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The word trick is in the Wiktionary

44 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • trick n. Something designed to fool or swindle.
  • trick n. A single element of a magician’s (or any variety entertainer’s) act; a magic trick.
  • trick n. An entertaining difficult physical action.
  • trick n. An effective, clever or quick way of doing something.
  • trick n. Mischievous or annoying behavior; a prank.
  • trick n. (Dated) A particular habit or manner; a peculiarity; a trait.
  • trick n. A knot, braid, or plait of hair.
  • trick n. (Card games) A sequence in which each player plays a card and a winning play is determined.
  • trick n. (Slang) A sex act, chiefly one performed for payment; an act of prostitution.
  • trick n. (Slang) A customer or client of a prostitute.
  • trick n. (Slang, vulgar) A term of abuse.
  • trick n. A daily period of work, especially in shift-based jobs.
  • trick n. (Nautical) A sailor’s spell of work at the helm, usually two hours long.
  • trick n. A toy; a trifle; a plaything.
  • trick v. (Transitive) To fool; to cause to believe something untrue; to deceive.
  • trick v. (Heraldry) To draw (as opposed to blazon - to describe in words).
  • trick v. To dress; to decorate; to adorn fantastically; often followed by up, off, or out.
  • trick adj. Involving trickery or deception.
  • trick adj. Able to perform tricks.
  • trick adj. Defective or unreliable.
  • trick adj. (Chiefly US, slang) Stylish or cool.
— English word, defined in German —
  • trick V. Transitiv: jemanden dazu bewegen, etwas unwahres zu glauben oder etwas ungeschicktes zu tun.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • trick n. Truc.
— English words, defined in French —
  • trick n. Tour (Action exigeant de l’habilité).
  • trick n. Truc (ingénieux).
  • trick n. Artifice.
  • trick n. Triche.
  • trick n. (Bridge, Cartes à jouer) Trick.
  • trick v. Tricher, duper, rouler.
  • trick v. Ruser, tromper, berner.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • trick s. Trampa, ardid.
  • trick s. Broma, jugarreta.
  • trick v. Engañar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • trick s. Trucco, beffa, inganno.
  • trick s. Sistema intelligente.
  • trick s. (Gioco) nel gioco delle carte: le carte giocate o vinte in un turno.
  • trick agg. Di qualcosa inteso ad ingannare qualcuno.
  • trick agg. (US) di una parte del corpo che non funziona a dovere.
— In German —
  • Trick S. Ein Kunststück, Streich, ein Kunstgriff, dessen Funktionsweise…
  • Trick S. Ein Kunstgriff am Rande von Sitte, Rechtschaffenheit und Legalität.
  • Trick S. Ein auffälliger Wurf eines Jongleurs.
  • Trick S. Kartenspiel: ein gemachter Stich in Kartenspielen wie Whist und Bridge.
— In French —
  • trick n.m. (Cartes à jouer) La septième levée et les suivantes du jeu de bridge.
— In Portuguese —
  • trick s. Truque.
118 English words from 21 English definitions

Able abuse act action adorn and annoying any as␣opposed␣to a␣trifle at␣the␣helm based behavior believe blazon braid card Card␣games cause chiefly clever client cool customer daily Dated deceive deception decorate Defective describe designed determined difficult doing draw dress each effective element entertainer entertaining especially fantastically followed followed␣by fool for games habit hair helm Heraldry hours Involving jobs knot long magic magician magic␣trick manner Mischievous Nautical of␣a off often one opposed out particular payment peculiarity perform performed period physical plait play player plays plaything prank prostitute prostitution quick sailor sequence sex sex␣act shift single slang something spell Stylish swindle term the toy trait Transitive trick trickery tricks trifle two unreliable untrue usually variety vulgar way which winning words work work␣at

25 English words from 23 foreign definitions

Action Artifice bridge Broma carte Cartes che del duper exigeant Jongleurs les levée non parte Stich suivantes Tour Triche Trick Truc Trucco tun und Whist

60 foreign words from 23 foreign definitions

ardid auffälliger beffa berner bewegen Cartes␣à␣jouer corpo dazu delle dessen dovere ein eines Engañar etwas Funktionsweise funziona gemachter giocate gioco glauben habilité inganno ingénieux intelligente inteso jemanden jeu jouer jugarreta Kartenspiel Kartenspielen Kunstgriff Kunststück Legalität nel oder qualcosa qualcuno Rande Rechtschaffenheit rouler Ruser septième Sistema Sitte Streich Trampa Transitiv Tricher tromper Truque turno una ungeschicktes unwahres vinte von wie Wurf

119 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

tricks tricky tricked tricker Tricker Trickey trickle trickly tricksy trickdom trickers Trickers trickery trickest tricketh Trickett Trickeys trickful trickier trickily tricking trickish trickled trickler trickles tricklet trick␣out tricksey trick␣wig trickable Tricketts trickiest trickings tricklers trickless trickleth tricklets tricklike trickling trickment trick␣mode trick␣play trickshot trick␣shot tricksier tricksily tricksome tricks␣out trickster trick␣wigs +69 words

147 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

stricks atrickle Hetricks Patricks Petricks stricken Stricker strickle strickly Tetricks bed␣tricks Buttricks Dittricks dog␣tricks hattricks hat-tricks hat␣tricks Hettricks metricked one-tricks outtricks Strickers strickled Stricklen strickler Strickler strickles Stricklin untricked Westricks abbotricks card␣tricks electricks how's␣tricks McKitricks metricking one-tricked outtricked overtricks play␣tricks politricks restricken rope␣tricks St.␣Patrick's strickenly Strickland Stricklens stricklers Stricklers strickless +97 words

80 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

strick betrick Ettrick Hetrick Patrick Petrick Tetrick bed␣trick Buttrick centrick con␣trick Dittrick dog␣trick gastrick hattrick hat-trick hat␣trick Hettrick one-trick outtrick Rastrick Westrick abbotrick card␣trick dog's␣trick electrick McKitrick overtrick rope␣trick theatrick wheatrick brain␣trick dirty␣trick do␣the␣trick eccentrick excentrick Gilpatrick Kilpatrick magic␣trick mango␣trick McKittrick miss␣a␣trick obstetrick party␣trick turn␣a␣trick undertrick Downpatrick Fitzpatrick geocentrick Kirkpatrick +30 words

12 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ick ICK -ick Ric RIC -ric rick Rick tri Tri TRI tri-

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

CIR cir. Cir. -cir- Irt IRT

11 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

cark␣it cork␣it ricket strick ticker tricks tricky Trocki Trukic Turkic Türkic

8 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

crik crit IKTR Krit RCTI rick Rick tick

24 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

brick Brick crick Crick erick Erick frick Frick Irick Orick prick thick track treck trica trice Trice trich trink triok Trock truck Urick wrick

3 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

rick Rick tick

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