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The word square is in the Wiktionary

98 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • square n. (Geometry) A polygon with four sides of equal length and four right angles; an equilateral rectangle;…
  • square n. Something characterized by a square, or nearly square, form.
  • square n. An L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles.
  • square n. An open space or park, often in the center of a town, not necessarily square in shape, often containing…
  • square n. (Mathematics) The product of a number or quantity multiplied by itself; the second power of a number…
  • square n. (Military formation) A body of troops drawn up in a square formation.
  • square n. (1950s slang) A socially conventional or conservative person; a person who has little or no interest…
  • square n. (Britain) The symbol # on a telephone; hash.
  • square n. (Cricket) The central area of a cricket field, with one or more pitches of which only one is used at a time.
  • square n. (Real estate) A unit of measurement of area, equal to a 10 foot by 10 foot square, i.e. 100 square feet…
  • square n. (Roofing) A unit used in measuring roof area equivalent to 100 square feet (9.29 m²) of roof area. The…
  • square n. (Academia) A mortarboard.
  • square n. (Colloquial, US) Ellipsis of square meal.
  • square n. (Archaic) Exact proportion; justness of workmanship and conduct; regularity; rule.
  • square n. The relation of harmony, or exact agreement; equality; level.
  • square n. (Astrology) The position of planets distant ninety degrees from each other; a quadrate.
  • square n. (Dated) The act of squaring, or quarrelling; a quarrel.
  • square n. (Slang) Cigarette.
  • square n. (Brewing) A vat used for fermentation.
  • square n. (Slang, MLE) A well-defined core of a human body, a flat section from the fundament to the thoracic diaphragm.
  • square adj. Shaped like a square (the polygon).
  • square adj. Forming a right angle (90°).
  • square adj. Used in the names of units of area formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself.
  • square adj. Honest; straightforward; fair.
  • square adj. Satisfied; comfortable with; not experiencing any conflict.
  • square adj. Even; tied.
  • square adj. (Slang, derogatory) Socially conventional; boring.
  • square adj. (Cricket) In line with the batsman’s popping crease.
  • square adj. Solid, decent, substantial.
  • square adj. Having a shape broad for the height, with angular rather than curving outlines.
  • square adv. Directly.
  • square v. (Transitive) To adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle to something else; in particular…
  • square v. (Transitive, intransitive) To resolve or reconcile; to suit or fit.
  • square v. (Transitive) To adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something.
  • square v. (Transitive, mathematics) Of a value, term, or expression, to multiply by itself; to raise to the second power.
  • square v. (Transitive, geometry) To draw, with a pair of compasses and a straightedge only, a square with the same area as.
  • square v. (Transitive, geometry) To tile (completely fill) with squares.
  • square v. (Soccer) To make a short low pass sideways across the pitch.
  • square v. (Archaic) To take opposing sides; to quarrel.
  • square v. To accord or agree exactly; to be consistent with; to suit; to fit.
  • square v. (Obsolete) To go to opposite sides; to take an attitude of offense or defense, or of defiance; to quarrel.
  • square v. To take a boxing attitude; often with up or off.
  • square v. To form with four sides and four right angles.
  • square v. To form with right angles and straight lines, or flat surfaces.
  • square v. To compare with, or reduce to, any given measure or standard.
  • square v. (Astrology) To hold a quartile position respecting.
  • Square prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Middle english
    • square n. A square (tool used to ensure a right angle).
    • square n. A square (equilateral rectangle); a square plot of land.
    • square n. One of the edges of a square.
— English words, defined in German —
  • square S. Quadrat.
  • square S. Platz.
  • square S. Eine Person, die nichts Interessantes zu berichten, erzählen hat; eine Person, die keine Abwechslung…
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • square n. (Wiskunde) vierkant.
  • square n. Plein.
— English words, defined in French —
  • square n. (Géométrie) Carré.
  • square n. (Mathématiques) Carré.
  • square n. Équerre.
  • square n. (Urbanisme) Square, place (au sens de place publique).
  • square n. (Jeux) Case (Aux échecs, etc.).
  • square n. (Argot) (Années 1950) Personne conventionnelle.
  • square adj. (Géométrie, Mathématiques) Carré.
  • square adv. (Familier) Directement.
  • square v. (Mathématiques) Élever au carré.
  • square v. Mettre à angle droit, équarrir.
  • square v. (Sens figuré) (Familier) Résoudre.
  • square v. (Sens figuré) Régulariser.
  • square v. Quadriller, dans le sens « tracer un quadrillage ».
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • square s. Cuadrado (polígono; segunda potencia; persona convencional y pacata).
  • square s. Escuadra.
  • square s. Plaza.
  • square s. Almohadilla (signo gráfico #).
  • square s. Birrete, bonete.
  • square s. Superficie de 100 pies cuadrados.
  • square adj. Cuadrado.
  • square adj. Perpendicular.
  • square adj. Honesto, justo.
  • square adj. Aburrido, pacato.
  • square v. Ajustar.
  • square v. Resolver.
  • square v. Cuadrar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • square adj. Quadrado.
  • square adj. Honesto, justo.
  • square s. Praça.
  • square s. Quadrado (forma geométrica).
  • square s. Quadrado (número que tem uma raiz quadrada inteira).
  • square s. Quadrado (pessoa muito convencional).
  • square v. Elevar ao quadrado.
  • square v. Resolver.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • square s. (Matematica) (geometria) quadrato.
  • square s. Piazza.
  • square s. (Araldica) attrezzo a forma di L utilizzato dai carpentieri per realizzare angoli retti.
— In Dutch —
  • square bijv. In overeenstemming met de algemeen gangbare opvattingen…
  • square bijv. (Pejoratief) iemand die zich richt naar de algemeen gangbare…
  • square n. Plein in een bebouwde omgeving.
  • square n. (Verouderd) vierkant stuk grond met aanplant.
— In French —
  • square n.m. (Urbanisme) Petit jardin public, souvent établi au milieu d’une place.
  • square n.m. (Par extension) (Rare) (Jeux) Aire de jeux pour enfants.
260 English words from 50 English definitions

