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The word tw is in the Wiktionary

24 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • TW prop.n. (Internet) Abbreviation of Twitter.
  • TW n. (Gemstones) Initialism of total weight. (in carats).
  • TW n. (Pharmacology) Initialism of treatment week.
  • TW n. (LGBT) Initialism of trans woman.
  • TW n. Initialism of trigger warning.
— International convention —
  • tw sym. (International standards) ISO 639-1 language code for Twi.
  • TW sym. (Metrology) Symbol for terawatt, an SI unit of power equal to 1012 watts.
  • TW sym. (International standards) ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Taiwan.
  • .tw n. The ccTLD for Republic of China (Taiwan) as assigned by the IANA.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Egyptian
    • tw det. (Old Egyptian) this.
    • tw det. (Middle Egyptian) O (vocative reference).
    • tw pron. (Middle Egyptian) used as the impersonal subject of an adverbial predicate or verb form; one, someone…
    • tw pron. Used as a substitute for noun phrases referring to the king.
    • tw pron. Variant spelling of ṯw.
    • ṯw pron. You (see usage notes).
    • .tw pron. (Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian) used as the impersonal subject of an adverbial predicate or verb form;…
    • .tw pron. Used as a substitute for noun phrases referring to the king.
    • .tw suff. (Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian) forms the passive of most verb forms.
    • .tw pron. (Late Egyptian, Neo-Middle Egyptian, attached to a stative verb form) Alternative form of .tj (“you, she, her”).
    • .tw pron. (Late Egyptian, attached to a stative verb form) the general (unmarked) stative ending, used with all…
  • Kamba
    • tw- pref. We (used for conjugating verbs to the subjective or nominative case of the personal pronoun).
  • Vietnamese
    • TW adj. Abbreviation of trung ương.
  • White hmong
    • tw n. Tail.
— In French —
  • TW n. Acronyme de l’expression anglophone "trigger warning", utilisé…
106 English words from 23 English definitions

Abbreviation adverbial all alpha Alternative assigned attached carats case ccTLD China code conjugating country country␣code Egyptian ending equal for form forms Gemstones general her IANA impersonal impersonal␣subject Initialism International Internet ISO king language language␣code Late Late␣Egyptian LGBT Metrology Middle Middle␣Egyptian most Neo Neo-Middle␣Egyptian nominative nominative␣case notes noun noun␣phrases of␣an Old Old␣Egyptian one passive personal personal␣pronoun Pharmacology phrases power predicate pronoun reference referring Republic Republic␣of␣China see she someone spelling standards stative stative␣verb subject subjective substitute Symbol Tail Taiwan terawatt the this total to␣the trans trans␣woman treatment trigger trigger␣warning Twi Twitter unit unmarked usage used Variant verb verb␣form verb␣forms verbs vocative warning watts week weight with woman you

5 English words from the foreign definition

anglophone expression trigger trigger␣warning warning

2 foreign words from the foreign definition

Acronyme utilisé

1555 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Twa TWA TWB Twi twi- two twp Twp. TWs twt TWT -twt tw*t TWU twag TWAP twas TWAs 'twas t'was twat TWAW tway TWBs TWCC TWDT twee twen twey twig Twil twin Twin twip twit Twix twoc TWOC two-L Two-L two␣L Two␣L twoo twos twot twps twss TWSS twts TWTs tw*ts +1504 words

3121 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

atwo ATWS ATWT at.␣wt. btwn CTWT DTWs GTWR itwu JTWI MTWs OTWs PTWC PTWs rtwt Antwi Atwal Atwan at␣war atwix Batwa ECTWT edtwt etwee fatwa fetwa futwa GTWRs in␣two Kitwe net␣wt. Otway patwa Petwo putwa ratwa V-twin abatwa anitwt Antwan Antwis Antwon atwain Atwals atween Atwell atwent at-will at␣will atwind +3071 words

20 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)


4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

wt WT wͭ wt.

96 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ATW AWT btw BTW BWT cwt CWT cwt. DTW dwt DWT dwt. ewt EWT ftw FTW GWT JWT ltw LWT MTW MWT NWT N.W.T. N.␣W.␣T. OTW owt PTW PWT RTW SWT taw Taw tew Tew tfw TfW TFW Tiw TNW tow Tow TOW TVW Twa TWA TWB Twi twi- two +46 words

123 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aw Aw bw BW b/w CW c/w C&W dw DW ew EW E&W E+W FW gw GW hw HW I.W. JW LW L&W MW M-W NW nw. Nw. ow 'ow pw PW RW SW sw. Sw. S&W ta Ta TA T&A T/A T.A. Tb TB TC T&C td TD T/D te TE tf Tf TF Tg TG T&G th Th TH -th th' Th. ti TI Ti. T&I TJ tk TK tl TL Tm TM tn Tn TN to To TO t/o to- T.O. tp TP TQ tr TR tr. Tr. T.␣R. ts Ts TS t's t.s T's tt Tt TT (+22 words)

13 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

taw Taw tew Tew tfw TfW TFW Tiw TNW tow Tow TOW TVW

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