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The word sugar is in the Wiktionary

56 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • sugar n. (Uncountable) Sucrose in the form of small crystals, obtained from sugar cane or sugar beet and used…
  • sugar n. (Countable) A specific variety of sugar.
  • sugar n. (Countable, chemistry) Any of various small carbohydrates that are used by organisms to store energy.
  • sugar n. (Countable) A small serving of this substance (typically about one teaspoon), used to sweeten a drink.
  • sugar n. (Countable) A term of endearment.
  • sugar n. (Uncountable, slang) Affection shown by kisses or kissing.
  • sugar n. (Chiefly southern US, slang, uncountable) Effeminacy in a male, often implying homosexuality.
  • sugar n. (Uncountable, informal) Diabetes.
  • sugar n. (Dated) Anything resembling sugar in taste or appearance, especially in chemistry.
  • sugar n. Compliment or flattery used to disguise or render acceptable something obnoxious; honeyed or soothing words.
  • sugar n. (US, slang, uncountable) Heroin.
  • sugar n. (US, slang, uncountable, dated) Money.
  • sugar n. (Programming) Syntactic sugar.
  • sugar v. (Transitive) To add sugar to; to sweeten with sugar.
  • sugar v. (Transitive) To make (something unpleasant) seem less so.
  • sugar v. (US, Canada, regional) In making maple sugar, to complete the process of boiling down the syrup till…
  • sugar v. (Entomology) To apply sugar to trees or plants in order to catch moths.
  • sugar v. (Programming, transitive) To rewrite (source code) using syntactic sugar.
  • sugar v. (Transitive) To compliment (a person).
  • sugar v. To remove hair using a paste of sugar, water, and lemon juice.
  • sugar interj. (Minced oath) Used in place of shit!
  • Sugar prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Basque
  • Cebuano
    • Sugar prop.n. A female given name from English.
  • Galician
  • Hungarian
    • sugár n. (Of light or radiation) ray, beam.
    • sugár n. (Of liquid) jet, spurt, stream.
    • sugár n. (Geometry) radius (a line segment between any point of a circle or sphere and its center).
  • Ido
    • sugar v. (Transitive) to suck (candy, etc., something from something).
  • Romanian
    • sugar adj. Suckling.
    • sugar n. Unweaned baby, newborn.
    • sugar n. Suckling, young mammal that hasn’t weaned yet.
    • șugar adj. Thin, skinny.
    • Șugar prop.n. A surname.
  • Venetian
    • sugar v. (Transitive) to wipe, dry.
— English words, defined in German —
  • sugar S. Zucker - weißes, kristallines Kohlenhydrat, das als Süß- und Konservierungsstoff verwendet wird.
  • sugar V. Zuckern - mit Zucker süßen.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • sugar n. Suiker.
— English words, defined in French —
  • sugar n. Sucre (épice).
  • sugar n. Chéri, chérie.
  • sugar v. Sucrer.
  • sugar interj. Mince, zut.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • sugar s. Gastronomía y Química. Azúcar.
  • sugar v. Azucarar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • sugar s. Açúcar.
  • sugar s. (Eufemismo) dinheiro.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • sugar s. Zucchero.
  • sugar s. Bella ragazza , bellezza.
  • sugar s. Dolcezza (mia), amore, tesoro.
  • sugar s. Droga, narcotico.
  • sugar s. Zuccherare, inzuccherare.
  • sugar s. (Senso figurato) inzuccherare, addolcire, raddolcire.
  • sugar s. Formare zucchero.
  • sugar s. Formare granuli, divenire granulare.
  • sugar s. Produrre zucchero (o sciroppo) dalla linfa dell’acero da zucchero.
— In Portuguese —
  • sugar v. Promover sucção.
166 English words from 35 English definitions

about acceptable add Affection and any Anything appearance apply are baby beam beet between boiling boiling␣down Canada candy cane carbohydrates catch center chemistry Chiefly circle code complete compliment Countable crystals dated Diabetes disguise down drink dry Effeminacy endearment energy English Entomology especially etc female Flame flattery form from Geometry given given␣name hair Heroin homosexuality honeyed implying informal in␣order in␣order␣to in␣place in␣place␣of its jet juice kisses kissing lemon lemon␣juice less less␣so light line line␣segment liquid make making male mammal maple maple␣sugar Minced Minced␣oath Money moths name newborn oath obnoxious obtained of␣a often one order organisms paste person place plants point process Programming radiation radius ray regional remove render resembling rewrite seem segment serving shit shown skinny slang small something soothing source source␣code southern specific sphere spurt store stream substance suck Suckling Sucrose sugar sugar␣beet sugar␣cane surname sweeten syntactic syntactic␣sugar syrup taste teaspoon term term␣of␣endearment that the Thin this till transitive trees typically uncountable unpleasant Unweaned used used␣to using variety various water weaned wipe with words yet young

