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The word tir is in the Wiktionary

44 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • Tir prop.n. The fourth solar month of the Persian calendar.
  • Tir prop.n. (Armenian mythology) A scribe/writer god, in Hellenistic times identified with the Greek Apollo.
  • TIR prop.n. (Road transport, international law) The Convention on International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets.
  • TIR n. Initialism of total internal reflection.
— International convention —
  • tir sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Tigrinya.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Breton - Old cornish - Old welsh - Welsh
  • Catalan
    • tir n. Shot.
    • tir n. Shooting (sport).
  • Cornish
    • tir n. Land, earth.
  • Indonesian
    • tir n. (Chess) rook; castle.
    • tir n. (Chess) bishop.
    • tir n. Alternative spelling of tar (“tar”).
  • Irish
    • tír n. Land, country.
  • Northern kurdish
    • tîr n. Arrow (symbol).
    • Tîr prop.n. Mercury (Planet).
  • Old english
    • tir n. Fame; glory; honour.
  • Old irish
    • tír n. Land, country, territory, ground.
  • Old norse
    • tír n. Accusative/dative singular of tírr.
  • Polish
    • tir n. Articulated lorry.
  • Rohingya
  • Romanian
    • tir n. Shooting (of a weapon).
  • Scottish gaelic
    • tìr n. Land, country, region, territory.
  • Serbo-croatian
    • Tir prop.n. Tyre (an ancient city-state in Phoenicia).
    • Tir prop.n. Tyre (a port city, the capital of Tyre district, Lebanon).
  • Sumerian
    • tir rom. Romanization of 𒌁 (tir).
  • Tatar
  • Turkish
    • TIR n. Vehicle displaying a TIR plate.
    • TIR n. Heavy truck.
    • tır n. Heavy truck.
    • -tir suff. Assimilated form of -dir after the vowels E / İ.
    • -tır suff. Assimilated form of -dir after the vowels A / I.
— In French —
  • tir n.m. Action, art de tirer, de faire partir une arme de jet ou…
  • tir n.m. (Géologie, Industrie minière) Mise à feu d’une ou plusieurs…
  • tir n.m. Manière dont on tire, en parlant des armes à feu.
  • tir n.m. Lieu où l’on s’exerce à tirer.
  • tir n.m. (Spécialement) Sorte d’attraction foraine où l’on tire…
  • tir n.m. (Jeux de boules) Coup consistant à lancer violemment sa…
  • tir n.m. (Sens figuré) (Sport) Action de frapper le ballon ou la…
  • TIR n.m. (Transport) Régime fiscal douanier conçu pour faciliter…
— In Portuguese —
  • TIR sig. (Economia) taxa interna de retorno.
  • TIR sig. Transporte internacional rodoviário.
  • TIR sig. (Direito) termo de identidade e residência.
— In Italian —
  • tir s. (Meccanica) (tecnologia) (ingegneria) grande camion che trasporta…
  • TIR acro. (Meccanica) (tecnologia) (ingegneria) grande camion per…
94 English words from 31 English definitions

Accusative after Alternative amp ancient Apollo Armenian Arrow Articulated Articulated␣lorry Assimilated bishop calendar capital Carnets castle Chess city city␣state code Convention country Cover dative dir displaying district earth Fame for form fourth glory god Goods Greek ground Heavy Hellenistic honour identified Initialism internal international international␣law ISO Land language language␣code law Lebanon lorry Mercury month mythology of␣a Persian Phoenicia Planet plate port port␣city reflection region Road Romanization rook scribe Shooting Shot singular solar spelling sport standards state Sweat symbol tar territory the Tigrinya times TIR total transport truck Tyre Under Vehicle vowels weapon with writer

29 English words from 13 foreign definitions

Action art attraction ballon boules camion che consistant Coup des dont douanier faire feu fiscal grande jet lancer Lieu Mise per pour Régime Sens Sorte Sport taxa tire Transport

1 foreign word from 31 English definitions


43 foreign words from 13 foreign definitions

arme arme␣de␣jet armes armes␣à␣feu conçu Direito Economia exerce faciliter figuré foraine frapper Géologie identidade Industrie Industrie␣minière ingegneria interna internacional Jeux Jeux␣de␣boules l’on Manière Meccanica minière Mise␣à␣feu parlant partir plusieurs residência retorno rodoviário Sens␣figuré Spécialement taxa␣interna␣de␣retorno tecnologia termo tirer Transporte trasporta une une␣ou␣plusieurs violemment

160 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

tire tirl tiro TIRs Tiran tiraz tired Tiree tires Tirey tirls tirma Tirol Tiron tiros tirade Tirado tirage Tirahi Tirana Tirano Tircul tirest tireth Tireys tiriba tiring tirled tirmas tiroes Tirpak tirret tirtha Tirzah tiraded tirades Tirados tirages Tiranan Tiranga tirasse tireder tiredly -tirelin tire␣out Tirhuta tiribas tirings tirling Tirpaks +110 words

894 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Atira ftira FTIRs Otira stirk stirp stirs STIRs Atiras attire entire extirp ftiras intire retir'd retire satire stiria Stiria stirks stirps stirr'd stir␣up Vatira antirad anti-rad antirap antirat antired antirum artires attired attirer attires bestirs entires extirps fratire I'm␣tired khutirs Kotiria maftirs Martirs metiram pitirre restirs retiral retired retiree retirer +844 words

23 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

FTIR stir STIR astir aettir bestir khutir maftir Martir Pentir restir santir sintir unstir upstir Monastir overstir shit-stir mutawatir understir cause␣a␣stir Beli␣Manastir Oskarsdottir

One word-in-word RTL (Word found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Irt IRT rit RTI tri Tri TRI tri-

92 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

airt Atri birt Birt BIRT brit Brit Brit- Brit. crit dirt DIRT frit FTIR girt grit Grit IKTR intr intr. ISTR ITAR iter iter. ITRW Krit lirt LRTI MIRT nitr- NRTI rati Rati RCTI reit REIT riat rift RINT riot ript Rist Rita rite rith rits ritt Ritu ritz Ritz +42 words

25 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

IR ir- Ir. it It IT 'it It. It⁺⁶ ri Ri RI R.I. rt RT R/T ti TI Ti. T&I tr TR tr. Tr. T.␣R.

109 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

air 'air Bir BIR CIR cir. Cir. -cir- dir dir. Dir. eir EIR fir FIR hir IIr. kir Lir LIR mir miR Mir MIR NIR N.␣Ir. OIr PIR sir Sir SIR Sir. tar Tar TAR TBR TCR TDR ter TER ter- TFR Thr THR tia Tia TIA tib TiB tic TIC -tic tid TID tie tif TIF tig TIG TIJ tik til TIL 'til Tim TIM Tim. tin TIN tio Tio tip TIP tis TIs TIS 'tis t'is tit tit. Tit. Tiu Tiv Tiw tix tiz TLR tmr TMR TNR tor Tor TOR Tpr TPR trr. TSR TTR tur Tur (+9 words)

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

IR ir- Ir. ti TI Ti. T&I tr TR tr. Tr. T.␣R.

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

tair thir tiar tier

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