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The word tia is in the Wiktionary

62 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • tia prop.n. Initialism of Telecommunications Industry Association.
  • tia prop.n. Initialism of This is Africa, a business newspaper.
  • tia n. (Medicine) Initialism of transient ischemic attack.
  • tia phr. Initialism of thanks in advance.
  • Tia prop.n. A female given name.
  • TIA phr. (Internet slang) Initialism of thanks in advance.
  • TIA n. (Medicine) Initialism of transient ischemic attack.
  • TIA prop.n. Initialism of Telecommunications Industry Association.
  • TIA prop.n. Initialism of Total Information Awareness.
  • TIA prop.n. Initialism of This Is Africa: a business publication.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Arabela
  • Asturian
    • tía n. Aunt, female equivalent of tíu.
  • Catalan
    • tia n. (Colloquial) gal.
  • Catalan - Ilocano - Italiot greek
  • Chechen
    • тӏа n. Animal’s frontal legs.
  • Esperanto
    • tia det. That kind of, such a (demonstrative correlative of kind).
  • Galician
    • tía n. Aunt.
    • tía n. (Colloquial) woman.
  • Icelandic
    • tía n. Ten (playing card, bus, etc., numbered 10).
  • Maori
    • tia n. Abdomen, stomach.
    • tia n. Umbilical cord.
    • tia n. Deer.
    • tia n. Steering.
    • tia v. To steer.
    • tiā n. Jar (cylindrical container).
    • -tia suff. Passive ending; commonly used for words with more than two vowels and for passive agreement.
  • Plautdietsch
    • Tia n. Animal, beast.
  • Romanian
    • ți-a cont. Contraction of îți + a.
  • Swahili
    • tia v. To put, to place.
    • tia v. To apply, to bring to bear.
  • Swedish
    • tia n. A number 10 (ten).
    • tia n. A person or an object by context associated with the number ten, for instance in sports and other forms of competing.
    • tia n. A coin or banknote worth ten of a currency (most commonly referring to the Swedish ten kronor (SEK)…
  • Tahitian
  • Vietnamese
    • tia n. (Optics) a beam or a ray.
    • tia n. (Of liquid) a jet.
    • tia n. (Geometry) a ray.
    • tía n. (Southern Vietnam) father; dad.
    • tía adj. (Dated) purple.
    • tỉa v. To trim, to prune.
— English words, defined in German —
  • TIA Abk. Netzjargon: Abkürzung für thanks in advance (vielen Dank im Voraus).
  • TIA Abk. Medizin: Abkürzung für transient ischemic attack (transitorische ischämische Attacke).
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • tia tuss. (Chattaal) bij voorbaat dank.
  • TIA n. (Medisch) TIA, kortdurende beroerteverschijnselen.
  • TIA tuss. (Chattaal) bij voorbaat dank.
— English word, defined in French —
  • Tia prén. Prénom féminin.
— In German —
  • TIA Abk. Transitorische ischämische Attacke.
— In Dutch —
  • tia n. (Medisch) (informeel) tijdelijk optredende verschijnselen…
  • TIA n. (Medisch) tijdelijk optredende verschijnselen van een beroerte…
— In Spanish —
  • tia s. Grafía obsoleta de tía.
  • tía s. Hermana de la madre o del padre de una persona.
  • tía s. En ciertas partes, trato respetuoso a una mujer mayor.
  • tía s. Tratamiento de los niños a sus profesoras, en particular…
  • tía s. Mujer de mala vida, que ejerce la prostitución.
  • tía s. Mujer vulgar.
  • tía s. Esposa del padre, que no es la madre.
  • tía s. Madre del o de la cónyuge.
  • tía s. Amiga.
  • Tía s. Mitología. griega Una de las seis hijas de Urano y Gea, llamadas…
— In Portuguese —
  • tia s. Irmã da mãe ou do pai.
122 English words from 42 English definitions

Abdomen advance Africa agreement and Animal apply associated Association attack Aunt Awareness banknote beam bear beast bring bring␣to bring␣to␣bear bus business card coin Colloquial commonly competing container context Contraction cord Correct correlative currency cylindrical dad Dated Deer demonstrative ending equivalent etc father female for for␣instance forms frontal gal Geometry given given␣name House in␣advance Industry Information Initialism instance instance␣in Internet ischemic Jar jet kind kind␣of kronor legs liquid Medicine more most name newspaper number numbered number␣ten object of␣a Optics other passive person place playing playing␣card prune publication purple put ray referring slang Southern sports Stand steer Steering stomach Straight such Swedish Telecommunications ten than thanks thanks␣in␣advance That the This Total to␣the transient trim two Umbilical Umbilical␣cord used Vietnam vowels with woman words worth

