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The word sub is in the Wiktionary

70 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • sub n. A submarine.
  • sub n. A submarine sandwich: a sandwich made on a long bun.
  • sub n. (Informal) A substitute, often in sports or teaching.
  • sub n. (Britain, informal, often in plural) A subscription: a payment made for membership of a club, etc.
  • sub n. (Internet, informal) A subtitle.
  • sub n. (Computing, programming) A subroutine (sometimes one that does not return a value, as distinguished…
  • sub n. (Colloquial) A subeditor.
  • sub n. (Colloquial) A subcontractor.
  • sub n. (Slang) A subwoofer.
  • sub n. (BDSM, informal) A submissive.
  • sub n. (Colloquial, dated) A subordinate.
  • sub n. (Colloquial, dated) A subaltern.
  • sub n. (Colloquial, Internet) A subscription (or (by extension) a subscriber) to an online channel or feed.
  • sub n. (Colloquial) Subsistence money: part of a worker’s wages paid before the work is finished.
  • sub n. (Internet slang) Short for subreddit.
  • sub v. (US, informal) To substitute for.
  • sub v. (US, informal) To work as a substitute teacher, especially in primary and secondary education.
  • sub v. (Britain, informal, soccer) To replace (a player) with a substitute.
  • sub v. (Britain, informal, soccer) Less commonly, and often as sub on, to bring on (a player) as a substitute.
  • sub v. (Britain) To perform the work of a subeditor or copy editor; to subedit.
  • sub v. (Slang, Internet, transitive) To subtitle (usually a film or television program).
  • sub v. (UK, slang, transitive) To lend.
  • sub v. (Slang, intransitive) To subscribe.
  • sub v. (BDSM) To take a submissive role.
  • sub prep. Under.
  • sub v. To coat with a layer of adhering material; to planarize by means of such a coating.
  • sub v. (Microscopy) To prepare (a slide) with a layer of transparent substance to support and/or fix the sample.
  • sub- pref. Under, beneath.
  • sub- pref. Subsidiary, secondary.
  • sub- pref. Almost, nearly.
  • sub. v. Abbreviation of substitute.
  • sub. v. Abbreviation of subaudi.
— International convention —
  • sym. (Computing) Used as a visual representation of the control character "substitute".
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan - Czech - Galician - Romanian
  • Esperanto - Ido
    • sub prep. Under, below.
  • Polish
    • sub- pref. Sub- (under, beneath).
    • sub- pref. Sub- (subsidiary, secondary).
    • sub- pref. Sub- (almost, nearly).
  • Romanian
    • sub prep. Under, below, beneath, underneath.
  • Shabo
    • ʃub adj. Warm, hot.
  • Swedish
    • sub n. (Slang) a subwoofer, a bass loudspeaker; Contraction of subwoofer.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • sub n. Onderzeeër (van submarine).
  • sub n. Onderdanige (van submissive).
  • sub n. Vervanger (van substitute).
— English words, defined in French —
  • sub n. (Sport) Remplacement.
  • sub v. (Sport) Remplacer (un joueur).
  • sub n. (Sexualité) (Familier) Passif.
  • SUB n. (Télécommunications) Sous-adressage.
  • sub- préf. Sub-, sous-.
— In German —
  • süß Adj. Schweiz und Liechtenstein: süss.
  • süß Adj. Sinneseindruck, Geschmacksrichtung:: von Zucker- oder Honigartigem…
  • süß Adj. Positive, bewundernde und beschützende Gefühle wie einem…
  • süß V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs süßen.
  • Süß S. Schweiz und Liechtenstein: Süss.
  • Süß S. Druckersprache: erledigte Arbeit, die noch nicht bezahlt worden ist.
  • sub- vorangestelltes Wortbildungselement in Zusammensetzungen mit…
  • sub- in Zusammensetzungen mit Fremdwörtern aus dem Lateinischen…
— In Dutch —
  • sub n. (Seksualiteit) onderdanige in een bdsm-relatie.
  • sub n. Omgeving Antwerpen, licht (pejoratief) vrouwelijke sukkel.
  • sub voorz. (Binnen teksten die in punten of artikelen zijn onderverdeeld)…
  • sub- Onder-, lager in rang.
— In Latin —
  • sub praep. (C. abl, indicans locationem ad partem inferam aliquis).
  • sub praep. (C. acc, indicans motionem ad partem inferam aliquis).
— In French —
  • sub prép. Préposition latine, qui s’emploie dans des locutions telles que…
  • sub- préf. Sert à donner une notion d’infériorité.
— In Spanish —
  • sub- pref. Prefijo que señala una ubicación inferior, o secundariamente…
— In Portuguese —
  • sub- pref. Posição abaixo ou inferior (subconjunto, sublinha, subsolo).
  • sub- pref. Falta, insuficiência (subdesenvolvido, suburbano).
— In Italian —
  • sub s. (Sport) persona che nuota "sott’acqua" con la caratteristica…
  • sub- pref. Prima parte di lemmi composti dall’accostamento di due…
133 English words from 41 English definitions

