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The word stub is in the Wiktionary

49 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • stub n. Something blunted, stunted, or cut short, such as stubble or a stump.
  • stub n. A piece of certain paper items, designed to be torn off and kept for record or identification purposes.
  • stub n. (Programming) A placeholder procedure that has the signature of the planned procedure but does not yet…
  • stub n. (Computing, middleware) A procedure that translates requests from external systems into a format suitable…
  • stub n. (Typography, in tabular matter) A row heading in a table (with horizontal reference, whereas a column…
  • stub n. (Chiefly Wikimedia jargon) A page providing only minimal information and intended for later development.
  • stub n. The remaining part of the docked tail of a dog.
  • stub n. An unequal first or last interest calculation period, as a part of a financial swap contract.
  • stub n. (Obsolete) A log or block of wood.
  • stub n. (Obsolete) A blockhead.
  • stub n. A pen with a short, blunt nib.
  • stub n. An old and worn horseshoe nail.
  • stub n. Stub iron.
  • stub n. The smallest remainder of a smoked cigarette; a butt.
  • stub v. (Transitive) To remove most of a tree, bush, or other rooted plant by cutting it close to the ground.
  • stub v. (Transitive) To remove a plant by pulling it out by the roots.
  • stub v. (Transitive) To jam, hit, or bump, especially a toe.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Serbo-croatian
    • stub n. Pillar.
    • stub n. Column (upright supporting beam).
— English words, defined in German —
  • stub S. Etwas abgestumpft, verkümmert oder kurz geschnitten. Stumpf.
  • stub S. Ein Stück Papier für Aufnahme oder Identifizierung. Zahlung Stub, Kassenbeleg.
  • stub S. Eine Seite mit nur minimalen Informationen. Abriss.
— English words, defined in French —
  • stub n. Souche papier (p. ex. talon d’un chèque, carnet à souches).
  • stub n. Quelque chose de coupé grossièrement et court, comme de la paille ou un moignon.
  • stub n. (En particulier) Mégot.
  • stub n. Ébauche.
  • stub n. Moignon de la queue d’un chien.
  • stub n. (Informatique) Squelette d’une procédure non encore fonctionnelle, qui décrit sa structure mais qui…
  • stub n. (Informatique) Procédure transcrivant les requêtes d’un système extérieur en un format pouvant être…
  • stub n. (Wikis) Ébauche d’article.
  • stub n. (Finance) Dans un échange financier (swap), première ou dernière période de calcul des intérêts, d’une…
  • stub n. (Mécanique, Métallurgie) Barre de section circulaire (« rond ») en acier calibré, rectifiée.
  • stub v. Frapper, heurter.
  • stub v. Éteindre (stub out).
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • stub s. Billete.
  • stub s. Talón de recibo.
  • stub s. Resguardo.
  • stub s. Cabo.
  • stub s. Colilla.
  • stub s. Tocón.
  • stub s. Esbozo.
  • stub s. Muñon.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • stub s. Toco, ponta (de cigarro, por exemplo).
  • stub s. Canhoto (de cheque).
  • stub s. Artigo mínimo (na Wikipédia).
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • stub s. Mozzo, abbozzo.
— In Dutch —
  • stub n. Stof, veegsel.
  • stub n. (Informatica) een tijdelijke versie van een functie.
— In French —
  • stub n.f. (Alsace) (Architecture) Pièce traditionnelle des maisons…
129 English words from 19 English definitions

and beam block blockhead blunt blunted bump bush but butt calculation certain Chiefly cigarette close close␣to column Computing contract cut cut␣short cutting cutting␣it designed development docked does dog especially external financial first for format from ground has heading hit horizontal horseshoe identification information intended interest into iron items jam jargon kept last later log matter middleware minimal most nail nib not not␣yet Obsolete of␣a off old only other out page paper part pen period piece Pillar placeholder planned plant procedure Programming providing pulling purposes record reference remainder remaining remove requests rooted roots row short signature smallest smoked Something Stub stubble Stub␣iron stump stunted such such␣as suitable supporting swap systems table tabular tail that the toe torn torn␣off to␣the Transitive translates tree Typography unequal upright whereas with wood worn yet

36 English words from 30 foreign definitions

abbozzo Alsace Architecture article Barre Cabo carnet cheque chose coupé court Dans des Ébauche een Eine encore Finance financier format les non nur out première queue rond section structure stub stub␣out swap talon Toco van Wikis

1 foreign word from 19 English definitions


87 foreign words from 30 foreign definitions

Abriss acier Artigo Aufnahme Billete calcul calibré Canhoto chèque chien cigarro circulaire Colilla comme décrit de␣la dernière échange échange␣financier Ein En␣particulier Esbozo Éteindre être Etwas exemplo extérieur fonctionnelle Frapper functie für geschnitten grossièrement heurter Identifizierung Informatica Informationen Informatique intérêts Kassenbeleg kurz mais maisons Mécanique Mégot Métallurgie minimalen mínimo mit moignon Mozzo oder paille papier particulier période Pièce ponta por por␣exemplo pouvant procédure Quelque Quelque␣chose qui recibo rectifiée requêtes Resguardo Seite Souche souches Squelette Stof Stück Stumpf système Talón Tocón traditionnelle transcrivant une veegsel verkümmert versie Wikipédia Zahlung

81 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

stube stubs Stubbe Stubbs stubby Stuber stubbed stubber Stubbes stubbie stubble stubbly stubboy stub␣end Stubers stubify stub␣out stub␣axle stubbard stubbers stubbier stubbies stubbily stubbing Stubbins stubbled stubbles stubborn stub␣ends stub␣iron stubless stublike stub␣nail stubtail stub␣axles stubbards stubbiest stubbings stubblier stubborns stubbourn stubified stubifies stub␣nails stubtails stub␣twist stubbiness stubble-fed stubbliest stubborner +31 words

44 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

paystubs pay␣stubs substubs winstube winstubs bierstube bierstubs unstubbed bestubbled bierstubes transtubal unstubbled unstubborn candlestubs candle-stubs Crookes␣tube outstubborn pencil␣stubs Crookes␣tubes Darwin␣stubby Donja␣Stubica outstubborns permastubble transtubally transtubular Walden␣Stubbs Gornja␣Stubica Miescher's␣tube outstubborned pars␣tuberalis torus␣tubarius Darwin␣stubbies Miescher's␣tubes outstubborning Darwin's␣tubercle designer␣stubble Miescher's␣tubule cumulonimbus␣tuba Darwin's␣tubercles Miescher's␣tubules cumulonimbus␣tubas have␣one's␣tubes␣tied seminiferous␣tubule seminiferous␣tubules

8 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

paystub pay␣stub substub winstub bierstub candlestub candle-stub pencil␣stub

4 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

stu Stu stu' tub

7 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

but But but- buts but's uts UTs

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

BTUs bust buts but's TBUs tubs

39 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abuts bhuts Blust BOTUS bouts buats buist bults Bults bunts Bunts burst Burts busta busto Busto busts busty butas Butes Buths butts Butts Staub strub Strub stube stubs subpt. subst. tabus Taubs trubs tsuba tsubo tubas Tubbs tubes tumbs

35 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

BST BTs BTS BTU bus 'bus bus. Bus. but But but- SBU STB stu Stu stu' sub sub- sub. SUT tbs TBs TBS tBu TBU TSB Tsu tub UBs UBS USB ust UST uts UTs

15 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Shub skub slub snub srub stab STAB stib- stob stud stum Stum stun stur stut

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

STB stu Stu stu' sub sub- sub. tub

3 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Staub strub Strub

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