugadin.
  • Speck S. Ortsteil der Kreisstadt Neuss in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
  • Speck S. Ortsteil der Gemeinde Kargow im Landkreis Mecklenburgische…
  • Speck S. Ortsteil der Gemeinde Wolfegg im Landkreis Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg…
  • Speck S. Ortsteil der Gemeinde Altfraunhofen, Landkreis Landshut, Bayern, D.
  • Speck S. Ortsteil der Gemeinde Eurasburg, Landkreis Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen…
  • Speck S. Ortsteil der Gemeinde Reischach, Landkreis Altötting, Bayern, D.
  • Speck S. Ortsteil der Gemeinde Wittibreut, Landkreis Rottal-Inn, Bayern, D.
  • Speck S. Kurz für: Zell an der Speck, Ortsteil des Marktes Nassenfels…
  • Speck S. Ort bei Oberhofen am Irrsee, Bezirk Vöcklabruck, Oberösterreich…
  • Speck S. Deutsche Bezeichnung für Mosty (Goleniów), Woiwodschaft Westpommern…
  • Speck S. Deutsche Bezeichnung für Gać (Główczyce), Woiwodschaft Pommern, Polen.
  • Speck S. Deutschsprachiger Nachname, Familienname.
— In French —
  • speck n.m. (Cuisine) Longe de porc fumée, spécialité du Tyrol italien…
— In Italian —
  • speck s. (Gastronomia) tipo di salume originario dell’Alto Adige…
43 English words from 11 English definitions

Bacon blubber common dirt eastern especially etc etheostomoid fat fish flavoured from German ham hippopotamus juniper lard mammals marine marine␣mammals mark meat originally other particle small speckle specks spot States surname the thing tiny Transitive Tyrol Uncountable United United␣States very whales whit with

31 English words from 26 foreign definitions

Adige Alto Bad Baden Baden-Württemberg Cuisine dell der des die Haut Inn Kurz Landshut Longe Macchia Neuss Ort Person petite Plural Point salume Singular Speck Stip tache Tyrol Verbs vom Württemberg

69 foreign words from 26 foreign definitions

Aktiv Altfraunhofen Alto␣Adige Altötting Anatomie Bad␣Tölz Bad␣Tölz-Wolfratshausen Bayern Beetje bei Bezeichnung Bezirk deeltje Deutsche Deutschsprachiger Druckwesen Eurasburg Familienname fumée für Gastronomia Gastronomie Gemeinde généralement Granello Imperativ italien Kargow Kreisstadt Küche Kurzform Landkreis Marktes Mecklenburgische meist moucheter Nachname Nassenfels Nordrhein-Westfalen Oberösterreich originario Ortsteil Polen Pommern porc Präsens Ravensburg Reischach Rottal-Inn selten spécialité specken Spikkelen Tacheter tipo une veraltend Vertugadin vlek vlekken Vöcklabruck Westfalen Wittibreut Woiwodschaft Wolfegg Wolfratshausen Zell Zoologie zwischen

52 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

specks Specks specky specked specker speckie speckle speckly speckier speckies specking speckled speckles Speckman speckiest speckless specklike speckling Speckmans speckilate speckiness specklings speckilated speckilates specklessly speckliness speckilating speckilation speckledness speckled␣wood specksioneer specktioneer speckilations specklebreast speckled␣alder speckled-belly speckled␣trout speckled␣woods specklessness specksioneers specktioneers specklebreasts speckled␣trouts speckled-bellies speckled␣footman speckled␣footmen speckled␣monster speckled␣warbler speckled␣warblers speckled␣carpetshark speckled␣carpetsharks speckle-fronted␣weaver

39 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

respecks bespeckle despeckle flyspecks respecked respeckin' unspecked bespeckled bespeckles biospeckle despeckled despeckler despeckles flyspecked kenspeckle respecking unspeckled bespeckling biospeckles despecklers despeckling flyspecking nonspeckled paraspeckle perispeckle microspeckle multispeckle paraspeckles perispeckles hyperspeckled microspeckles hyperspeckling keep␣one's␣pecker␣up kept␣one's␣pecker␣up keeps␣one's␣pecker␣up cute␣as␣a␣speckled␣pup keeping␣one's␣pecker␣up Kochen-Specker␣theorem pretty␣as␣a␣speckled␣pup

3 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

respeck flyspeck kenspeck

9 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Eck pec PEC peck Peck SPE spec SPEC spec.

8 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

cep CEP ceps CEPs eps Eps EPs EPS

One anagram (New word found by changing the order of the letters.)


11 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Capeks Csapek epicks Kopecs Packes peckes plecks Spacek specks Specks specky

24 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ceps CEPs CPEs CPKs CSPE Ecks ECPs EPCs EPKs KPCs ksec peck Peck pecs PECS Pécs PESC seck Seck skep SKPC spec SPEC spec.

20 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Sheck Sieck sleck smeck sneck spack speak -speak Spece SPECI specs SPECs spect SPECT -spect spelk spick Spock steck Steck

7 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

peck Peck seck Seck spec SPEC spec.

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