11 English words from 21 foreign definitions

als Bella das dell dinheiro mia Mince Promover Sucre und Zucker

41 foreign words from 21 foreign definitions

acero Açúcar amore Azúcar bellezza Chéri chérie dalla divenire Dolcezza Droga épice Eufemismo figurato Formare Gastronomía granulare granuli Kohlenhydrat Konservierungsstoff kristallines linfa mit narcotico Química ragazza sciroppo Senso Senso␣figurato Süß süßen sucção Sucrer Suiker tesoro verwendet weißes wird zucchero Zuckern zut

244 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

sugars Sugars sugary sugared sugarer sugarbag sugar-bag sugar␣bag sugar␣bro sugarers sugarful sugar␣gum sugarier sugarily sugaring sugarman Sugarman sugarmen sugar␣off sugar␣out sugar␣pea sugarpie sugar␣pie sugar␣tit sugar␣acid sugarally sugar␣baby sugarbags sugar␣bags sugar␣bear sugarbeet sugar␣beet sugarbird sugar␣bomb sugarbowl sugar␣bowl sugar␣bros sugarbush sugar␣bush sugarcane sugar-cane sugar␣cane sugarcoat sugar-coat sugar␣coat sugar␣cone sugar␣cube sugarfree sugar-free sugar␣gums +194 words

73 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Tsugaru atsugari desugars unsugary azasugars desugared nonsugars nonsugary unsugared acylsugars beet␣sugars cane␣sugars corn␣sugars desugaring free␣sugars halosugars iodosugars ketosugars loaf␣sugars monosugars nonsugared oversugary palm␣sugars polysugars ribosugars rock␣sugars thiosugars tsugaruite wood␣sugars aminosugars amino␣sugars azidosugars berry␣sugars blood␣sugars bromosugars brown␣sugars candi␣sugars carbasugars chitosugars deoxysugars deoxy␣sugars icing␣sugars iminosugars maple␣sugars nitro␣sugars oligosugars oversugared arsenosugars barley␣sugars caster␣sugars +23 words

85 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

desugar azasugar nonsugar acylsugar antisugar beet␣sugar cane␣sugar corn␣sugar cube␣sugar date␣sugar free␣sugar halosugar iodosugar ketosugar lead␣sugar liposugar loaf␣sugar malt␣sugar milk␣sugar monosugar palm␣sugar polysugar ribosugar rock␣sugar spun␣sugar thiosugar wood␣sugar acorn␣sugar aminosugar amino␣sugar arenosugar azidosugar berry␣sugar blood␣sugar bromosugar brown␣sugar candi␣sugar carbasugar chitosugar deoxysugar deoxy␣sugar fruit␣sugar grape␣sugar icing␣sugar iminosugar maple-sugar maple␣sugar multisugar nitro␣sugar oligosugar +35 words

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

gar GAR sug Suga UGA

8 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

AGU Gus rag Rag ragu ragù ragus ragùs

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

argus Argus gaurs Graus guars Guras ragus ragùs

56 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

argues Argues arguls augers Augers augres augurs Burgas Dagurs draugs Dugars durags gaours garous garuas garums Gauers gauras Glarus gouras gradus Grauls guaras guards Guards iras gulars gurabs gurals Gurals Gurkas guslar Hargus Lugars Murgas purgas quargs ragous Ragusa rugosa sarung sauger Segura shugar Struga sugars Sugars sugary sungar tragus +6 words

36 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

args ARGs asur gars Gars GARs gaur Gaur gaus Gaus Gras GRAS Grau grus Grus guar Guar. Gura rags ragu ragù Ruas ruga rugs Rugs sagu saur -saur Suga sura Sura URAs Urga USAR USGA USRA

8 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Augar Dugar Lugar Sagar segar Segar sugan suwar

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

shugar sungar

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