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The word sty is in the Wiktionary

22 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • sty n. A pen or enclosure for swine.
  • sty n. (Figurative) A messy, dirty or debauched place.
  • sty v. To place in, or as if in, a sty.
  • sty v. To live in a sty, or any messy or dirty place.
  • sty v. (Obsolete) To ascend, rise up, climb.
  • sty n. (Britain, dialectal) A ladder.
  • sty n. (Pathology) An inflammation of the eyelid.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Czech - Slovak
    • stý adj. Hundredth.
  • Middle english
    • sty n. A pigsty (pen or set of pens for pigs).
    • sty n. (Rare) Any other crude dwelling or abode.
    • sty n. A path, track or street.
    • sty n. (Figurative) One’s chosen pathway or choices in life.
    • sty n. (Figurative, rare) A short narrative.
— English words, defined in German —
  • sty S. Landwirtschaft: Schweinestall.
  • sty S. Stye.
  • sty S. Medizin: Gerstenkorn.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • sty n. (Bouwkunde), (veeteelt) varkensstal.
  • sty n. Overgankelijk, (veeteelt) in een stal houden.
  • sty n. Onovergankelijk in een zwijnenstal wonen.
— English words, defined in French —
  • sty n. Porcherie, enclos pour les cochons.
  • sty n. (Sens figuré) Endroit de débauche.
  • sty v. (Désuet) Monter.
46 English words from 13 English definitions

abode any ascend as␣if Britain choices chosen climb crude debauched dialectal dirty dwelling enclosure eyelid Figurative for Hundredth inflammation ladder life live live␣in messy narrative Obsolete One other path Pathology pathway pen pens pigs pigsty place rare rise rise␣up set short street sty swine the track

6 English words from 9 foreign definitions

een les Monter pour Sens Stye

21 foreign words from 9 foreign definitions

Bouwkunde cochons débauche Désuet enclos Endroit figuré Gerstenkorn houden Landwirtschaft Medizin Onovergankelijk Overgankelijk Porcherie Schweinestall Sens␣figuré stal varkensstal veeteelt wonen zwijnenstal

333 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

stye Styx Styal styca styed styen Styer styes stygo- style -style styli styll stylo stylo- -styly styme stymy stype styro stycas Stydia Styers styful stying stylar styled stylee styler Styler styles Styles stylet stylia stylid stylos stylus stymes stymie stypes styrax Styria styrke styrol Styron styryl stythe stythy styelid stygial +283 words

598 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Estys cystyl Hastys Justyn k-style Mostyn Ostyak Agastya astylar cystyls distyle distyly enstyle eustyle Grastys instyle in␣style just␣yet Kirstyn Kristyn mistype Mostyns Ostyaks pigstye restyle systyle Trustys upstyle Ustyluh artstyle Astyages Astyanax Augustyn axostyle bistylic Christyn diastyle distyles dystypia enstyled enstyles epistyle eustyles Galstyan instyled instyles last␣year mast␣year McGustys misstyle +548 words

479 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Esty Ansty besty busty disty dusty Dusty festy fisty fusty gusty hasty Hasty jesty listy lusty masty misty Misty musty nasty Nasty -nasty pasty pesty resty rusty Rusty tasty testy vasty wasty westy yesty zesty angsty beasty blasty bursty chesty crusty fausty feasty feisty fiesty foisty fousty frosty Frosty ghosty +429 words

One word-in-word RTL (Word found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


41 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

cyst Esty etys itsy LYST PYTs SAYT stay Stay stey Stoy stye Styx Sylt SYNT syrt syst. syth tays teys tosy toys Tsay Tsoy TTYs TTYS tyes Tyes tygs Tyos tysm xyst yats Yats yest yets yet's ymts Yost yots YTPs

31 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

st St ST -st st. St. S&T s**t s.t. S.T. Sy SY ts Ts TS t's t.s T's ty Ty TY -ty ys Ys y's Y's yt YT yͭ Y.T. Y.␣T.

73 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ety -ety Fty. -ity nty NTY Pty qty q'ty say SBY Sey. SFY shy Shy sky Sky -sky sly Sly sny soy Soy spy sry Sry sta Sta STA Sta. STB STC std STD S.T.D. Ste StE STE Ste. stf Stf. STG sth STh sth. STI S.T.I. STJ STL STM stn STN stn. sto STP str STR str. sts Sts STs STS sts. Sts. STT stu Stu stu' STV STX swy TTY Xty

16 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

st St ST -st st. St. S&T s**t s.t. S.T. Sy SY ty Ty TY -ty

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

stay Stay stey Stoy

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