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The word suv is in the Wiktionary

21 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • SUV n. Initialism of sport utility vehicle; also S.U.V.
  • S.U.V. n. (Dated) sport utility vehicle.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Crimean tatar - Khalaj - Krymchak - Uzbek
  • Czech
    • sův n. Genitive plural of sůva.
  • Esperanto
    • SUV n. Initialism of Sporta Utiligebla Veturilo.; SUV.
  • Hungarian
    • süv n. (Obsolete, dialectal) Synonym of sógor (“brother-in-law”).
  • Serbo-croatian
    • suv adj. Dry, dried.
    • suv adj. Thin, meagre, slender (of a man).
    • suv adj. Pinched, haggard, gaunt (of a face).
    • suv adj. Withered, sear.
— English word, defined in German —
  • SUV Abk. Sport utility vehicle, engl. Bezeichnung für einen Geländewagen.
— English word, defined in French —
  • SUV n. (Automobile) Tout-terrain de loisir.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • SUV acro. Veicolo utilitario sportivo.
— In German —
  • SUV S. Sport Utility Vehicle; Fahrzeug, das zwar das Aussehen eines…
— In French —
  • SUV n.m. (Automobile) Voiture bicorps, initialement tout-terrain…
— In Spanish —
  • SUV s. Vehículo práctico dedicado para la diversión o el ocio, muchas…
— In Italian —
  • SUV acro. (Forestierismo), (meccanica), (tecnologia), (ingegneria)…
  • SUV acro. SUV sportivo: sono normali SUV ma con la particolarità…
  • SUV acro. SUV compatte: di dimensioni più ridotte, con ciò non mancando…
  • SUV acro. Compact SUV: come per esempio l’Hummer HX, sono appunto…
  • SUV acro. SUV crossover: ancora abbastanza o molto accattivante…
30 English words from 10 English definitions

also brother brother␣in␣law Dated dialectal dried Dry face gaunt Genitive haggard Initialism law man meagre Obsolete of␣a Pinched plural sear slender sport sport␣utility␣vehicle SUV Synonym Thin utility vehicle Water Withered

18 English words from 11 foreign definitions

Automobile come Compact con crossover das Hummer non para per Sport Sport␣utility␣vehicle SUV terrain tout utility vehicle Voiture

2 foreign words from 10 English definitions

gor Sporta

42 foreign words from 11 foreign definitions

abbastanza accattivante ancora appunto Aussehen Bezeichnung bicorps ciò compatte dedicado dimensioni diversión einen eines engl. esempio Fahrzeug Forestierismo für Geländewagen ingegneria initialement loisir mancando meccanica molto muchas normali ocio particolarità più práctico ridotte sono sportivo tecnologia tout␣terrain Tout-terrain␣de␣loisir utilitario Vehículo Veicolo zwar

13 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Suva SUVs S.U.V.s S.U.V.'s Suvorov suvasini suversed Suvalkija suvasinis suvizumab suvorexant Suvarnadurg suvratoxumab

24 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

vesuvin Vesuvian vesuvine Vesuvius ansuvimab Nassuvian Vesuvians vesuviate vesuvines Nassuvians vesuviated vesuviates Vesuviuses krisuvigite vesuvianite vesuviating rosuvastatin vesuvianites Vesuvian␣jade sonsuvbitches Visuvabharathy vesuvianite␣jade fluorvesuvianite manganvesuvianite

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Vus VUs

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


38 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AUVs Avus CUVs EVUS IVUS luvs PUVs Suva SUVs S.U.V.s S.U.V.'s UAVs μeVs UGVs USVI USVs UTVs UUVs Uvas UV-As UV␣As UV-Bs UV␣Bs UV-Cs UV␣Cs UVPs Vasu vaus VCUs VDUs VLUs Vues vugs VUIs vums VUSA wuvs XUVs

27 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Su SU SV S/V s.v. S.V. us Us US U$ u's u/s U's U/S U.S. U.␣S. uv UV vs Vs VS v's vs. V's v.s. Vu VU

64 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AUV CUV DUV EUV FUV guv Juv. luv MUV NUV PUV sav Sav. sev SFV SIV slv SLV SMV sov SOV SQV SRV STV Sua sub sub- sub. sud SUD sue Sue Suf. sug suh Suh sui Sui SUI suk Suk Sul sum Sum sun Sun Sun. sup SUP 'sup sup. Sup. suq sur- Sur. sus SUs Sus. SUT sux TUV UUV wuv XUV

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Su SU SV S/V s.v. S.V. uv UV

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