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The word types is in the Wiktionary

16 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • types n. Plural of type.
  • types v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of type.
— English word, defined in German —
  • types V. 3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs type.
— English words, defined in French —
  • types n. Pluriel de type.
  • types v. Troisième personne du singulier de l’indicatif présent du verbe to type.
— In German —
  • Types V. Genitiv Singular des Substantivs Type.
  • Types V. Nominativ Plural des Substantivs Type.
  • Types V. Genitiv Plural des Substantivs Type.
  • Types V. Dativ Plural des Substantivs Type.
  • Types V. Akkusativ Plural des Substantivs Type.
— In Dutch —
  • types n. Meervoud van het zelfstandig naamwoord type.
— In French —
  • types n.m. Pluriel de type.
  • types v. Deuxième personne du singulier de l’indicatif présent du verbe typer.
  • types v. Deuxième personne du singulier du subjonctif présent du verbe typer.
  • typés adj. Masculin pluriel de typé.
  • typés v. Participe passé masculin pluriel de typer.
13 English words from 2 English definitions

form indicative person Plural present present␣indicative simple simple␣present singular Third Third␣person Third-person␣singular type

11 English words from 14 foreign definitions

des het masculin passé Person Plural Singular type typer van Verbs

27 foreign words from 14 foreign definitions

Akkusativ Aktiv Dativ Deuxième Deuxième␣personne Genitiv indicatif Indikativ Meervoud naamwoord Nominativ Participe Participe␣passé personne pluriel Präsens présent singulier subjonctif subjonctif␣présent Substantivs Troisième Troisième␣personne typé verbe zelfstandig zelfstandig␣naamwoord

40 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

typeset types␣up typesafe type-safe typesets type␣shit typesite type-site type␣site types␣out typester typescale typesites type-sites type␣sites typestate typesters typestyle type␣safety typescales typescript TypeScript typesetter typestates typestract typestyles type␣system typescripts typesetters typesetting type-setting type␣species typestracts type␣systems typescripted typesettable typesettings type␣specimen typescripting type␣specimens

27 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

lasertypeset laser␣typeset late-type␣star phototypeset early-type␣star lasertypesets laser␣typesets late-type␣stars phototypesets early-type␣stars phototypesetter Common␣Type␣System lasertypesetting laser␣typesetting phototypesetters phototypesetting nominal␣type␣system unified␣type␣system nominal␣type␣systems unified␣type␣systems hot␣metal␣typesetting name-based␣type␣system urban-type␣settlement name-based␣type␣systems nominative␣type␣system urban-type␣settlements nominative␣type␣systems

331 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

n-types stypes cotypes ditypes ectypes ootypes retypes untypes urtypes ur-types apotypes biotypes doctypes duotypes ecotypes epitypes exotypes isotypes kintypes mistypes neotypes oxotypes pretypes subtypes syntypes tintypes zeotypes zootypes ageotypes agrotypes allotypes antetypes antitypes artotypes autotypes auxotypes calotypes celltypes cell␣types cerotypes cytotypes datatypes data␣types edgotypes endotypes ergotypes filetypes file␣types foretypes gametypes +281 words

7 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

pes Pes PEs PES TYP type -type

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

PYT sep Sep SEP Sep.

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

pesty pyets stype

18 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

n-types payest Petrys -phytes pleyts pryest ptyxes Pytels spryte steepy steply stypes tepoys tepuys type␣As type␣Bs typers typoes

42 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

EPTs espy Espy ESTP Esty ETPs etys pest Pest pets PETs pyes Pyes pyet PYTs sept Sept sept- Sept. spet spey Spey spye step STEP -step step- stey stye Teps teys TPEs tyes Tyes type -type yeps Yeps yest yets yet's YTPs

26 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

gypes hypes kypes rypes tapes tepes Tepes topes Topes TUPEs tydes tyees tykes Tykes tyles tymes Tymes tynes type␣A type␣B typed typer typey typos tyres wypes

5 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

TPEs tyes Tyes type -type

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

type␣As type␣Bs typers typoes

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