Academia accord across act adapt adjust a␣flat agree agreement align and angle angles angular any Archaic area as␣to Astrology at␣a␣time attitude batsman body boring boxing Brewing bring Britain broad center central characterized Cigarette Colloquial comfortable compare compasses completely conduct conflict conservative consistent containing conventional core crease cricket cricket␣field curving Dated decent defense defiance defined degrees derogatory diaphragm Directly distant draw drawn drawn␣up each each␣other edges Ellipsis else ensure equal equality equilateral equivalent estate Even exact exactly experiencing expression fair feet fermentation field fill fit flat foot for form formation formed Forming four from fundament geometry given go␣to harmony has hash Having height hold Honest human In␣line In␣line␣with in␣particular in␣shape interest into intransitive itself justness land length level like line lines little low make mathematics meal measure measurement measuring Military MLE more mortarboard multiplied multiply multiplying names nearly necessarily ninety not number objects Obsolete of␣a off offense often one only open open␣space opposing opposite opposite␣sides other outlines pair pair␣of␣compasses park particular pass person pitch pitches place planets plot polygon popping popping␣crease position power product proportion quadrate quantity quarrel quarrelling quartile raise rather rather␣than Real Real␣estate reconcile rectangle reduce regularity relation resolve respecting right right␣angle right␣angles roof Roofing rule same Satisfied second section shape shaped short sides sideways slang so␣as so␣as␣to Soccer socially Solid something something␣else space square square␣feet square␣meal squares squaring standard straight straightedge straightforward straight␣lines substantial suit surfaces surname symbol take telephone term than the the␣same thoracic tied tile time To␣go tool to␣the town Transitive troops T-shaped unit unit␣of␣measurement units used used␣to value vat well well-defined which who with workmanship

40 English words from 48 foreign definitions

Aire angle Argot Aux Case Cuadrado dai dans die droit een Eine etc extension hat jardin met milieu Par per Perpendicular Person persona Petit Piazza pies place Platz Plaza pour public publique Quadrat Quadriller que Rare Resolver sens Square tracer

97 foreign words from 48 foreign definitions

aanplant Aburrido Abwechslung Aire␣de␣jeux Ajustar algemeen Almohadilla angle␣droit angoli Années Araldica attrezzo au␣carré au␣milieu bebouwde berichten Birrete bonete carpentieri carré convencional conventionnelle cuadrados Cuadrar Directement échecs eine Elevar Élever Élever␣au␣carré enfants équarrir Équerre erzählen Escuadra établi Familier figuré forma gangbare geometria geométrica Géométrie gráfico grond Honesto iemand inteira Interessantes jardin␣public jeux justo keine Matematica Mathématiques Mettre muito naar nichts número omgeving opvattingen overeenstemming pacata pacato Par␣extension Pejoratief Personne pessoa place␣publique Plein polígono potencia Praça quadrado quadrato quadrillage raiz Régulariser Résoudre retti richt segunda Sens␣figuré signo souvent stuk Superficie tem uma une Urbanisme utilizzato Verouderd vierkant Wiskunde zich

159 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

squared squarer squares Squares squarely square␣on squarers squarest squareth square-up square␣up squaredly square␣gin square␣leg squareman squaremen square␣off square␣one square␣rig square␣rod square-ups square␣away square␣ball square␣deal squared␣off square-eyed square␣eyes square␣feet square␣foot squarefree square-free squarehead square␣inch square␣john square␣knot squareless squarelike square␣meal square␣mile Square␣Mile squareneck squareness square␣rigs square␣rods square␣roof square␣root squaresail square␣sail squares␣off squaretail +109 words

79 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

L␣squares T-squares unsquared capsquares CDO-squared CDO␣squared chi-squares nonsquares set␣squares subsquares trysquares try␣squares CDO-squareds CDO␣squareds goalsquares goal␣squares gridsquares headsquares jazz␣squares mean␣squares Pasquarella Pasquarelli Pasquarello polysquares roof␣squares semisquares town␣squares word␣squares Latin␣squares least␣squares magic␣squares Pasquarellas Pasquarellis Pasquarellos pedal␣squares steel␣squares supersquares three␣squares unsquareable center␣squares centre␣squares chi-square␣test cube-square␣law deep␣square␣leg flight␣squares granny␣squares heterosquares market␣squares Parker␣squares pocket␣squares +29 words

91 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

L␣square T-square bisquare unsquare all␣square capsquare chi-square nonsquare Red␣Square set␣square subsquare trysquare try␣square foursquare four-square four␣square goalsquare goal␣square gridsquare grid␣square headsquare jazz␣square mean␣square oversquare over␣square polysquare roof␣square semisquare town␣square word␣square Latin␣square magic␣square on␣the␣square out␣of␣square quasisquare steel␣square supersquare three-square Times␣Square undersquare under␣square Union␣Square call␣it␣square catch␣a␣square center␣square centre␣square flight␣square granny␣square heterosquare market␣square +41 words

9 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

are Are ARE Åre A.R.E. qua quar quare UAR

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

era ERA

21 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

aquerts Araques barques brasque L␣square marques masquer quaeres quæres Quakers quarest Quarles quartes quasher quatres quavers squared squarer squares Squares T-square

7 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Auers Aurès quare quars Sauer urase ureas

5 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

squame squark squary squire Squire

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


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