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The word trope is in the Wiktionary

19 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • trope n. (Art, literature) Something recurring across a genre or type of art or literature, such as the ‘mad…
  • trope n. (Medieval Christianity) An addition (Of dialogue, song, music, etc.) to a standard element of the liturgy…
  • trope n. (Rhetoric) A figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning…
  • trope n. (Geometry) Mathematical senses.
  • trope n. (Music) Musical senses.
  • trope n. (Philosophy) Philosophical senses.
  • trope v. (Transitive) To use, or embellish something with, a trope.
  • trope v. (Transitive) Senses relating chiefly to art or literature.
  • trope v. (Intransitive) To think or write in terms of tropes.
  • -trope suff. (Sciences) something that turns, affects, changes, responds, moves.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Norwegian bokmål
    • trope n. Tropics (usually the definite plural tropene, but trope is used in compound words).
  • Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk
    • trope n. A trope (in literature, rhetoric).
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • trope n. Tropics (usually the definite plural tropane, but trope is used in compound words).
— In German —
  • Trope S. Rhetorik, Nebenform von: Tropus, bildlicher Ausdruck.
  • Trope S. Philosophie: Grundkategorie der Beschreibung, die individuelle…
— In French —
  • trope n.m. (Rhétorique) Figure de style, emploi d’une expression dans…
  • trope n.m. (Musique) Développement musical, ou littéraire, de la musique…
  • -trope suff. Qui se tourne vers le mot préfixé : héliotrope.
  • -trope suff. En rapport avec une augmentation, un renforcement du mot…
68 English words from 13 English definitions

across addition affects are art but changes chiefly Christianity compound compound␣words definite dialogue element embellish etc figurative figure figure␣of␣speech genre Geometry in␣terms␣of Intransitive literature liturgy mad Mathematical meaning Medieval moves music Musical nonliteral Philosophical Philosophy phrases plural recurring relating responds rhetoric Sciences senses something song speech standard such such␣as terms that the think Transitive tropane trope tropes Tropics turns type use used usually which with words write write␣in

14 English words from 6 foreign definitions

augmentation dans der die En␣rapport expression Figure mot musical musique Philosophie rapport style vers

21 foreign words from 6 foreign definitions

Ausdruck avec Beschreibung bildlicher de␣la Développement emploi Figure␣de␣style héliotrope individuelle littéraire Nebenform préfixé Qui renforcement Rhetorik Rhétorique tourne Tropus une von

17 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Tropea troped troper tropes tropey Tropeas tropein tropept tropers Tropeano tropeine tropeins tropepts Tropeanos tropeines tropeolin tropeptic

129 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Stropes outroped outroper outropes boatropes boltropes bolt-ropes bolt␣ropes esotropes exotropes fast␣roped fast␣ropes flat␣ropes footropes gift␣ropes goat␣roper goat-ropes goat␣ropes inotropes mastropes outropers oxytropes raft-ropes reotropes subtropes sultropen zeotropes zoetropes zootropes allotropes azeotroped azeotropes barotropes cecotropes chaotropes dystropept emmetropes gastropexy goat␣ropers guest␣ropes hemitropes isentropes kalotropes lipotropes metatropes monotropes polytropes rheotropes sematropes tightropes tight-ropes tight␣ropes +77 words

81 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Strope outrope boatrope boltrope bolt-rope bolt␣rope epitrope esotrope exotrope fast␣rope flat␣rope footrope gift␣rope goat-rope goat␣rope inotrope mastrope oxytrope raft-rope reotrope subtrope zeotrope zoetrope zootrope allotrope azeotrope barotrope cecotrope chaotrope eidotrope emmetrope guest␣rope hemitrope isentrope kalotrope lipotrope metatrope monotrope polytrope rheotrope sematrope tightrope tight-rope tight␣rope anisotrope breastrope caecotrope cosmotrope dromotrope heliotrope +31 words

9 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ope 'ope ROP rope TRO trop trop- trop. -trop-

9 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Epo EPO ort ORT POR port Port PORT Port.

10 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

opter Perot petro Petro petro- Porte ptero- repot tepor toper

92 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ceptor copter deport de␣trop emptor Epirot esport eSport e-sport export forpet opster opters periot Perots perrot Perrot petrol petros Petros Petrov poetry poëtry pooter porate porite porket porret portae ported Portee porter Porter Portes poster pother Potier potter Potter potzer pouter powter presto Presto pretor Prieto projet protea protei pro␣tem pro␣tem. +41 words

40 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

oper peot Pero pert PERT Peto Poer poet poët pore port Port PORT Port. pote Pote pret. Prot prot- Prot. -pter reop repo rept- rope rote rPET terp Terp 'terp tope Tope -tope tore Tore torp trop trop- trop. -trop-

15 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

crope grope trape tripe trode troke trone Trone -troph tropo tropo- Tropp trops. -tropy trove

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

rope tope Tope -tope trop trop- trop. -trop-

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

trompe troope troupe Troupe

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