Abbreviation adhering almost and and/or bass BDSM before below beneath bring bring␣on Britain bun by␣extension by␣means␣of channel character club coat coating Colloquial commonly Computing Contraction control control␣character copy copy␣editor dated distinguished does editor education especially etc extension feed film finished fix for hot informal Internet intransitive layer lend Less long loudspeaker made material means membership Microscopy money nearly not of␣a often one online paid part payment perform planarize player plural prepare primary program programming replace representation return role sample sandwich secondary secondary␣education Short Short␣for slang slide soccer sometimes sports sub subaltern subaudi subcontractor subedit subeditor submarine submarine␣sandwich submissive subordinate subreddit subroutine subscribe subscriber subscription subsidiary Subsistence substance substitute substitute␣teacher subtitle subwoofer such support take teacher teaching television television␣program that the transitive transparent under underneath Used usually value visual wages Warm with work worker

37 English words from 29 foreign definitions

acc che con dall dans dem des die donner due een Falta indicans inferior ist lager Liechtenstein locutions notion parte Person persona Positive Prima que rang Singular sous Sport Sub- submarine submissive substitute und van Verbs Zucker

84 foreign words from 29 foreign definitions

abaixo accostamento acqua adressage Aktiv aliquis Antwerpen Arbeit artikelen aus bdsm beschützende bewundernde bezahlt Binnen caratteristica composti Druckersprache einem emploie erledigte Familier Fremdwörtern Gefühle Geschmacksrichtung Imperativ infériorité insuficiência joueur Lateinischen latine lemmi licht mit nicht noch nuota oder Omgeving Onder Onderzeeër partem Passif pejoratief Posição Präsens Prefijo Préposition punten qui relatie Remplacement Remplacer Schweiz secundariamente Seksualiteit señala Sert Sexualité Sinneseindruck sott sous- Sous-adressage subconjunto subdesenvolvido süßen sublinha subsolo suburbano sukkel teksten Télécommunications telles ubicación una une Vervanger von vorangestelltes wie worden Wortbildungselement zijn Zusammensetzungen

5625 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Suba subf. Subi subj Su-Bo subq subs Subu subz subah subak Subas Subba subby subcu Subei suber Suber Subia Subie sub␣in subjs submm subpt. Subra subsp subst. subzi subact subahs subaid subaks subarc Subaru subbag Subbas subbay sub-bay subbed subber subbie subdeb subdew subdir subdiv. subdue Subedi Subera subeth subfab +5575 words

799 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

D-subs Isubu tsuba tsubo ausubo Kasuba musubi resubs tsubas tsubos unsubs ausubos desubst. fansubs femsubs finsubs kesubah Matsuba mitsuba musubis Tsubaki Tsubasa autosubs Cassubia chasuble hardsubs Insubres Insubria Kasubian komusubi malesubs minisubs resubbed resubdue resubmit semisubs Setsubun softsubs soft-subs unsubbed unsubmit unsubtle unsubtly blood␣subs Cassubian chasubled chasubles COMSUBFOR COMSUBPAC fansubbed +749 words

25 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

D-sub resub unsub dye-sub fansub femsub finsub pub-sub antisub autosub hardsub malesub minisub semisub softsub soft-sub soft␣sub blood␣sub narcosub party␣sub pizza␣sub stone␣sub supersub super-sub Italian␣sub

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

bus 'bus bus. Bus.

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

bus 'bus bus. Bus. SBU UBs UBS USB

91 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ABUs Basu Baus Beus BGSU Bisu Bous brus Brus BTUs Buas bubs Bubs buds Buds BUDs Bues bugs Bugs Buis Buks bums Bums buns Buns burs Burs Busa bush Bush busk Busk Buso buss Buss bust busy buts but's buys Buys cubs Cubs CUBs DBUs D-sub dubs Dubs e-bus fubs +41 words

33 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

bs Bs BS b's B's B&S BS. B+'s B.S. B−'s B.␣S. b******s bu Bu BU B/U sb SB s/b sb. Su SU UB us Us US U$ u's u/s U's U/S U.S. U.␣S.

75 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AUB bub Bub cub Cub CUB dub Dub DUB Dub. fub gub hub KUB nub pub pub. Pub. rub RUB sab SAB Sab. Seb SEB SFB SGB sib SIB SMB SNB sob SOB SPB SRB SSB STB Sua sud SUD sue Sue Suf. sug suh Suh sui Sui SUI suk Suk Sul sum Sum sun Sun Sun. sup SUP 'sup sup. Sup. suq sur- Sur. sus SUs Sus. SUT SUV S.U.V. sux SWB tub wub

7 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

sb SB s/b sb. Su SU UB

6 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Shub skub slub snub srub stub

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