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The word spired is in the Wiktionary

2 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • spired adj. Having a spire.
  • 'spired v. Simple past tense and past participle of ’spire.
10 English words from 2 English definitions

and Having participle past past␣participle past␣tense Simple Simple␣past spire tense

4 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

inspiredly inspiredness uninspiredly uninspiredness

24 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

aspired inspired respired suspired unspired conspired perspired reaspired acrospired reinspired transpired uninspired unrespired awe-inspired bioinspired bio-inspired coconspired misinspired multispired unconspired untranspired photorespired underinspired evapotranspired

13 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ire IrE IRE Ire. ired PIR red Red RED -red SPI spire 'spire

13 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

der Der Der. Deri Eri. iPS IPs IPS rip Rip RIP rips RIPs

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

prides Prides prised redips re-dips risped spider Spider

45 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

aperids aspired bedrips crisped despair diapers dippers Dippers dipyres discerp dispred dorpies dries␣up Pardesi Pardies percids pergids periods perish'd perlids perseid Perseid Persoid Piedras pierids pinders Pinders praised pre-AIDS preside priders prismed prissed Purdies rides␣up ride␣ups sirpled siruped spiders spidery spirted sprited striped updries uprides

44 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

derps Desir Dieps diers DIPSe dries drips DRIPs IDers Pedir pedis peris Peris Pider pides piers Piers Pires preds pride Pride -pride pried pries prise redip re-dip Reids resip rides riped ripes rised sider siped sired Speir spide spied spier Spier spire 'spire spred

13 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

shired spared spiced spiked spiled spined spirea spirem spires Spires 'spires spited spored

5 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

sired spied spire 'spire spred

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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