24 English words from 20 foreign definitions

advance Amiga attack dank del een in␣advance ischemic las mala mayor padre particular persona que seis sus thanks thanks␣in␣advance TIA transient Una van vulgar

51 foreign words from 20 foreign definitions

Abkürzung Attacke beroerte bij Chattaal ciertas cónyuge de␣la ejerce Esposa féminin für Gea Grafía griega Hermana hijas im␣Voraus informeel Irmã ischämische llamadas los madre mãe Medisch Medizin Mitología mujer Netzjargon niños obsoleta optredende pai partes Prénom profesoras prostitución respetuoso tía tijdelijk transitorische Tratamiento trato una Urano verschijnselen vida vielen voorbaat Voraus

63 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

tian Tian tiar TIAs TIAS Tiaan Tiana tiang Tiano tians Tians tiara Tiara Tiare tiars tiatr Tiamat Tianfu Tianna Tianos tiaras Tiaret -tiazem Tiachiv Tianjin Tianmen Tiannia tiaraed tiadenol tiadinil Tia␣Maria tiamulin tiankeng Tian␣Shan Tianshui Tianzhen tiapamil tiapride tiarella tiazesim tiazuril tiagabine Tiananmen Tian'anmen tianepine Tianjia'an tiankengs tiaraless tiaralike tiarellas +13 words

3881 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

stian Utian utias Xtian antiae Antian antiar Aptian artiad Attias Citian cotias fetial Gutian Gu␣Tian Hetian hutias IITian Imtiaz Katian Latian ostial Ostian patias Putian retial Setian stians titian Titian Votian Xtians Yutian antiair anti-air antiars antiart anti-art artiads Artiaga Avetian Avitias Bastian Beltian Beotian bestial Bhatias Bostian Citians Cnutian +3831 words

278 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

utia aitia ASTIA Attia CATIA cotia cutia entia hutia Katia motia ostia Ostia patia retia anotia asitia Avitia Bastia Beotia Bhatia Bhutia ductia Goytia Hestia huatia kentia Klytia Mantia -mastia Nastia Nortia Paktia portia Portia Raetia scotia Scotia Statia viatia yautia acontia acratia adontia Alsatia amartia amastia amentia Boeotia Bœotia +228 words

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ait AIT

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

ait AIT IAT ita ITA tai Tai TAI

135 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abit a␣bit acti adit Ahti aint ain't airt AITA Aite aits aitu alit alti amit Amit aniṭ anti anti- Asti -atic Atik -atim Atin ATIP at␣it ATLI Atri bait bati Cait CATI dati DITA fait Fait fiat Fiat FIAT fita gait Gita Hati IAST IATA IATF IATs IBAT ikat IMTA +85 words

31 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ai Ai AI A-I a.i. A.I. at AT 'at at- A-T A/T IA -ia i.a. it It IT 'it It. It⁺⁶ ta Ta TA T&A T/A T.A. ti TI Ti. T&I

107 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aia AIA Bia BIA B.I.A. CIA C.I.A. C.␣I.␣A. Dia DIA dia- EIA FIA Gia HIA IIA Jia JIA Kia KIA LIA mia Mia MIA nia Nia NIA OIA pia PIA ria RIA Sia SIA taa TAA TBA TCA TDA tea Tea TEA TFA TGA tha tib TiB tic TIC -tic tid TID tie tif TIF tig TIG TIJ tik til TIL 'til Tim TIM Tim. tin TIN tio Tio tip TIP Tir TIR tis TIs TIS 'tis t'is tit tit. Tit. Tiu Tiv Tiw tix tiz TKA TLA TMA TNA toa To'a tPA TPA tra TRA TSA T(S/A) TVA Twa TWA (+6 words)

13 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

IA -ia i.a. ta Ta TA T&A T/A T.A. ti TI Ti. T&I

13 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

thia- tika Tila TILA tina Tina TINA tipa Tisa tita Tiwa Toia TSIA

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